AllThingsDogBlog.com has posted a fun blog hop this week: she’s challenging bloggers to write about a day in the life of a pet blogger. It got me to thinking how much my life has changed in the past month since Tara's been gone. From the moment I woke up to going to bed at night I kept busy taking care of her needs (medications, help getting around, just watching her every moment). Now my day is much less structured and I'm working to fill the extra time chasing my dream of growing this blog as much as I possibly can. Tara was such an inspiration to me and I want her to be proud of what we started together.
My day starts checking email, social media, and visiting/commenting on the various blogs that I follow. Petfinder has also become a very important part of my morning routine lately as well. As I settle into my (paying) day job for the morning, my planner and notebook are constantly by my side. As ideas come to me I want to always be able to jot them down no matter where I am! During the afternoon I take care of household chores and try to sneak in as much social media time as I can :)
In the evenings after dinner I work on putting my day's thoughts to keyboard; I research, write, and proofread the following day's post one last time before scheduling it to go live at midnight. I find that I'm much more "fly by the seat of my pants" than I used to be. When Tara was here I never knew what each day was going to bring, so I would schedule my posts a week out in advance "just in case". Now I take things a day or two at a time and unless I have a guest post or interview with someone that I've promised would run on a certain day, I go where my muse takes me.
I'm a night owl, so by 10pm I'm ready to do some reading; half of this blog is a book blog, after all! I usually read until midnight at which time I'm back on my Kindle Fire checking out the new day's blog posts that have just gone up. What can I say, I'm obsessed!
This blog has become my passion; it gives me the opportunity to immerse myself in and write about the two things I love more than anything in the world...books and cats.
I can totally understand your schedule! =)
I find blogs so interesting..that I sometimes find myself spending more time looking at blogs than I am reading each day.
A favorite quote from Edward Gorey, "Books. Cats. Life is good."
I love reading about how everyone organizes their day. I think one common denominator is IT DOESN'T END lol. It is 7 days a week and often goes into late hours of the night. We are ALL OBSESSED!
I'm sure Tara is very proud of you and your blog, because you're doing such a great job.
Being a blogger is hardwork especially when you have so many responsibilities. With Joker, my cats, husband, studying, cleaning, yard work, cooking, and ect I'm always in a constant battle of trying to get everything done. It can be pretty tiring but it is well worth it!
You have a nicely organized day. Mine are much more hit and miss. Happy World Cat Day!
Thanks for joining the Mutt Monday Blog Hop at All Things Dog Blog. I enjoyed your post and am sad to hear about Tara. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
At our home we are currently dealing with caring for an injured mom and her dog, who is now living with us while she is unable to care for him. I've posted about the importance of helping seniors keep their pets on today's Weekly Wag.
Thanks again; it was great to meet you virtually!
I love that quote; it sums up my life very well.
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