Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sunday Selfies: Engrossed in a Great Book

Truffles: Mommy, stop bugging me with the flashy box! I'm busy!

Melissa: Sweetie, I'm just trying to help you take your selfie for the Sunday Selfies blog hop.

Truffles: Well, it's going to have to be a sideways selfie this week because I just can't drag myself away from this book. It's a mystery about a tortie!!!

Melissa: Oh, you grabbed my Kindle and started reading the new Cattarina mystery by Monica Shaughnessy. I bet it's really good.

Truffles: It sure is! Remember how I interviewed Cattarina about her life as Edgar Allan Poe's muse? She was so nice. The Black Cats is her second adventure, and she also has a new short story out called To the River about her early days. I think it's so cool that such a famous author was owned by a tortie!

Melissa: I think it is too. You know what else is really cool? The author of these wonderful stories, Monica Shaughnessy, is sponsoring our blog this month, so I really hope our readers will check out her books. I just know they will enjoy them as much as we do. Now how much longer do you think you're going to be with my Kindle, Truff?

Truffles: SHHHH!!!! I'm getting to the best part!


Kitties Blue said...

Very cute. Sometimes it's hard to tear yourself away from a good story about a tortie, but we're happy you were able to take a moment to join us. XOCK, Kitties Blue

Ingrid said...

My cats can understand you ! they always are rather reluctant when they see my Kindle in front of their noses !

My GBGV Life said...

I have a kitty sis that isn't into the camera either. Cat bro Bert doesn't mind a bit. Enjoy your book!

Unknown said...

Sorry to interrupt your reading with my comment Truffles but thanks for sharing your selfie with that great book!

The Island Cats said...

That does look like a good book, Truffles!

Fur Everywhere said...

I am always looking for good authors to read, and stories about kitties are the absolute best!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Truffles...will have to have a look at this book, too. Enjoy!

pilch92 said...

What a nice selfie and the book looks good too.

Mariodacat said...

Hmmm, sounds like another good book. You always come up with good ones, and we always take your recommendations seriously. I'll go over and check out her site.


Truffles we're glad to see your Selfie but we understand how it is when you're doing something and don't want to be disturbed!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Great selfie, Truffles! The book sounds really good. Must check it out :)

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

LP said...

Truffles! You an avid reader! Great Selfie :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Unknown said...

Truffles I am so impressed that you do book reviews! Mom says she had a kitty in their family named Annabelle after a Poe book. Love your selfie! Love Rhetter (Dolly's letting me use her blog today).

Unknown said...

Excellent Selfie! And that looks like an excellent book! Wes shall has to reads it!

Nancy said...

Truffles, Thank you for the book tip! You are the coolest kitty ever!!

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Sounds purrfectly cool! I love the idea of sponsoring!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Nuttin better'n a good book to settle down with!

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

That book sounds great. It's the purrfect weather to curl up with a good book, that's for sure!

meowmeowmans said...

That certainly DOES sound like a great book! We're gonna have to check that one out. :)

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! Authors can sponsor blogs? TW, call Aunt Pauline!!

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

I like your sideways selfie and I will tell my Food Lady about that book you are reading!

Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

Katnip Lounge said...

Sideways selfie! We like that.

GLOGIRLY said...

So sweet, Truffles!!! And that looks like a wonderful book too!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

We love the author! It is almost time to re-read the mystery we won! Ms. Shaugnessy is a grreat ghost writer. Her cat is a grreat writer!