
Saturday, March 7, 2015

{52 Snapshots} & Caturday Art: Mischief

Hey everybody, it's Truffles! It's already week 10 of the #PBSG #52Snapshots of Life photo challenge (hosted by The Lazy Pit Bull) and the theme is mischief. I didn't know how Mommy was going to handle this one because I seldom get into mischief. (Okay, a few weeks ago I jumped up onto the piano and tried to play but she didn't grab the camera on time.) Then she remembered a cute thing I do that we've never mentioned here. Hopefully no one finds it to be too unhygienic :)

One day during the holidays Mommy had a lot going on in the kitchen, and in order to make more room on the stove she set the tea kettle down on the floor. Suddenly she heard what sounded like me drinking out of my water bowl...only I wasn't at my water bowl. I was drinking the warm water left in the tea kettle!

Mommy didn't freak out or anything...she actually thought it was cute and encouraged me to do it again for a picture! Now every now and then when she's working in the kitchen I'll look up at the stove and she puts the kettle down for me.

But that's just between us, okay?

For Athena's Caturday Art blog hop, we applied the Graphic Novel effect using PicMonkey, and then added some overlays from their Comic Heroes theme, bringing the picture to life.


  1. Warm water...being a dog, I prefer cold water, but I can see my kitties liking tea kettle warm as well.

  2. You could never get into mischief, Truffles!

  3. That is too funny! I love the added graphics too.

  4. Great picture of mischief and we don't mind what you were doing at all! Purrs from Deb and the Zee and Zoey Gang!

  5. Your secret is safe with me.......I won't tell if you promise not to tell that my favorite water to drink is puddle water outside.....especially when snow is melting in a nice COLD puddle!

    Hugs, Sammy

  6. Awww, Truffle... even when you're making mischief you're sweet.

  7. We did a cartoon effect this week too! We LOVES yours!

  8. That art work shows how shiny and purty your furs are!

  9. What great art! How creative! TW would be happy to see me drink water any way I chose.

  10. You are so funny Truffles! My kitties would do the same thing. I won't judge you :)

  11. ooooh we LOVE the cartoon effect!

  12. There is nothing wrong with a spot of tea (water) between friends. I love your SLURP!

  13. That classifies as a good mischief, Truffles! Love what you did to the pic for your art, very cool! Hope you are having a good Caturday!

  14. Mischief was a tough one for us angelic kitties, huh Truffles? Mom had nothing for me. Love your art.

  15. Mum's the word Truffles and Rhette doesn't get up on our kitchen counters! Love Dolly
