Cat's Meow Mailbox is inspired by the great weekly recap book memes (Mailbox Monday, Waiting On Wednesday, It’s Monday! What are you reading? and Sunday Post)
We're in the midst of a really bad ice storm here in northern Vermont (the worst since 1998 which was an absolute nightmare!) Keep your fingers and paws crossed that we don't lose power. I wish it was snow!!!
Are you getting kind of depressed that Christmas is almost over? I know I am. I always feel like I don't appreciate the season like I should because I spend so much time dreading the fact that time flies by so fast and before you know it the most beautiful time of year is over.
Last week on Mochas, Mysteries and More:
* A "Mini-Me" of Tara
* Truffles Interviews...Hobo from Sketcher in the Rye by Sharon Pape
* Meet the Bloggers Hop
* Truffles Interviews: Hobbes the Dachshund
* Thankful Thursday: Wrapping Prezzies with Mommy
* Interview with the Authors of Heartache Motel: Terri L. Austin, Larissa Reinhart, and LynDee Walker
* My Brown Newfies: Pet Blogger's Gift Exchange
* Blog Tour: Christmas in Dogtown by Suzanne Johnson (Spotlight & Review)
* Caturday Cinema Double Feature: Christmas Edition
* A "Mini-Me" of Tara
* Truffles Interviews...Hobo from Sketcher in the Rye by Sharon Pape
* Meet the Bloggers Hop
* Truffles Interviews: Hobbes the Dachshund
* Thankful Thursday: Wrapping Prezzies with Mommy
* Interview with the Authors of Heartache Motel: Terri L. Austin, Larissa Reinhart, and LynDee Walker
* My Brown Newfies: Pet Blogger's Gift Exchange
* Blog Tour: Christmas in Dogtown by Suzanne Johnson (Spotlight & Review)
* Caturday Cinema Double Feature: Christmas Edition
Thank you, Kensington Books!
Author Review Request:

Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Have a wonderful Holiday Melissa and enjoy all your new reads!
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