
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Delight Your Cat with #Delightibles (w/Giveaway)

Earlier this week I looked over to find Truffles lying in her lounger, working hard on her letter to Santa. When she was done she asked me to proof-read it, and it was so adorable that I asked her permission to post it here.


Dear Santa,

I'm sure you know that I've been a very good girl this year. My Mommy has had a really hard year while dealing with her parents' health issues, and on more than one occasion she has said that she doesn't know what she would do without me. 

But I'm not writing to you to ask for anything. Honestly, Santa, I can't think of a single thing I need. I'm actually writing to you in hopes of making your job a little easier, since I'm sure you don't have the time to scour stores for the latest in kitty treats! Since I'm a total treat junkie and a kitty blogger who gets to try out lots of new products, let me tell you about the purr-fect stocking stuffer treats that will have cats purring with excitement!

Made in the U.S.A. with wholesome ingredients and natural antioxidants, Delightibles' center-filled treats are available in six tasty flavors including: Chicken, Turkey, Tuna, Salmon, Beef and Dairy. (I got to try out the yummy dairy and beef varieties.) Each treat is just the right size and texture, with a crispy outside shell and soft creamy center that cats find irresistible. Delightibles are free of artificial preservatives like BHA and BHT, and also free of wheat and soy offering peace of mind for cat owners who have cats with allergies or food sensitivities.

Even better, these treats are easy peasy to find! They are available exclusively at Walmart and Walmart Canada stores. Mommy says that Wally Worlds are everywhere, so all you need to do is send one of your elves out to the store!

Merry Christmas, Santa...I love you!


You can follow Delightibles on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram


Giveaway: Guess what everybody? Just in case Santa's elves find the store shelves empty, you still have a chance to try Delightibles treats for yourself! We are giving away 12 pouches (2 of each flavor) to one lucky winner located in the US!!! Simply leave a comment with your email address by noon eastern on Wednesday, December 31st.

The opinions in this article are my own. I do not work for, or with, any brand mentioned in this article, nor do I have any official relationship with them. I have a relationship with GigaSavvy, for whom I create original editorial content.


  1. Sounds yummy! Thanks for the review. Our Mommy saw those and wondered about them. She'll have to make a run to Wally World one more time before the big day. We'll put them on her list.


  2. Well, with five Treeing Walker Coonhounds and three cats (all rescues), the Christmas treats tend to get spread pretty thin at our house. Winning this giveaway would really be nice. I've heard good things about Delightibles and I'm sure my cats would love to try them.

  3. Love it thanks for the review and the awesome giveaway!! My cats will love these!!

  4. Holy Delightibles Truffles, dat's a pawsum give away. Weez wuld fur sure luv to win. Yous letter wuz adowable.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  5. we think these sound Delicious! thank you for taste testing them Truffles! love Fluora and Ming (Tort Point and Black Siamese)

  6. Those sound like really yummy treats, and we would love to try them!!

  7. I think my kitty-boy would love these treats—thanks for the opportunity to win them!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT com

  8. I know that my four cats would enjoy some yummy treats. Thank you for a chance.

  9. Always loves yummy treats!

    Rose the kitten

  10. I have 2 cats and one of them is the pickiest thing. The treats have to be something special before she will eat them. Of course, the other cat doesn't mind this at all because the treats usually always end up being hers.

    cmucha319 AT yahoo DoT com

  11. I hope Santa is good to you. And I hope 2015 is better for your Mom.

  12. What a cool giveaway! Somekitty's gonna be furry happy!

  13. We would love to sink our toofies into those Delightible treats and send them down to our bellehs!

  14. I have 3 brand new kitties I fostered and ended up adopting, and they would love NEW TREATS!!!!!!

  15. I'm sure Ralphie Lee and Romeo Luigi would love to have an opportunity to sample a new kitty treat. Thanks for the opportunity to possibly do this.

  16. Harry the Farm cat almost chewed my fingers off taste testing Delightibles! You don't have to enter us in the giveaway

  17. Thanks for this wonderful and delightful treat giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  18. We know our kitty friend would love that stuff
    Lily & Edward

  19. Lovely treats for kitty's who are always looking for something special. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  20. Piper would love to try these out:) melissaseclecticbookshelf at gmail dot com

  21. I haven't tried these yet, but I'm sure at least one of my three would like them.

  22. Truffles those sound super yummy.

  23. Oh. My 4 fur-babies and the dog who thinks she is a cat would love them.

  24. Merry Christmas Truffles (and to your mom)

  25. What a very precious letter to Santa sweetie. Those treats sound yummy too.

  26. Thanks for the contest, Truffles. My 2 kitties would love to win this.

  27. Mariusz, Aleister, Calumet, and Licorice would love to try some of these treats. They also said they'd be willing to share with cats at local shelters. Well, Mariusz growled, but the others will convince him it's better to give than receive-plus he'll get some too!

    cozyupwithkathy @ gmail dot com

  28. Looks yummy and healthy. Never heard of this brand. Thanks for the giveaway.

  29. Oh, my email address is

  30. My furbabies would just love to try these, I'd bet! Thanks for the chance to win. jeaniedannheim at ymail dot com

  31. Those things have nothing good in them. I noticed the salmon in the salmon ones have list like 20 ingredients before salmon. That said, TW was gonna give them to the shelter. She opened them anyway and I wouldn’t touch them. The day before the donations, she gave me another and I ate it like it was the greatest. We don’t shop in Walmarts for obvious reasons. Good luck to those who enter. Truffles, you’re a good cat with a good heart.

  32. Sounds great for my daughter's cat...we had a problem with her and diarrhea when she was first adopted. She only eats ground chicken or chicken and liver canned pro plan and sensitive stomach dry food. Kuzlin at

  33. What a nice letter, Truffles! Surely Santa knows what a good kitty you have been all year, and he will bring you some wonderful stuff for Christmas. We hope he brings good stuff for your Mommy, too, since she is a good human. Hugs to you both! Our email address is kthattori AT gmail (dot) com. :)

  34. Mom will have to check these out. I'm sure we'd love them.

  35. Yummmm!
    Have a holly, jolly Christmas...

    Noodle and crew

  36. Hmm, sound perfect - maybe I'll share with the kittens - Tootsie.

  37. We have never heard of these treats before, but they sound super yummy. We'd love to win and taste them. Our e-mail is: XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  38. My cat would LOVE this.... he hasn't every had any of these... thanks!
    prizewinner at hotmail dot com

  39. Oh can we please sign up? Mom's e-mail is breck1986(at)hotmail(dot)com. Thanks Marty

  40. We just adopted a cat today and would love this!

  41. My cat Cuddles would love these! Thanks!
