
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Truffles & Her Prize Packages

It's official...Truffles is now getting more mail than I do. Here's an update on her most recent hauls:

Back in September we were the winner of the BlogPaws International Pet Blogger Month Photo Contest. (Coincidentally, at the same time, I won a $25 gift card from them for my 3 Social Media Tips for Animal Shelters post. You guessed it, that money went towards loot for Truffles!!!) Here she is with her Cat Bloggers' Delight prize pack:

We recently signed up with a website called Klout, which measures social media influence, and they give out perks to "influencers". We were offered a perk to receive a Halloween treat package from Hill's Science Diet including Grain free treats and dry food, a $2 coupon and more fun surprises. In addition to the food we received a cute pumpkin backdrop for taking fall photos and cool kitty stencils. It came too late for this year's pumpkin carving but we'll definitely be using them next year!

Last but certainly not least, we won a Hill's Ideal Balance gift basket from Hound Girl. On Monday I arrived home to find a gigantic box on my back step. It contained a 2 pound bag of Grain-Free natural Chicken & Potato Recipe Adult (which Truffles loves, and she's not a big fan of kibble), a wet food variety pack, Crunchy Naturals with Real Tuna treats, and most amazingly, a Drinkwell Pet Fountain!!! (Thank you, thank you, thank you for such an amazing prize!)

Truffles was so eager to get into the box as I was opening it that she jumped on top and when I pulled the fountain out, she fell in! It was totally hilarious and I wish I had caught it on video :) Here she is posing with her haul...

Truffles is by the front door eagerly awaiting her next mail or UPS delivery!


  1. Love Klout! You are one lucky kitty!
    Wednesday's wags

  2. If you didn't pose so sweetly for the photos with your loot, Truffles, we might think you are getting spoiled! Congratulations on all your pawesome wins!

  3. Wow, what a lucky streak! Come on over we have a giveaway with 20 winners. Thanks for reminding me about Klout. I haven't been there lately. Come say, hi.

  4. Wow, you are very lucky to win. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  5. HOw cool is that? - congratulations!


  6. Wow, what a lot of cool stuff! Concatulations.

    The Paw Relations

  7. Hehehe...

    That's kind of how it is at my house too. I get way more e-mail than the peep. She gets more snail mail than I but... MINE IS BETTER!


  8. Wow, Truffles, you gots lots of loot! We get more mail and packages than our humans do too. :)

  9. That's really awesome! The Hill's basket is great :) We just love our new fountain!!

  10. What a haul…Truffles is going to be expecting everyday to be Christmas. We bet she is going to be one of the most grateful kitties around on Thanksgiving. Sending a Happy Thanksgiving to all. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. woah! That's some snazzy perckage! Enjoy. Grain free is the way to go! - Crepes.

  12. Congratulations! Lucky kitty with so many prizes!
    My WW entry is #95. Come by and vote for us?

  13. Congratulations on all the prizes! We had one of those drinkwell fountains but something about the plastic made one of my cats break out on his chin where it would rest on the plastic, so now we have to use ceramic water bowls. We don't have to, but it's easier than trying to swab his chin with peroxide because it's all blackheads.

  14. Concatulations, Truffles! Ain't it super cool to receive more mail than your human? ;-)

  15. yep you certainly are cleaning up! Concatulations!!
