
Friday, November 1, 2013

Fall Into Winter Romance Giveaway Hop

The Fall Into Winter Romance Giveaway Hop is sponsored by the Western Kisses: Old West Christmas Romance Anthology. This book is already on my Kindle and I can't wait to read it!

In the spirit of historical romance set in the Old West (my favorite romances to read), I'm giving away a lot of books that includes:

Joelle's Secret A Man for Temperance Angel Train Santa Fe Woman No Place for a Lady (Heart of the West Series #1) Wildflower Hearts

Please leave a comment (including your email address) and tell me if you enjoy reading romances set during the Christmas season. If you do, I'd love to know some of your favorites from the past, and any new releases you're looking forward to reading this year. My TBR pile always needs new additions LOL!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Romances set during the Christmas season are the best ! I look forward to new ones every year !

  2. I love romances set during christmas I did not read as much of them last year, but I have quiet a lot of them I am looking forward to reading this year! Like What Happens At Christmas (Millworth Manor, #1) , Home in Time for Christmas , Christmas Bliss, and a lot of the new Harlequins!

    1. oops email ehhe lilypondreads at gmail dot com

  3. I enjoy Christmas ones. I haven't read for awhile. I am looking forward to reading Twas the Night After Christmas by Sabrina Jeffries and The Christmas Cookie Collection by Lori Wilde and Secret Santa by Fern Michaels, Marie Bostwick, Laura Levine and Cindy Myers. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
    Sue B

  4. I have never read romances set during Christmas, but this year some books have caught my attention. One book is "A Simple Christmas Wish" by Melody Carlson. Do you have any recommendations? I love historical romances in the Old West. One of my favorites!
    Barbara Thompson

    1. Thanks for the idea, Barbara! I need to put a blog post together featuring some of my favorites :) I'll be reviewing many during the season as I did last year, as well.

  5. I usually do not like those set in Christmas, but every once in a while I will find one I love.

  6. Yes, I like to read all kinds of stories. I usually read the Christmas theme ones during this time of year.

  7. I love reading books set around Christmas, Some of my favorite are by Lori Foster.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  8. I love Old West favorite genre. Usually about November is when I start searching for the Western Christmas stories.Getting ready to read Lori Wilde's The Christmas Cookie Collection...TY for the hop!

  9. I do love Christmas romances. I'm a sucker for every Hallmark holiday movie! I read every seasonal Debbie Macomber book, and Jill Shalvis' Christmas books.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  10. If there's one thing I love about Christmas (besides the obvious) it is the Christmas-themed stories that come out. If it's not books, then it's those holiday movies on tv. I just want to prolong the whole season with them. I don't have anything in particular coming to mind, probably just because my brain freezes up at questions like that, but I am always happy to read (or watch) more. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

    caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com

  11. I don't have a preference for stories set during Christmas time, but one that I remember is Bah Humbug by Heather Horrocks. It was cute.

  12. Haven't read a lot of stories set during Christmas, started reading an anthology this weekend, it has some sweet stories in it.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  13. I love reading romance books during the Christmas season, with Debbie Macomber's Christmas books being some of my favorites!

  14. I really like to read book series. I just finished reading Sandra Hill's Viking series (timetravel).

  15. My favorite is A Wallflower Christmas by Lisa Keypas. A perfect steamy read for a chill night ;p

  16. I do enjoy Christmas romance novels. I really enjoyed the Christmas story in the Wallflowers series by Lisa Kleypas and the Christmas themed stories in Linda Lael Miller's McKettrick's series. I am looking forward to reading the new Christmas book by Sabrina Jeffries. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    thompsonem3 at aol dot com
