Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Selfies: NASCAR Redux & A Haiku

Hey everybody, it's Truffles! My entry for this week's Sunday Selfies blog hop (hosted by The Cat on My Head) is actually a repeat...but for a very good reason! You see, today is the final race of NASCAR's 2014 season. (Thank Cod, but don't tell Mommy I said that!)

Mommy's favorite driver Kevin Harvick has made the "Championship 4", which means that he is one of only 4 drivers eligible to win this year's championship, and he's actually considered the favorite too! Every sports fan knows how exciting it is when your favorite team or athlete has a chance to "win it all", and Mommy has been waiting for this to (possibly) happen for 14 years now.

Needless to say, things have been pretty intense around here on Sundays for the past few weeks, and today it's just going to be off the charts! In honor of this potentially historic day at our house, I put my Harvick cap back on and wrote a haiku to express my feelings.

A cap I will wear
Hoping Harvick wins it all...
And Mommy survives.

No matter what happens this afternoon, we always have been and always will be proud members of:


GLOGIRLY said...

So enquiring kitties want to know...
Does your mom drive as fast as Mr. Kevin???
; )

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Truffles: Oh I've got a story about the way Mommy drives and the day she adopted me! I'll tell you about it someday ;)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We're sure the race will be on at our house, too. Good luck to the drivers!

Happy Sunday!

Katnip Lounge said...

How exciting...we bet your Mom has everything possible crossed for luck!

Anonymous said...

Well Truffles weez not follow any sports, so weez fur suwe don't know this Harvick, but fur yous and yous mommys sake weez hope hims wins. And yous look gawjus in yous hat and selfie. Hav a pawsum day.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Hilary said...

Now that's a selfie!

Smudge said...

Yay, go Team Harvick!!!

The Island Cats said...

What a cool selfie, Truffles. We love your hat!

Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf said...

LOL..Truffles...too cute!

Ingrid said...

You really look cool !!

Mickey's Musings said...

Looking good Truffles :)
Purrs for Harvick!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ


Tell your Mom good luck Truffles.
YOUR selfie is great. We love it!!

Anonymous said...

Love that Haiku and your cap and your Selfie :D Pawkisses :)

Mariodacat said...

Great selfie pal. You are so cute with that hat on.

Anonymous said...

oh my, very nice, yes, nice indeed

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

I don't know much about race car drivin' except that I've always told the peeps that if they got us all little cars, we could race around the subdivision and they could sell tickets. So far, no cars. Awww... MOUSES!


PS. I really like your hat. purrs

Pretinha said...

Truffles vocĂȘ ficou muito charmoso com esse bonĂ©!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Your mom tends to be with NASCAR like our mom is with college football.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a great selfie. I hope Harvick wins.

Marty the Manx said...

That's OK Truffles :) You are sooo adorable in your hat :)

M. K. Clinton said...

I hope that your racing team does better than our football teams did! ♥

Clooney said...

What a great selfie of you in your hat, Truffles!

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Boy! Bet your Mom's happy Truffles, Kevin WON!!
So cool :)
WooHoo! (mom likes Tony)
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

pilch92 said...

Great selfie, you look adorable in that hat Truffles.

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

You look cute in that hat, Truffles! Hope your mommy's driver won!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I am late, I was watching NASCAR!! YES! I am a lifelong fan! So, CONGRATULATIONS! I am very happy that "Happy" won! We used to go to MIS every year, for about 18 years. (We just can't with Bill driving OTR.) I was a diehard #3 fan, yes, The Intimidator, Man in Black, Earnhardt. He was the one who saw something in Harvick. *sigh* I still miss him. I am a Biffle fan, now. RoushFenway. But, when I saw Biff fall behind, I hoped for #4. He deserves it.