The Dr. Watson Chronicles...
I’m a cat, all best pets are and today something terrible happened, The Servant told me…me! start earning my keep, that I’d better be useful as well as ornamental around this house or it was no more Fancy Feast and she’d start buying that cheap three-for-a-buck tuna crap!
Cheap tuna??? Me!! Where’s my crystal? My china? Didn’t I train her better than this? That bitch! And I’m hungry!
So here I am paws poised at the keyboard instead of snuggled on my memoryfoam mattress with blue silk pillow while The Servant pours over her latest book, Pearls and Poison. Do you know what she wrote in this book, in the whole blessed series? A dog!! Bruce Willis! Where’s the loyalty, the love the good sense. Everyone knows the best pet is a cat in and out of a book!
I figured I had The Servant pretty well trained. Open the door, shut the door, scoop the litter, new toys every week, bits of steak and brie and get the picture. But suddenly I’m second fiddle to a dog!
I’m not taking this lying down! I’m not taking this at all. I’m getting even!! I’ll shed!
We all know the best pet of all is spelled c-a-t and not d-o-g. Dogs drool, and CATS rule and don’t you forget it.
So, what pet do you like best in your books? I know it’s a cat but if you say so maybe The Servant pounding away on her keyboard will believe me. And if you agree with me I’ll put you in a drawing for a Pearls and Poison tote.
Keep on purring,
Dr. Watson
Pearls and Poison
(A Consignment Shop Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Publisher: Berkley (March 4, 2014)
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
(A Consignment Shop Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Publisher: Berkley (March 4, 2014)
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
It’s election time in Savannah, Georgia, and Judge Guillotine Gloria—aka Reagan Summerside’s mom—is neck and neck in the polls with Kip “Scummy” Seymour. But the already dirty campaign is about to get downright filthy—with one candidate getting buried six feet under .
With her strong opinions and knack for getting into trouble, Reagan is not an ideal volunteer for her mother’s alderman campaign. Plus, she’d rather be running her consignment shop, the Prissy Fox, and eating doughnuts with her dog, Bruce Willis. But when her mother’s opponent, Kip, is found poisoned and her mother is pegged as a suspect, Reagan nominates herself as lead murder investigator.
It’s election time in Savannah, Georgia, and Judge Guillotine Gloria—aka Reagan Summerside’s mom—is neck and neck in the polls with Kip “Scummy” Seymour. But the already dirty campaign is about to get downright filthy—with one candidate getting buried six feet under .
With her strong opinions and knack for getting into trouble, Reagan is not an ideal volunteer for her mother’s alderman campaign. Plus, she’d rather be running her consignment shop, the Prissy Fox, and eating doughnuts with her dog, Bruce Willis. But when her mother’s opponent, Kip, is found poisoned and her mother is pegged as a suspect, Reagan nominates herself as lead murder investigator.
Reagan is intent on finding Kip’s killer and clearing her mother’s good name, but she soon finds herself on the bad side of Kip’s enemies-turned-suspects. This time, no amount of costumes and makeup can keep her inconspicuous and out of danger. Because the closer Reagan gets to the truth, the hotter things get

About This Author
Duffy Brown loves anything with a mystery. While others girls dreamed of dating Brad Pitt, Duffy longed to take Sherlock Holmes to the prom. She has two cats, Spooky and Dr. Watson, her license plate is Sherlock and she conjures up who-done-it stories of her very own for Berkley Prime Crime. Duffy’s national bestselling Consignment Shop Mystery series is set in Savannah and the Cyclepath Mysteries are set on Mackinac Island. Duffy writes romance as Dianne Castell and is a USA Today bestselling author.
Purchase Links
This giveaway is for 2 PEARLS AND POISON Tote Bags. The giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. only.
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I love this series, it always makes me happy.
Love this series and Bruce Willis the dog--Sorry, Dr. Watson. I did enjoy that impressive rant, though. :)
michstjame at gmail dot com
I haven't read this series but it looks great! I've always been a fan of the Cat Who mystery books by Lillian Jackson Braun.
Jessica @ Tales Between the Pages
Let's pretend that was my email address and not my blog link. Lol.
I do like animals in cozies! The cats in Sofie Kelly's series are pretty intrepid! Can't wait to catch up with Reagan and Aunt Kiki! Thanks! JHolden955(at)gmail(dot)com
Thanks fur sharing this book, my P.A. loves anything like this, as she's a big fan of 'The Cat Who...' Series by Lillian Jackson Braun too - now she has a new series to get lost in!!! MOL
Hi, Kaye. So glad you're enjoying the series. Never a dull moment with Auntie KiKi, Reagan and the gang. Thanks for chatting Hugs, Duffy.
Dr Watson does get his nose out of joint when I write about BW. Thanks for chatting and so glad you're enjoying the series! Hugs, Duffy
There are cats in my Mackinac Island series...Bambino and Cleveland. They're Mark Twain cats 'cause one of the characters enacts Twain. Hugs,Duffy
HI, Jessica. Nothing more fun than chatting about books. Hugs, Duffy
And now we have Hellion...the new cat on the block in Pearls and Poison. He saved Auntie KiKi's life so she took him in. Not all cats are sweet and lovable. Hugs, Duffy
I love pets in books too. They show up in the craziest places and get into all kinds of trouble. Lots of fun with pets and murder and mayhem. What a mix.
I haven't read this series either but I have to look for it....anyone with a cat named Dr. Watson HAS to be a good purrson!
Dogs are all well and good for fictional adventures, I suppose. But when you really need things done right, depend on a cat!
What with blogging and all, we don’t get enough time to read books but mixing politics and cats is axing for trouble. MOL!
I would love to read this! Sounds like a good read.
I really enjoy this series! Love the Southern "background" of the story!
this series sounds captivating. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
This is a fun series, even though I can't go into consignment shops I like to hear about the treasures others have found. griperang at embarqmail dot com
The animals are so much fun in this series--Bruce Willis, the dog, is just as much fun as the cat.
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