Sunday, March 8, 2015

#SundaySelfies In Hiding

Hey everybody, it's Truffles! Today's Sunday Selfie may look like I'm trying to hide...and that's because I am. It's been a stressful week here in Truffleville, and it all started last Sunday afternoon.

We've been having a little trouble with our washing machine lately. The permanent press cycle is taking longer than usual, and that day it seemed to want to stop altogether, so Mommy was running up and downstairs every few minutes checking on it. As she headed into the basement one particular time she thought she heard the furnace kick on, but when she came back upstairs it had stopped. It bothered her, but she figured maybe she had just been hearing something else running.

As the evening wore on the house was chilly, and the thermostat was showing that the heat should be coming on at anytime. Then it dipped below where it was set, and Mommy suddenly realized that it hadn't been on since mid-morning. She cranked the thermostat up several degrees...still nothing.

By now it was 9:30 PM. Who do you call that late on a Sunday night? She tried the number of the company we get our oil from, and were forwarded to the technician on-call. He had Mommy press the reset button, flip the emergency switch, nothing worked. So he said he'd have to come over and check things out himself.

That's when the panic and HBO words started. Not because her precious little tortie was on the verge of freezing to death, but because of everything she was going to have to move out of the way for this poor man to even be able to get to the furnace. Seriously, it's that bad down there.

11 PM the technician arrives and locates the problem within minutes: the fuse in the emergency switch had blown. Simple as that. Why he didn't have Mommy check that to begin with, we'll never know. But we had heat again.

So why am I hiding? The whole situation gave Mommy a kick in the pants to start hauling out the basement, something she's been putting off for years. All week she's been bagging junk up to bring to the dump. I've been afraid to get too close for fear that I might end up getting thrown in a bag or box! Thankfully she's still made the time to help me with my blog and visit my friends, but I sure hope she gets over this crazy behavior soon.

Maybe Mike and Frank from American Pickers would like to come over and help her out? I hear Frank loves cats...


Unknown said...

Oh boy, Truffles, that is one week deserving of hiding from. And I may have to hide now because my basement needs a similar haul out that I may not want to wait until an awful week to do... :(

Kitties Blue said...

Please send your mom to our house when she finishes your basement. Our basement needs to be shoveled out for sure. So happy your furnace was an easy fix. With all this pawful cold, it is not a good time to be without heat. Thanks so much for continuing to join and support our blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Angel Prancer Pie said...

It is very stressful when the humans have to clean out things they don't want to.
You should just keep resting and not worry your pretty little head about it, Truffles.
Have an easy Sunday!

Lone Star Cats said...

I think I'd hide too.

Ingrid said...

No wonder that you are hiding from all these miseries ! Being without heating in this cold weather is dreadful !

The Swiss Cats said...

What a stressful week ! We're glad everything is now back to normal, but we would hide too in a same situation ! Purrs

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Oh poor you! Hope everything is back to normal now.

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Anonymous said...

Yikes.....stay out of the way if your Mom is gonna tackle the basement!! All that throwing out stuff can be dangerous when WE like to hide in bags and boxes. So glad the furnace guy came to check on things and got you some HEAT. We kitties do like to be warm....that's for sure!

Hugs, Sammy

My GBGV Life said...

I would hide too. Last year we had furnace issues for three months and it would get so cold but they could not figure out why it would sometimes stop working and get down to 60 in the house. Mom was real mad, but finally they found the problem and it has been running ever since.

The Island Cats said...

When the humans get into a cleaning and throwing out mood...look out! It's best to hide, Truffles. But at least you have heat...and that's important. We hope this week is better for you.

pilch92 said...

I am glad you got your heat back right away. I don't think you have to worry about your Mom tossing you. I wish I could get motivated like her to clean the basement.

Unknown said...

Sounds traumatic Truffles. Sheba here. My mom went nuts in her flower gardens and wouldn't let me come out and play with her. I guess she made the right decision as the robins dive bombed me last time. Curl up and keep warm:)

Anonymous said...

Hope things are much calmer, now, Melissa and Truffles. I, too, know about the cleaning out thing...just haven't started!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Oh your poor Mama and POOR YOU!!!! We sooo feel her pain!! Our storage area in the basement of our condo/apt bldg is private and ours is messy! Thank goodness our furnace isn't located there. The GOOD thing is a fuse probably cost waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less than a new furnace would have!!!
I go through that when the cable company wants me to reset something on our box in the bedroom when we have network issues. I have sooo many things in front of that box that I scream at them on the phone EVERY time! lol. Have I learned and moved things? NO!


Truffles we are glad of one thing that it was a simple fix and not the furnace going out! We hope the washer was easy too. Our Mom needs to do some deep purging too. *sigh* we don't have basements in FL so she has closets stuffed full.
But that is a good selfie of you!!!!

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

We don't blame you for hiding. But don't worry, you're too cute to get confused with the junk.
Lola and Lexy

Christy Paws said...

I know exactly how you feel! When we moved a few months ago, there were bags and boxes everywhere. There were some of those HBO words too! Hope your week improves.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

well fur two things. too much commotion and ya gotta stay warm. So hopefully if you hides your eyes long enough all the commotion will go away and you can stay nice and warm in your bed in the mean time...

Purrz, Katie Kat.

Anonymous said...

Truffles, I'm glad you and your mom are safe and warm. I love the American Pickers reference. They might want to buy something! I hope you and your mom have better weeks ahead. :) <3

As the World Purrs said...

I would hide too or at least stay out of the way! So glad you are warm!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad it was easy for the technician to get your heat back. Sounds like your mum is very busy.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Don't look. Maybe it will be over soon
Lily & Edward

Unknown said...

Ooh American Pickers mom loves them! She's going to stop at their Nashville store when she gets to BlogPaws. My mom would have let us freeze until the morning before call a repairman on overtime! Glad it was a simple fix, go back to hiding and make sure you don't get taken away. Mom was cleaning here too which resulted in my own mischief. Love Dolly

Katnip Lounge said...

Moms get all twitterpated about the STRANGEST should have been her first concern, MOL!! And "stuff" You should have seen Daddy's 40x40 pole barn after 10 years...and the peeps had to move in 2 was...well...indescribable.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Hello there! I wanted to come visit you :) Humans just don't get us being stressed do they? I'm glad the furnace guy helped your mom--and you're all warm again.

Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

Probably would hide my head too Truffles

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Uh oh! Technical troubles are never any fun! We can relate! We just had to have all the plumbing pipes replaced last week! What an ordeal... Mom says thank goodness we are renters and don't have to pay for it. But we still had to deal with the hassle! Glad your furnace was an easy fix - hope your mom gets to feeling better!

LP said...

Truffles, it takes a lot for humans to get the kick in the, motivation they need to get things done some times! Still, you should have definitely been her first concern! We will help you plot revenge if you so choose :p

the critters in the cottage xo

Cathy Keisha said...

Sounds like the peeps out house. Her friends used to drive her crazy cos he had all his paints right up against the furnace and hot water heater and would get mad when she said it was a fire hazard.

Colehaus Cats said...

OMC! The HBO words followed by deep cleaning thing! We have so been there and do not like it one bit, though one time, mom found a bunch of our toys that had mysterious found their way under stuff that had to be moved. Yeah, it was like Christmas that day!

A Tonl said...

Mowzers what a stressful day indeed! We'd headdesk-- err, headpillow-- too!