Saturday, November 29, 2014

Caturday Art: Ready for Christmas

With Thanksgiving behind us all eyes are finally turning to Christmas. Truthfully, I'm ready for Christmas the day after Halloween, but I know many people don't like to even think about it until Black Friday.

Since I've been slowly decorating for the past couple weeks it's been a pretty quite and lazy weekend here at our house. Any Black Friday shopping was done online. I refuse to become a part of that craziness. I actually splurged a bit on myself, buying some Kevin Harvick Championship merchandise at with a 25% off coupon, a darling Night Before Christmas Garfield plush, Melissa Gilbert's Prairie Cookbook for an extra 30% off Amazon's already reduced price, and last but not least a couple things for Truffles and our Secret Paws.

Have you gotten any good deals this weekend, or did you stay home and decorate?

We created today's Caturday Art with More artsy kitties can be found here.


brokenteepee said...

We won't get our tree for another week or so since we get a live one. With a woodstove in the yurt we can't get it too soon. I don't have a houseful of decorations any longer. When we moved into the trailer I couldn't bring them all with me., said...

Hello Melissa. No, I never went shopping on Thursday night or Friday. Can't stand getting caught of that many people with some being so crazy they will just knock you down to get what they want. It's not worth it to me. Besides most times it's already gone before you get to it. It would have been nice to have had the 50" TV at Walmart for $218. But was at my granddaughter's home with most of our big family. I've not shopped online except for some books. Sounds like you had a relaxing day. I would love to be your winner.
Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

Furries said...

Oh, that's such a pretty ornament. Mom put our tree up today but it doesn't have any ornaments yet.

Ingrid said...

Wow, what a nice Christmas ball !

Anonymous said...

Pretty Truffles! No shopping here, just enjoyed Truffles enjoyed leftover turkey. :)

pilch92 said...

Truffles looks adorable in that ornament. I did brave the crowds, but not til 7 am when all the crazies from 1 am were home in bed :) I have Melissa GIlbert's cookbook from the library right now, you are going to love it. There are so many pages I want to copy that I should just buy one too. Today, we will put up the tree.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Hey, Truffles, how did you squeeze yourself inside that ornament?

Marty the Manx said...

You make a beautiful ornament Truffles! Have a great Caturday!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

That's so cool!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Two French Bulldogs said...

That's really cool. Mom hides on Black Friday
Lily & Edward

The Swiss Cats said...

Such a pretty ornament ! Very cool ! Purrs

Angel Prancer Pie said...

No Black Friday craziness here, either!
We love the Caturday Art! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

OMC Good job. Weez stayed home, but weez didn't do nuffin'. Well me shuld say Lexi adn me did nuffin'. Mommy cleaned da house after cookin' dat Fanksgivin' feast we all had. :) Hav a pwsum weekend.

Luv ya'

Dezi n Lexi

Lone Star Cats said...

My peeps did some online shoppin and are gettin ready to start decoratin.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

We're Jewish so we didn't decorate and also don't do Black Friday. We're boring

Christy Paws said...

You look great in that ornament, Truffles! Happy Caturday.

Fish Crew said...

Stayed home and babysat grandson while his parents worked way too many hours. Our daughter did too. Played and ate leftovers. Love the ornament with Truffles.

A Tonl said...

Our mom needs to get off her *ahem* and decorate the house for Chanukah. It starts a full week earlier than Christmas so she'd better get on the BALL, we three say!!!

Katnip Lounge said...

The most beautiful bauble on the tree for SURE!

Anonymous said...

Love your ornament!! Supercool!!
Happy Cat Family

Cathy Keisha said...

TW got buy 2 get 2 tickets to the NY Yankees to take our friend Prudence’s Mom. TW goes to Blogpaws with her. We didn’t buy a Truffles ornament though.