
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Book Giveaways

I love scouring blogs for opportunities to win books. I also love receiving ARC's of books to review on my blog. So far I've made it a point to only request books I would have purchased/read anyways. The way I look at it is I'm saving money to buy still more books!

Weeks will go by I don't win a thing. But the past week I've been extremely lucky with my ARC request/blog winning attempts. I've gotten:

* Rest in Pizza by Chris Cavender
* The Cat Sitter's Pajamas by Blaize Clement
* Dawn Comes Early by Margaret Brownley
* Brody by Emma Lang

Let the mailman stalking begin!!!


  1. These sound really good!! LOVE the names! I can't wait to see your review on them.

  2. Congratulations!
    looks like you have alot of great books! =)

    I also won a ARC copy of Rest in Pizza by Chris Cavender, its my first ARC book - I was so excited!
