Saturday, January 31, 2015

{52 Snapshots of Life} & Caturday Art: Winter

It's week four of the #PBSG #52Snapshots of Life photo challenge (hosted by The Lazy Pit Bull) and the theme is winter. I do love winter, and it's a good thing since I live in Vermont! Truffles...not so much. She would much rather be sunbathing in a warm, sunny window in the middle of summer.

Since she never goes outside, I picked this picture that I took earlier this winter after one of our very first snowfalls of the year. (I hadn't even removed the screen and put the storm window on yet.) She could tell that the seasons were definitely changing, and she looks quite wistful about it, don't you think?

For our entry in Athena's Caturday Art blog hop, we took the same picture and applied a few different effects in PicMonkey. I know we used HDR and Chill, but I can't remember the other one we used. Then we added a pretty Craft Scissors frame. I love how it looks so frosty and cold with the icy blue tint, and especially how Truffles "pops out" more than in the original photo.

Speaking of PicMonkey, have you heard about their new Valentine's Day "Pin Your Love" contest? From January 26th to February 14th, share your great loves (or strong likes) on a Pinterest board titled PicMonkey Pin Your Love for the chance to win a $300 Amazon giftcard and a year of PicMonkey Royale. Complete details can be found here.


Angel Prancer Pie said...

Truffles, we think you just look thankful to be an inside and warm kitteh!
Great pic, furriends!

Pawesome Cats said...

I love Truffles' side profile - very regal!

My GBGV Life said...

Kitties and winter don't mix too well, but you needed a winter pic. Stay warm, kitty.

Anonymous said...

You really wonder what she's thinking...?

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Beautiful profile!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Ingrid said...

Truffels behind grids, lol ! Nice picture !

pilch92 said...

Truffles does look a little sad, but beautiful. Thanks for the picmonkey info.

Christy Paws said...

I LOVE both of these pictures! Truffles looks so beautiful.

Unknown said...

Now THAT is one beautiful piece of art! Mes loves it!!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

We're glad we don't have that cold white stuff down here.

Unknown said...

Very cool photos, mom needs to start experimenting more! Purrs, Rhette

The Island Cats said...

That's a great picture...both the original and the art version.

Cathy Keisha said...

Poor Truffles. I like watching the snow flakes. Everything looks so different outside. We don’t get many birds here and we’re gonna get even less since they chopped half the tree in the next yard down.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

she does look wistful! Beautiful!

The Swiss Cats said...

Nice photo and very cool effect Truffles ! Purrs

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

It´s nice to sit inside and watch the snow outside :)


Kathy Mandell - Traveling Dog Lady said...

Great photo moment!! I need to start learning PicMonkey. Thanks for the tip about their Pinning contest!

Marty the Manx said...

Both pictures are beautiful Truffles!

AnnStaub said...

Very nice photo, both before and after! Is that something people have to do up north? Remove their screens in the Winter? Just wondering since mine stay on year round.

M. K. Clinton said...

Truffles you never take a bad photo! Keep snuggly warm in all of that snow. ♥

Clooney said...

That's a beautiful photo and great Caturday Art!

Anonymous said...

Truffles looks not particularly pleased with Mother Nature!

KimT said...

Penny for your thoughts, baby girl!