Monday, January 5, 2015

Celebrating National Bird Day

Hey everybody, it's Truffles! Did you know that today, January 5th, is the 13th Annual National Bird Day? A day to celebrate our feathered friends is certainly a holiday that I can support! My favorite way to spend the day (besides napping, of course), is binge watching episodes of Bird TV.

I have a great television set to watch Bird TV on too, and thought today would be a good day to show it to you, so I asked Mommy to take a picture of part of our backyard. (Blech...ignore how dead and brown everything looks in my yard!) If you look at the picture below, the screened-in bathroom window is where I watch in the summer. That window provides the greatest window whiffies! (The extra wire across the window provides additional support to the screen because Tara fell out the window once.) In addition to birds, I also watch squirrels (Mommy calls them "chirp chirps"...they are her favorites), there's even the occasional bunny and groundhog! In the winter I watch out Mommy's bedroom window from the comfort of my snuggler bed on top of her bookcase. 

As you can see, the bird feeder is directly across from both windows so my view is pawesome! Mommy says that this spring she might even put more feeders out for me! She loves to fill the feeder with seed, bread, even crackers and cereal that she buys at the dollar store. She also spreads the food on the ground below the feeder. (My yard is much bigger than this, the picture is just meant to show my immediate view out the windows.)

How do you watch your Bird TV?


Katnip Lounge said...

WOW! You have TWO Bird TV lucky is THAT?

We mainly watch birdies at the bird-bath by way of Daddy's office window...he LOVES 5-6 cats sitting on his desk...ha ha ha!

brokenteepee said...

The Farm cats have LOTS of windows to Bird TV. They love it. They just have to be careful for Mr. Eagle TV. That can get dangerous.

Fur Everywhere said...

You has a great view for bird TV, Truffles! We lives on the 11th floor of an apartment building, and sometimes little birdies will land on the outside windowsill for us to watch! :)

The Island Cats said...

It's National Bird Day?!? We didn't know! We love watching Bird TV from our window seat. We're gonna go celebrate Bird Day right now!

Anonymous said...

My girls watch "bird TV" from the window, by my computer. I put food outside, for stray cats, at night. Any left, the next morning, brings a flock of birds and it's gone in seconds!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Wow. You have an AMAZIN' set-up for your Bird TV. Must be the premium channel, huh? Bet it's great.


Ingrid said...

My cats would celebrate this day by catching as many birds as possible, lol ! I couldn't put a bird feeder in our yard, it would become a cat feeder !

Colehaus Cats said...

Wow! That's a great spot for your bird feeder to watch bird TV! We watch from every back facing window at our house and at the squirrel box facing window in the kitchen, we see just as many birds and sometimes visiting kitties passing through. Our mom likes your screen support and thinks that's a great idea!


OH wow we think you've got some great channels to watch the birdies from!!!

Anonymous said...

You're very lucky, Truffles! My moms have several bird feeders right outside my window and it's my favorite spot in the house. It's also a great source of frustration for me! Every day is bird day at my house. I'll never understand why my moms only want to WATCH the birds! I enjoy watching them, too, but I'd like to chase them as well!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Nothing better than watching bird TV
Lily & Edward

pilch92 said...

We have bird tv, but no cozy bed to watch it from-you are lucky.

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! Great view but I’m sure The Trout Towne Tabbies ain’t gonna like this. My furrend Herba fell out a window when he pushed against the screen so that extra wire is smart. Faith once leaped out the second story window when Gramma was hanging the wash. She musta landed on something soft cos she was fine. The peeps were real scared that fat Nicky would fall outta these 4th floor windows so they only opened the windows a smidge.

Lone Star Cats said...

I luv Burd TV.

I's wonderin - can I celebrate Burd Day by eatin one?

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I didn't even know it was National Bird Day! Cool! Do you believe I am NOT into birds? Mom thinks it's cause I was adopted so young that I don't even know what they are. Plus, we live on second floor so I don't get to see too many. Love, Cody

Unknown said...

Hmmm. Mes has not had a chance to watch bird tv for a long time. Jo Jo deceided that birds was a good thing to catch, so Mommy got rid of the feeders. Which is too bad. Kozmo and mes just watched them.

The Swiss Cats said...

We watch Bird TV from every window, and we're lucky, we can watch it live in the fence in our garden (and sometimes we catch one to watch him closer) ! Purrs

Marty the Manx said...

That is pawsome! You have TWO windows to watch bird TV! We don't have much bird TV here. We have squirrel TV out the front windows though!