
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Cat's Meow Mews & Mailbox #38

Cat's Meow Mailbox is inspired by the great weekly recap book memes (Mailbox MondayWaiting On WednesdayIt’s Monday! What are you reading? and Sunday Post)

Last week on Mochas, Mysteries and Meows:
All Gave Some, Some Gave All
#PurinaDays at Tractor Supply Company Review: Wellness Kittles
The Diva Wraps It Up by Krista Davis: Guest Author, Review & Giveaway
Tempest in a Teapot by Amanda Cooper: Guest Author, Review & Giveaway
Caturday Art: Vino de Truffles

On Tuesday afternoon, due to the inadvertent tap of a finger, I managed to erase all of the customized settings on my blog. After near heart failure, thanks to the magic of the amazing Debbie Glovatsky, I was back up and running in less than an hour. For your blogging needs, look no further than Glogirly Design. Truffles and I thank her with our entire hearts!

After this I definitely needed some retail therapy. At first glance it may look like my one-click finger went trigger happy this week, but I actually went a little crazy because Macmillan/Minotaur had over 100 popular mysteries on sale for $1.99 for Kindle! You can find the list here.

The New Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn (Adult Edition) Deadly Threads (Josie Prescott Antiques Mystery Series #6) The Bee Balm Murders (Victoria Trumbull Series #10) Touch-Me-Not (Victoria Trumbull Series #9) The Cold Light of Mourning A Brush with Death The Puzzle Lady vs. the Sudoku Lady (Puzzle Lady Series #11) Scrappy Summer Murder at Longbourn (Elizabeth Parker Series #1) A Misty Mourning (Torie O'Shea, #4) Thicker Than Water (Torie O'Shea, #8) Scary Stuff (Jane Wheel, #6) Backstage Stuff (Jane Wheel, #7) Lucky Stuff (Jane Wheel #8)

For Review Consideration:



  1. Oh boy, I bet you needed some retail therapy after that! I'm glad it wasn't too difficult of a fix. I'll have to go check out that sale, not that I need more books.

  2. I would have freaked out. So glad it alk worked out and Wahoo to retail therapy. Awesome deals.

  3. Oh my, I would have had a heart attack ! I'm glad you got everything back on track. And yes, it was a lot of books, but the prices were a good opportunity. Have a great week !

  4. I am so glad you got everything sorted.I wouls have freaked. Happy Reading!

  5. Glad you got your blog back and up and runnin'.

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses


  6. Rain Reign seems pretty cool. I need to check it out! :) Have a lovely Sunday!

  7. OMG I did that once already, It's a nightmare and I was crying lol. Thank goodness you had someone that could help put it back together for you!

    Great haul!!! I do hope you enjoy all your new reads!!!

  8. Oh wow, I would probably freak out. I'm glad you got it all fixed. Enjoy all the new books. :)

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  9. Wow...I would have been freaking out! Glad you were able to get your blog back to normal quickly! Great finds this week! Enjoy!

  10. You always get the best cozies! Glad everything got fixed and that some retail therapy smoothed out the frazzles. I'm not sure if I should thank you or not for posting that $1.99 list! This could get ugly!
