
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Book Review & Giveaway: Flourless to Stop Him by Nancy J. Parra

From the publisher: The author of Murder Gone A-Rye and Gluten for Punishment returns to Oiltop, Kansas, where gluten-free baker Toni Holmes has to separate the wheat from the chaff to clear her brother of murder…

It’s never a good time for a crisis. Toni’s busy whipping up gluten-free holiday treats when a murder forces her to put baking on the back burner. A dead man has been found in the bathtub of a local inn—in a room registered to her brother, Tim.

With her sibling now a prime suspect in a mysterious homicide, Toni is determined to find out who set him up. But she’s about to get some unwanted assistance from former investigative journalist Grandma Ruth, who won’t let anything slow her progress in running down a killer…

The first two books in Nancy J. Parra's Baker's Treat mystery series have been in my TBR pile for awhile now, but I decided to jump in with this once since it's set at Christmas. What on earth have I been waiting for??? I loved every single minute of this mouth-watering mystery.

Toni returned home to Oiltop, Kansas following her mother's death and moved into her family's Victorian mansion. Her doors are always open to any of her 50+ relatives. Her brother Tim has recently moved out and finally getting his life together, but that all comes crashing down when a dead body is found in the bathtub of the inn Toni's BFF Tasha manages, and the room is registered to Tim. The police start considering the murder a drug deal gone wrong when drugs are found stashed away in Toni's garage and evidence surfaces of a series of hotel registrations all under Tim's name.

The star of the show here is Grandma Ruth, a scooter-driving, blog-writing, eccentric nonagenarian. She is an absolute riot and had me in stitches on more than one occasion. Toni's cousin Mindy is another standout character, visiting from NYC and harboring some secrets of her own.

Toni's gluten-free baking of her delectable treats during the Christmas season is just icing on the cake. I devoured every page and am ready for more!

Giveaway: Leave a comment by noon eastern on Monday, May 11th for your chance to win a paperback copy of Flourless to Stop Him. (US entries only, please, and don't forget your email address!)


  1. Flourless to Stop Him by Nancy J. Parra sounds like a fun book. Thank you for the review and giveaway.

  2. 50+ relatives, Grandma Ruth - sounds like a hoot and I want to read it!


  3. We must always defend our sibling no matter what. This book sounds like it will provide a great read for those of us who believe in such principles.

  4. looks like a fun read, thanks for the chance :)
    jslbrown2009 at aol dot com

  5. Looks like a great book, I LOVE the cover.

  6. I gained a love of "cooking" mysteries from my mom. We were forever buying and trading these series and trying the recipes inside them. Recently, a new member to the family let it be known that she is gluten free now so we are all looking for new recipes to try before she arrives on our doorsteps for dinner. Thank you for the chance.

    cmucha319 AT yahoo DOT com

  7. A wonderful series.... I'm looking forward to this one!

  8. I'd love to read it. Sounds great.


  9. Hm, my comment seems to have vanished.
    This sounds like another good entry in this series.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  10. This sounds like a fun read!

    mdcast1972 at gmail dot com

  11. This delightful book is special. Love the title and cover. Thanks. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  12. What a great cozy which I would enjoy. So cute. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  13. I have not read this series, Melissa. Now, I can't wait to get started! patucker54 (at aol dot com)

  14. This sounds like an awesome read:) Thank you for the chance to win.

  15. Gweat review and pawtastic foto. Yous look so gawjus. And we luvved yous name posty too. Even tho' our names awen't anywhere near da list. MOL Oh well, mommy duz like to be diffewent. Hope yous havin' a pawsum day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  16. This series has been on my TBR pile for ages as well. It sounds great!

    cozyupwithkathy @ gmail dot com

  17. Great review!
    Have a super Wednesday...

    Noodle and crew

  18. Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win.

  19. I have not started this series.

    kaye dot killgore at comcast dot net

  20. I have been enjoying this series. Happy to see a new one

    gibsonbk at hiwaay dot net

  21. This sounds SO good, would love to start reading this series while it is still new enough to get into. I really want to meet Grandma Ruth!!! thanks for the chance to win!! jeaniedannheim at ymail dot com

  22. Oh man, your review is making me excited to read this. A new author and cozy series. I can't wait. That title is hilarious too. LOL

  23. Got so excited I forgot this was a giveaway and to leave my email. LOL

  24. Love the title...and the the book should be fantastic. Hope to win. Can hardly wait to read!

  25. Great review. This sounds like the perfect addition to the series. Appreciate the opportunity.

  26. I love cooking and mysteries.

  27. I love cooking and mysteries.

  28. Thank you for your awesome giveaways and this chance. This sounds like a great read.

  29. Seems like a tall-order. How are Toni and Ruth going to clear Tim? Can't wait to find out!
    witchywoman064 at yahoo dot com

  30. Excited to see a new release about Toni's bakery! Thanks for the chance to win!

  31. I would love to start reading this series! Thank you for the giveaway!
    mittens0831 at aol dot com

  32. Looking forward to reading this one.
