Welcome, Tracy! Please tell us a little about Murder Strikes a Pose.
First of all, thank you so much for having me at Mochas, Mysteries, and Meows. It is a delight to get to virtually meet your readers.
Murder Strikes a Pose is a happily-ever-after, murder mystery, human-animal love story! At least that’s how I think of it. ;-)
The main story is about Kate Davidson, a yoga teacher with chunky thighs, tight hamstrings, and a fiery temper who befriends a homeless man named George and his horse-sized German shepherd, Bella. When George is killed behind Kate’s yoga studio, Kate struggles to come to terms with (and solve) his murder while trying to find a permanent home for Bella.
Ultimately, though, it’s the story of how Kate learns to love—and make sacrifices for—a creature that is far from perfect, even though not doing so would make her life significantly easier. Throw in a new boyfriend, a trouble-causing, matchmaking best friend, and lots of yoga, and it’s a story that I hope will entice you, make you laugh, and stay with you long after you finish.
What inspired your Downward Dog Mysteries?
Wow. So many things. I’ve talked about Susan Conant, yoga, and my certifiably crazy dog obsession in other blogs. Those three things together definitely inspired me to write this series. My tag line says it perfectly: “Yoga, dogs, and murder. What could be more fun?”
My dog, Tasha, has some of the same issues as Bella. She’s huge, not always perfectly-well behaved, and she has a variety of expensive health conditions, yet I adore her to a fault. Living with Tasha has changed my life, in every way for the better. At the same time, she gets me into some pretty funny situations sometimes. My yoga students have been putting up with my “Tasha stories” for years now, so writing them down seemed like a no-brainer.
A human inspired the plot of Murder Strikes a Pose, however. A homeless lady used to hang out near the entrance to my neighborhood grocery store, and she always had a large Rottweiler mix in a crate next to her. Over time, I got to know them both, and I asked her about the crate. She told me that the Rottweiler would sometimes lunge at other dogs that walked by on the sidewalk. The crate—which she stored behind the building at night—allowed her to keep the dog with her, in spite of its reactivity.
The lady (I’m so sorry I never learned her name!) adored that dog and went to great lengths to take care of it, in spite of her own financial issues and living conditions. She was as dedicated to her pet as most people are to their children.
I started to wonder: What if her dog had Tasha’s illnesses as well as its behavior issues? What would she do? What could she do? That’s when Bella and George formed in my head. I want to be clear: George is not that woman—not even close. He has alcoholism and many other issues that she did not have. But like her, he knows the joy and heartache that come from deep love for an imperfect creature.
Unfortunately, she disappeared from the neighborhood long before I wrote the first draft of Murder Strikes a Pose. I haven’t seen her almost two years, so I’ll probably never know what she would have thought about being my muse. I hope she would have felt complimented.
I'd love to know about your pets (and what does it mean on your author page where you call kitty Maggie your "bonito flake-loving cat"?
Right now I have one dog (9-year old German shepherd Tasha) and one cat (14-year old six-toed tabby Maggie). Maggie loves my husband to pieces and barely tolerates me. In fact, I’m pretty sure Maggie is plotting to kill me and the dog, so she can have my husband all to herself. If I pet her, she scratches me; if I don’t pet her she scratches me; if she wants attention, she demands it. Then when I give it to her, well, she scratches me. ;-)
And I have to admit, the dog gets better perks in life than Maggie. Tasha gets the walks, the treats, the special attention, the car rides. Maggie gets her claws clipped. But the one thing Maggie loves—much more than me—is a treat called bonito flakes. Nothing makes her happier than a few bonito flakes tossed on the floor.
Tasha is one hundred percent German shepherd. Meaning if you’re in the pack, you’re a friend for life. If you’re out of the pack, you must prove your worthiness over time by feeding her an unending stream of dog treats. In Tasha’s eyes, I can do no wrong. What’s not to love about that? She’s also a gorgeous animal, and she knows it. She loves having people comment on her beauty, which they do often.
What is a typical writing day for you?
I write in fits and spurts, meaning there is no typical writing day. I’m more productive in the afternoon and evening, so when I write, I usually start after lunch, and I often write until very late in the night. Some weeks I don’t write at all, because I’m focused on running my yoga studio or developing my yoga teacher training programs. Other days I write 12 hours or more. The only thing typical about my writing is that there is no typical! ;-)
What/who are some of your favorite mystery books and authors on your bookshelf?
I adore light-hearted, dog-related mysteries, above all. Susan Conant, Laurien Berenson, Sheila Boneham, and Waverly Curtis are some of my favorites. I also love a good legal thriller, though I haven’t read one in awhile.
What are you working on now?
The second novel in the Downward Dog Mysteries series, A Killer Retreat is due to my publisher February 1, so I’m typing my fingers to the bone on that manuscript. In this installment, Kate, Bella, and her friends are on vacation at a retreat center on a small Washington island. Of course, Kate gets involved in solving a murder, and Bella gets Kate into lots of trouble!
One thing your readers might be surprised to learn about you?
This is always a tough one for me to answer. Maybe that although my mysteries are set in Seattle and my protagonist grew up in the city, I am actually a Montana farm girl. I grew up on a dairy farm in Billings, Montana, and moved to Seattle for college. People are often also surprised to learn that I spent the first six years of my career working as a Chemical Engineer. And although I own a yoga studio, I didn’t take my first yoga class until I was around 35 years old. How’s that? Any surprises there?
Mochas, Mysteries and Meows Review: You know a book is fantastic when it's your first read of the new year and you immediately know it's going to be on your "Best Books of the Year" list. Murder Strikes a Pose by Tracy Weber was awarded a First Place Blue Ribbon in the Mystery and Mayhem Awards, a division of the Chanticleer Book Reviews writing competitions, and it's easy to see why. It is an outstanding debut with a compelling mystery and a cast of characters sure to win your heart.
Kate is a struggling small business owner of a yoga studio who strikes up an unexpected friendship with a homeless man, George, and his giant German shepherd, Bella, after they make an unwelcome appearance at the front door of her studio to sell newspapers. When George is murdered the police write it off as the typical drug-related street crime because of George's way of life, but Kate knew George did not deal drugs and never would have put his beloved Bella in jeopardy. She takes Bella into her home until a permanent home is found for her, and sets her sights on tracking down a killer.
Loud but lovable Bella is definitely a scene stealer here, but I also felt a strong affinity for Kate. Still writhing from the death of her father with whom she had a strained relationship, she's determined not to let herself fall in love with Bella, who has serious and expensive medical issues, for fear of experiencing the pain of loss again. She's an exceptionally written character and I could certainly identify with her struggles.
One word of warning: there is an extremely hard to read scene in the book where a so-called "trainer" clearly abuses a dog while demonstrating to Kate how he would correct Bella's behavior issues. It is my sincere hope that HE is the murder victim in the next book!!!
I've added the Downward Dog Mysteries to my list of all-time favorite dog series. Bella is a canine heroine that fans of Susan Conant and Laurien Berenson are sure to fall in love with.
Giveaway: Leave a comment (with your email address) for a chance to win an autographed copy of Tracy’s book.
Murder Strikes a Pose
(A Downward Dog Mystery)
New Series
Cozy Mystery
Publisher: MIDNIGHT INK (January 8, 2014)
Paperback: 288 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0738739687
Yogi Kate becomes a Savasana sleuth in this debut mystery.(A Downward Dog Mystery)
New Series
Cozy Mystery
Publisher: MIDNIGHT INK (January 8, 2014)
Paperback: 288 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0738739687
Yoga instructor Kate Davidson tries to live up to yoga’s Zen-like expectations, but it’s not easy while struggling to keep her small business afloat or dodging her best friend’s matchmaking efforts.
When George, a homeless alcoholic, and his loud, horse-sized German shepherd, Bella, start hawking newspapers outside her studio, Kate attempts to convince them to leave. Instead, the three strike up an unlikely friendship.
Then Kate finds George’s dead body. The police dismiss it as a drug-related street crime, but Kate knows he was no drug dealer. Now she must solve George’s murder and find someone willing to adopt his intimidating companion before Bella is sent to the big dog park in the sky. With the murderer on her trail, Kate has to work fast or her next Corpse Pose may be for real.
About Tracy Weber
Tracy Weber is a certified yoga teacher and the founder of Whole Life Yoga, an award-winning yoga studio in Seattle, where she currently lives with her husband and German Shepherd. Weber is a member of the Pacific Northwest Writers Association, Dog Writers Association of America, and Sisters in Crime. She loves sharing her passion for yoga and animals in any form possible. Murder Strikes a Pose is Weber’s debut.
Author Links:
Website: http://tracyweberauthor.com/Blog: http://www.wholelifeyoga.com/blog/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tracywe
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7148442.Tracy_Weber
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TracyWeberTypes
Purchase Links
I just love this cover. The book sounds fantastic! So hoping I'm lucky enough to win a copy. :)
brookeb811 at gmail.com
Beautiful cover , and the book sounds amazing
Thanks for sharing the interview with Tracy! And for the opportunity to win her book! tpagrlsjourney@gmail.com
I loved the interview. As the person of four very poorly behaved dogs (one who must be a descendent of one of Houdini's dogs), I understand how easy it is to get strongly attached to four-legged companions and to fear losing one. I lost three furry babies in 2013; it was a horrible, horrible year. I love mysteries with animals, so I am really looking forward to reading this book. I am also extremely impressed that the author owns a yoga studio and didn't take her first class until she was 35. It gives me great hope for my own future with yoga (which I have yet to start, I might add). michelle_willms at yahoo dot com.
Your interview has brought back fond memories of pets I've/we've had over the past 65 years! I'm looking forward to reading this book.
Sounds wonderful, My dog use to lie next to me while I did my yoga, miss her very much. Would love to read this
Wonderful interview and review! =)
sounds like a great cozy!
I love mysteries and especially when they include an animal in them. Your interview was fantastic. Keep up this great blog. robeader53@yahoo.com
Looks like a great new series! can't wait to read it! queenofharts1805@gmail.com
I would love to start reading this series. It sounds really good!
mittens0831 at aol dot com
Ooo, bad trainer! No treats for him!
This sounds delightful. Thanks for the warning about that one scene.
Love this captivating series. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
My cats have never been much interested in treats---maybe I should look for bonito flakes, I've never noticed them in a store.
Good luck, Brooke! Thanks for the compliment on the cover. I didn't draw it, but I LOVE it! The artist also did the banner on my web site, and she makes lovely cards. Check her out! http://cargocollective.com/nicolealesi
Thank you! See my reply to Brook for information on the artist. I hope you read the book and love it!
Thanks for reading the interview. Good luck!
First, I am SO SORRY about the loss of your fur babies. I dread the day I have to say goodbye to mine. My girls are far from well behaved, and in some ways, I think that has made be love them even more. You can start yoga at any time! I've had people in their 80's take their first class ever with me. I hope you give it a try! I hope you read the book and love it!
Thanks, Rita! I hope you read and love it!
Thanks, Karen. Pets enrich our lives in so many ways. I can't imagine not having at least one. I hoep you love the book!
I think animals are attracted to the energy of yoga. My cat used to crawl on my back when I did cat pose. Animals, cats especially, are very attuned to subtle energy. So the energies that calm us soothe them too.....
Thank you! I hope you give it a try! And thanks for reading a little about my life!
This IS a wonderful blog, isn't it! Animal cozies are my favorite. Have you tried Susan Conant, Laurien Berenson, Sheila Boneham, or Waverly Curtis yet? They are all animal (mainly dog) centered, and I love all of them!
Thanks, Michelle! Writing and getting the series published has been a dream come true for me. I hope you love it!
Thank you! I hope you do read and love it!
Yes, he is definitely a bad trainer. My goal in including the scene was to warn people away from some of the aversive methods used by supposed trainers, especially with reactive dogs. Kate's reaction to him is exactly how I would have felt. I strongly believe in positive reinforcement training. Hmm...maybe the evil trainer WILL have to be a victim in a future book....(She says, plotting his murder as she types.....) ;-)
Sue--They come in plastic containers or large clear plastic bags. I'll bet if you ask for them, the clerk will know where to find them....
Melissa, thanks so much for having me at Mochas, Mysteries, and Meows. I'm delighted to be here, and to have received such a warm welcome from the group! Looking forward to answering all of your questions!
Loved this book and agree that the "trainer" would make a great victim a
in another book, but who would bother to find his killer? I actually got expelled from a similar class because I refused to bring my border collie after week one.
Doesn't sound like you got expelled, Barb. Sounds like you quit, and for good reason! I'm SOOOOOO glad you liked the book!
I really wish I knew what happened to her. She'd been a fixture in the neighborhood for so long, that it never occurred to me that she would disappear. I hope she found a home somewhere and they are both still together, happy and healthy. Thanks for the compliment on the post!
Ms Weber you had me with your description, "Murder Strikes a Pose is a happily-ever-after, murder mystery, human-animal love story!" I can't wait to read it! I love the whole homeless man and dog bit and that Kate takes Bella in after George's murder. I also enjoyed learning more about you,Tasha,(beautiful) and Maggie. I have got to check out Bonito flakes for my cat, Bella! Wonderful post! Thank you SO much for a lovely giveaway!
Really looking forward to this series. I've always wanted to give yoga a try. Maybe this will motivate me. :) From reading the book description and the post , I know I am going to enjoy Tracy's writing style immensely. Thanks for the giveaway!
scouts579 (at) aol (dot) com
a definite 'add' to my WishList!!!
congrats to Tracy!!!
thank you for the giveaway!!
cyn209 at juno dot com
One of my evil secret goals is to entice more people to try yoga. I hope you give it a shot, and that you love the book! Good luck on the giveaway!
Sharon--I tried to reply to this once, but I don't think it took, so sorry if this is a duplicate. Thank you for commenting on my blog post and complimenting Tasha on her beauty (though she is already well aware of it.) Definitely try out the Bonito flakes. You're sure to get lots of purrs and cuddles. Good luck on the giveaway, and I hope you read and love the book!
Thanks, Cyn208. Good luck and I hope you love the book!
Dogs, yoga, a boyfriend, quirky friend and murder all signs of a wonderful cozy mystery. I like the name of the book and how it matches with the cover :) Wonder who would have killed a homeless man but sweet that Kate befriends his dog Bella and trying to find the German Shepard a home. I am hoping Bella becomes Kate's dog. I have two fur babies of my own. Thank you for the giveaway..
Fur babies make our lives better, for sure. I hope you read the book and love it!
Hi all! Traveler is the winner of the drawing. I will e-mail off line to get the mailing address. Thanks everyone for your support!
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