
Friday, April 27, 2012

Cake on a Hot Tin Roof

Pastry chef Rita Lucero's Mardi Gras party turns funereal when one of her guests is found dead after a public fight with her uncle-leaving Rita no choice but to find the real killer and clear her uncle's name...

I really enjoyed the first book in this series, but loved this second even more! Set during the fun and chaos of Mardi Gras, we are introduced to Rita's beloved Uncle Nestor and Aunt Yolanda. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to find out what secrets they were hiding, and hope to find out in subsequent books how they are doing. The mystery had me stumped, with a wealth of suspects. And the fate of the murderer really surprised me in the end. With Rita being a pastry chef, the descriptions of her cake creations had my mouth watering. I love books set in New is a city with the perfect atmosphere for a mystery. Bravo!!!

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