
Thursday, June 28, 2012

From My Journals

Do you keep a journal? For 10 years I've kept a daily journal, as well as a book journal, and I now have stacks of them. Every book I read gets a copy of the cover photo glued to the entry, a brief synopsis and my thoughts and feelings on the book. I enjoy looking back and remembering the wonderful (and some not so wonderful) books I've read through the years, and think it will come to mean even more in the years to come. 

Which brings me to a new feature on my blog. Once or twice a week I'm going to dig into my archives and blog about a book I've read in the past.  My book journals inspired this blog; I wanted to find a way to share my love of reading with the world. There are so many books I still want to talk about and bring to your attention.

The first two features I have planned for the next couple days include my all-time favorite western romance, and a biography of someone who means a great deal to me.

Stay tuned!!!

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