
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Rest in Pieces

Hey everybody, Truffles at the keyboard. Not to be overly dramatic or anything, but we suffered a loss at our house Monday afternoon.

First, the backstory. When Angel Tara went to the Bridge, Mommy packed up all of her things to put in a memory box. They were "hers" and the next kitty in Mommy's life (who turned out to be me!) would get new things all her own.

But the day I came home Mommy had forgotten one thing...she hadn't gotten me any food dishes yet, so she went into Tara's box and pulled out the one that had been her dry food dish. (It had already been put away for quite awhile since Tara could no longer eat kibble following her diabetes diagnosis.)

Over the last (almost) two years, that dish and I have shared a lot of great meals together. Here we were in happier days:

You may have noticed by now that I'm speaking of the dish in past tense. That's because this happened:

Mommy was cleaning the kitchen sink and somehow managed to knock my dish off the counter onto the floor. It didn't stand a chance. I was shocked and horrified when I saw what had happened:

It's not that I was overly attached to the dish. I will gladly eat out of another. But Mommy had a sentimental attachment to it. It started out as Tara's. It was the dish I ate my first can of Fancy Feast in after moving here to my forever home.

Now it's back in Tara's memory pieces :(


  1. Aww, I had when that happens. It makes me sad.

  2. Aww... that's sad. At least your mom still has her memories.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  3. Awww...but, Truffles, don't be sad, things happens! See it on the bright you have two memories :) Maybe your mom can fix it with a little glue, just to keep the memories together. Soft Pawkisses <3

  4. Why is it always your favourite dish that gets broken!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. That's a shame. It will carry extra memories in the memory box now... of both of you!

  6. I am sorry this happened to your cute dish. Please don't be sad for it was an accident.

  7. Oh, I'm sorry. Glad it only broke in two pieces so you could put it back in the memory box. Rest in peace, cute little dish.

  8. That's too bad. It looks like a nice bowl to eat from.

  9. Sorry about your (and Tara's) dish, Truffles. The Mom would be sad if Jewel's fishy bowl broke, too. This reminds her that maybe she should put it away instead of letting us use it. *hugs* to you and your mom.

  10. awe sweetie I am so glad to read it was a dish that went to dish heaven and not a furry one. Have a great day.

  11. I am sorry about Tara's dish :(

  12. Aww, it's still a keepsake and I'm sure Mommy will pick you a very special bowl, Truffles.

  13. Whoa! That title had me thinking (gasp) that something happened to Truffles. I had services for my dish last year. All of The-Cat’s-That-Came-Before’s dishes are already gone. Gramma’s cats used to eat out of the styroform plates that supermarket meat comes in even though TW kept buying them cat dishes. Anyhoo, sorry about your loss.

  14. I am sure that made you sad, but now you get to pick out a brand new special dish..

  15. Oh, that is sad. But it served up many a great meal. Purrhaps your human could bust it up a little more and makes a mosaic.
    Now yous will gets another special dish!

  16. Aw, too bad it broke, but at least it is still in the memory box.

  17. Perhaps since she is just going to keep it as a keepsake she can glue it back together. I'm sure something like superglue would work or I bet there is something better in the craft store for that type of container it was.

  18. Hi Y’all!
    My Human has been known to mend broken, sentimental things and retire them to a safe place.
    Did you follow me to There is a link on .
    Hope, if you haven’t already, y’all will come to my new home. I’m still workin’ on it. I’ll be tryin’ a different format tomorrow. We need your input.
    Y’all hurry on by now!
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  19. Oh no! I hate it when stuff like that happens. It is always the sentimental things that get broken. The truth is that we keep the best parts of our loved ones in our hearts. They are tucked away where no one can ever take them from us. I hope your Mommy isn't too upset, Truffles!
    -Purrs from your friends at

  20. Oh no! We are so sorry that Tara's dish broke. :(

    We like Nellie's idea about making a special mosaic with it.

  21. We're sorry that happened ; at least it's in the memory box. Purrs

  22. Aaaaaw Truffles, mommy bwoke one of Lexi's dishes just da udder day. What's worse is dat if was full of yummy goodness and it shattered into a bazillion diffewent pieces. Fankfully mommy has a china set fur 10. Altho' she's bwoke so many dishes fwu da years weez not sure how many more plates awe left.. Glad yous got anudder dish too.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  23. Truffles does look shocked and horrified. You interrupted her bath!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  24. hopefully it can be glued back together and put back in the memory box....and then you can get a new dish and make more new memories....

  25. Aww.. so sorry! It's always the things that have the most sentimental value that get broken and hurt the most. Sending hugs to your mommy, Truffles.

  26. Truffles, I'll bet that Tara would love to know you enjoyed her dish! You and Melissa both have wonderful sentimental memories of it, and you will share new ones with a new dish. Be sure to 'hug' your mommy and show her you love her, and be ready to enjoy the new dish with Fancy Feast. It is all OK! Be sure to show us a picture of your new dish!!

  27. Ohhhh noooooooooo!! My Mom did the same thing with one of my Grandpa Bobo's dishes! She was heartbroken so she knows just how you feel. Love, Cody

  28. Aww, we're so sorry, Truffles. What a special dish you got to use everyday. I bet your Mommy could use some purrs to feel better.

  29. We are sorry to hear about your special dish breaking. It's hard with things that have a special meaning to us.

  30. I know how you feel - somethings can't be replaced!
