
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Caturday Art: Remembering England's Rose

It's impossible to believe that 17 years have gone by since that awful Saturday night Americans watched the news of Princess Diana's death in a Paris car crash. (Because of the time difference, the British people didn't know the tragic news until morning.) I remember that weekend so well because on Sunday I had tickets to a concert in New York state that I had been looking forward to for months. I never spent too much time thinking about car accidents but I found myself petrified that day at the thoughts of a long road trip.

Our artwork today is in honor of England's Rose, Princess Diana...

Today we're joining Athena's Caturday Art blog hop...more entries can be found here.


  1. The woman remembers she was watching a movie with her then fiance on video and it ended and they had the regular television with the news about the "Late Princess Diana"... and it was terribly shocking.

  2. It is hard to believe it has been that long. I remember the news reports. It was so sad.

  3. I remember hearing the news driving home from work.

  4. My momma heard it listening to da radio as da family was drivin cross-country.

  5. It is hard to believe it has been that long !
    My mom-person saw the movie Diana when she visited Warszawa last year :)

  6. We remember that day so well! Very sad and hard to believe she is gone.

  7. Wow I cannot believe it has been that long either. I was watching TV with my Mom and Dad that night, we were just shocked. You did a beautiful job with Miss Truffles' photo today :)
    Marty's Mom

  8. We think about this every year as it fell on the human sis's birthday.
    Beautiful tribute!

  9. Very hard to believe it's been so long. I live in the UK and I did hear the news on TV at around midnight here. I was watching some movie on TV and it was interrupted to give us the breaking news that she had been involved in a car crash. I was shocked but hoped she'd pull through, but then the news broke that she had died. Poor Diana. She was so young too.

    That's a lovely photo and thanks for including it in our Caturday Art hop :)

  10. I cannot believe it has been 17 years. OMG. I just loved Princess Diana. She would be so proud of her boys. This was beautiful.

  11. Beautiful art! TW must be the only one who never cared for Di. She lost a good friend that day cos she said something her friend didn’t like.

  12. Mommy says "really? Has it been that long?" Beautiful portrait!

  13. Beautiful graphic in honor of Princess Human still remembers what she was doing that night when the news broke...
