Thursday, April 9, 2015

Book Review & Giveaway: Learning the Secret Language of Cats: A Vet's Translation

Dr. Teed began to write this book because she felt a book like this was missing from the bookshelves of cat owners and lovers. It became a labour of love with each page written as she realized she could impact so many cat lives and hopefully prevent preventable disease, behavioural issues and euthanasia. With humour, candor and intelligence, Dr. Teed not only provides insight into modern day feline health and welfare issues, but describes how the experiences of the cat are mirrored in our own lives.

Dr. Teed explores the body-mind-soul connection and notes what feeds the mind is often deficient in the modern world we have constructed for ourselves and our cats. These deficiencies then become written on the body. She feels a more integrated approach to care of our felines is what is needed now for the modern cat. Through personal stories of lessons learned over her years as a veterinarian in feline practice and as an overall cat lover, Dr. Teed calls the cat the ultimate success story and through careful study has found the secrets to his success. She has observed first hand time and time again the positive power of the cat to affect change in small sprees and reflects what an amazing thing it would be if we were all a bit more cat-like. In her words, every household can benefit from a cat.

It probably goes without saying that my bookshelves are packed with books about cats, both fiction and non-fiction. I'm always eager to read and learn more about these precious little beings that mean the world to me. They are such mysterious creatures and we have so much to learn both from them and about them. This book, written by a vet who spent the majority of her career caring exclusively for a cats, is a must read for anyone who either already shares their lives with cats or is thinking of bringing a cat into their home for the very first time.

What I enjoyed about this book is that it isn't a cat care manual, a story, or a memoir. It's a fusion of all three: a feline practitioner and "cat whisperer" writing about her experiences both with her own cats and her feline patients through the years. She shares her insight into feline nutrition, medical and behavioral issues, and how to decipher what your cat is trying to tell you. Of particular interest to me were her thoughts on choosing veterinary medicine as a career choice and why she ultimately decided to give up her practice, and the importance of pet insurance and why veterinary costs are so high.

Of course, we are all passionate about our pets and their care and there will always be instances where we disagree with the "experts", and in this case it's the author's views on allowing a cat outdoors unsupervised in spite of the many hazards, and the use of shock collars and mats to curtail unwanted behavior. There are innumerable ways to enrich an indoor cat's life so the big, scary outside world doesn't seem so appealing, and to redirect misbehaviors with ways to make everyone happy.

I think anyone who loves cats will find something in this book to help make your pet happier and healthier, and to possibly make you a better, more understanding pet parent!

Author Bio: Dr. Carol Teed graduated from the Atlantic Veterinary College in 1990. She spent most of her career in feline specialty practice where she became fluent in the mysterious language of cats. While observing cats through their accelerated life cycle, she became fascinated by their ability to bring positive change to the lives of those they interact with. She currently lives in rural Niagara, Ontario, Canada with her husband, four children, two dogs and three cats. She is working on her second book and always has a cat on her lap and two looking over her shoulder.

Connect with Dr. Carol: Website ~ Facebook ~ Twitter

Where to buy the book:

From Publisher
Barnes& Nobles
Chapters Indigo


Hannah and Lucy said...

We would love to win this book for our Mum please.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Anonymous said...

That sounds like an interesting book. Good look to all the entries :) Pawkisses :) <3

Jeanetta said...

I think this book would help me to understand cats better.

The Island Cats said...

The mom would like to win this book so she can learn to understand us better. But we don't think we want her to learn all our secrets.

CatInTheFridge said...

Oh! What an interesting looking book. Cool. - Crepes.

Anonymous said...


Jenna d said...

My daughter and I are huge cats ladies and I would love to read this with her

Unknown said...

I had a friend who was a vet. Found it daunting that he was expected to know everything about all animals, from the smallest to the largest. He decided to specialize in goats. No one knew all that much and he learned a lot as he went. It let him focus more.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

always interested in another pov on cats :)


This sounds like a very interesting book on cat behavior

Anonymous said...

Gweat posty and weview. Hope y'all hav a ppawsum day.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Cats Herd You said...

Sounds like a really interesting read!

Linda Szymoniak said...

I grew up seeing myself more as a "dog person",but now have three cats in addition to my five dogs. I'm now as much a "cat" person as a "dog" person,but could use help in interpreting my felines.

Pawesome Cats said...

This sounds like an awesome book. We'd like to enter, and if we win we'll gift it to a US based friend.

Unknown said...

I would love to win this book because I have always wanted to know what my kitties are thinking!!

Unknown said...

I would love to win this book because I have always wanted to know what my kitties are thinking!!

pilch92 said...

Great giveaway! Truffles looks so cute :)

The Swiss Cats said...

That books sounds very interesting. Good luck to our US friends ! Purrs