Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday Selfies: Venus

BREAKING NEWS: Enny, the very first FCHS kitty that we profiled, was adopted this week!

Hey everybody, Truffles at the keyboard! I'm using the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop (hosted by The Cat on My Head) as a way to showcase some of the kitties waiting for their forever homes at my Alma Mater, Franklin County Humane Society in St. Albans, Vermont, and then sharing it with the Tuesday's Tails Blog Hop as well. Today's feature is quite special, because I actually know Venus. We were at FCHS together. The good news is we got to chat and catch up. The bad news is that I've been out of the shelter for 14 months now, and she's still waiting for her forever home. 

Truffles: Long time no see, Venus! I'm so happy to be spotlighting you today on my blog!

Venus: Hey Snickers, how's life treating you in the outside world?

Truffles: Actually, my name isn't Snickers anymore. When my Mommy adopted me she changed my name to Truffles. Life is absolutely wonderful. I couldn't be happier in my forever home, and I'm really happy to be featuring some of my friends at FCHS to try and help them get adopted as well.

Venus: You're really lucky you were adopted so quickly, Truffles. I've been waiting for almost two years now.

Truffles: I know. I was only there for about a month. Why don't you tell us a little about yourself?

Venus: Well, I came here to the shelter as a stray. I had been on my own for quite awhile and was pretty rough looking. Because of really bad flea allergies I had lost most of my fur! Luckily it has grown back but it's a bit thin on my back near my tail. I have also been declawed.

Truffles: Ouch! Don't people know how much that hurts?

Venus: Tell me about it. They should try cutting their fingers off at the knuckle and see how it feels. I don't know how I survived on the streets for as long as I did. Anyways, I'm a black domestic short-hair & Siamese mix. I'm cute and sassy and when one of the staff members here at the shelter brought me home a few times she said I was really friendly. My Petfinder profile can be found here for anyone who might like to sponsor or adopt me!

Truffles: Well I can attest that you are one cool kitty and I just know there is somebody out there waiting to snap you up. Hopefully they'll read this and come down to the shelter to meet you.

Venus: I have one more favor to ask if I may. When I arrived at the shelter the nice people here took a video of me. I don't look my best but it shows how fun and playful I am. Would you mind posting it?

Truffles: Of course we will! Here it is:

If you missed any of our posts this week, here's our weekly recap:
* #WholeBodyHealth For Your Cat
* One Potion in the Grave by Heather Blake: Guest Author, Review & Giveaway
* Wordless Wednesday: Sunbathing Beauty
* Tortie Shorties: Fall Mystery Roundup
* Review: Zuke's Natural Purrz Treats
Caturday Art: Happy Birthday Allie!!!


Unknown said...

You are so pretty Venus- aptly named! If Enny found a forever home, yours will be coming to find you soon, I know it!

Katnip Lounge said...

Venus, with your spunk we think you'll be HOME soon!

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Awesome news! it must be very gratifying to have played a part! We're sort of back from our blog break...

Ingrid said...

What a nice selfie ! I wished all cats of the world would find good forever homes !

The Island Cats said...

Venus, you such a cutie! We know you'll find a home soon.

Anonymous said...

Venus sure is pretty, now! Hope she finds a home soon.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful selfie, Venus! Great job! ~xo~

Marty the Manx said...

Oh Truffles Venus is so sweet! We hope someone will see past her less than fluffiness and see her sweet purrsonality and give her a furrever home.
Marty and Mom

Fur Everywhere said...

Venus sounds like a very cool cat, and we hope she finds her forever home really soon.

Kitties Blue said...

What an adorable girl you are, Venus. We are so surprised you have not found your forever home yet. We hope this post brings lots of interest your way. We will be purring and praying for you. Thanks so much for joining and supporting our Blog Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giullieta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

LP said...

What a precious girl you are Venus. And how horrible you were left out in the "wild" without your claws.Ack! We have all our paws crossed here that someone adopts you soon sweetie :)

the critters in the cottage xo


What a lovely Selfie Venus and my oh my how pretty you are!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Oh Venus! You are so beautiful! I bet you will find a furever home soon! Don't Shelters not adopt out black cats around Halloween as a safety precaution? I bet you will find your furever home right after!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Congratulations to Enny's new people

Anonymous said...

Oh she is so bootyful. Weez shawin' and purrayin'.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Furries said...

Truffles, it's nice of you to keep in touch with your friend Venus and post her selfie & video on your blog. Hopefully she'll find her forever home soon.

Cathy Keisha said...

Poor little kitty. I hope things work out for her.

meowmeowmans said...

Hooray for Enny! And hang in there, Venus. We have our paws crossed that your forever home is right around the corner. :)

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Lovely Venus, we are sure you'll find your forever home very soon!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie