
Friday, August 29, 2014

Feline Funny: Back to School with Truffles

The adorable Back 2 School badge that we received from Ann at Zoolatry got us to thinking: what would Truffles pack in her little backpack for her first day at school? Here's what we came up with:

1) Garfield lunch bag
2) Can of Fancy Feast
3) Two packages of treats (I'll need enough to share!)
4) A ball to play with at recess
5) Blanket for a nap attack
6) Tablet to check my email and blog comments at lunch (hope there's wifi!)
7) Paper towels for quick hairball clean-up
8) A couple chocolate truffles to butter up the teacher!

Did we forget anything? What would your kitties bring to school with them?

*** Please don't forget Sparkle's Memorial Service is being held today with a commentathon to benefit Tabby's Place. ***


  1. we'd add Feliway for day day jitters and a 'Nip Nana for recess.

  2. Definitely the Feliway!
    We think you've got everything else covered. We're just glad we don't have to get up in the morning and go to school!

  3. Don't forget the nip nana! Sounds like you have everything else covered.

  4. Only one can of Fancy Feast? I'd need a lot more.

  5. We think it should be one can of Fancy Feast per cat if you don't want to hear tummies rumbling.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. Oh yeah...definitely more Fancy Feast...and more treats too. You wanna be the popular cat at school, don'tcha?

  7. What a great pack of stuff, good idea from Cat Wisdom 101 on the Feliway as the first day is always nerve wracking.

  8. Sounds like you’ve got quite a bag packed. I’d need my Tickle Pickle if the lessons got boring. A ball for recess is a good idea.

  9. Definitely some Feliway. Oh, and LOTS of treats ... to make LOTS of friends. :)

  10. Too cute! Ming, Ling & I think you've got it covered! :)

    patucker54 at aol dot com

  11. Feliway, absolutely, a nip toy, and more treats ! Purrs

  12. We'd go for extra treats to have and to share!

  13. Better double up on the treats too - the school day is a long day. You don't want to starve, and your brain needs food to be smart!

  14. Oh dear, I agree on the feliway and my nip nanner.

  15. Mommy sez those truffles would sure butter HER up! Heee!

  16. That looks like a great cat lunch bag! Tasha approves, except she doesn't like treats. Thomas says he only needs the treats and the blanket, as he plans to sleep all day.

  17. Sounds like Truffles is ready for her first day of school! MOL!
