Cat's Meow Mailbox is inspired by the great weekly recap book memes (Mailbox Monday, Waiting On Wednesday, It’s Monday! What are you reading? and Sunday Post)
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I know we did. It was so special celebrating my first Christmas with Truffles. I spoiled her rotten, but she's worth it! Actually, I think I kind of overwhelmed her; she seemed relieved when I left for work on Thursday morning!
Did you receive anything cat or book-related for Christmas? Or did you hit any after Christmas sales? There have been some great Kindle deals this week and I've grabbed quite a few :)
Looking forward to saying goodbye and good riddance to 2013, and hoping for a much better 2014.
Last week on Mochas, Mysteries and More:
* Boxing Day & A Christmas Wrap-Up
* Christmas at the Gingerbread Cafe Virtual Book Tour: Guest Post/Review/Giveaway
* Truffles' Whole Paws Taste Test #WholeFoodsPets
* Christmas at the Gingerbread Cafe Virtual Book Tour: Guest Post/Review/Giveaway
* Truffles' Whole Paws Taste Test #WholeFoodsPets
I'm surprised you haven't read Dewey yet! There's a couple of books about him and duh, we have, like, all of them at our library. We have quite a few cat people up in ordering/technology :) I think we have the Bob book, too! If I read non-fiction I'd be all over those (I'm so lame, huh?). My kitty that passed away this past year looked like Bob (*sniff*). I can't replace her so we're dog only peeps now. She was just too original/special.
UGH... you've got me all mushy!! Darn straight! Here's to a much better 2014, girl!!! *clink*!!!
Oh, nice book haul, too...
My Sunday Post
I'm so glad you had a wonderful Christmas. We didn't receive anything cat related unless you count the boxes we got our presents in. ;) My dogs Maya and Pierson got a huge bone and a ginormous squirrel toy.
Enjoy your haul! So many lovely books....and here's MY WEEKLY SUNDAY/MONDAY UPDATES
Wow, those are some great books! We've read Dewey and A Streetcat Named Bob -- both are wonderful! :)
Glad you and Truffles had a great Christmas. Happy New Year to you, too.
Hey, Melissa! I'm glad Truffles had a good Christmas. She's a lucky kitty! I was impressed with the Kindle deals this week. I got a few myself. Happy New Year!
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