Monday, August 31, 2015
July 2015 CatLadyBox Review
I got an email late last week that my August CatLadyBox is on it's way...and I haven't had a chance to review my July box yet!!!
The featured cat lady artist this month is PrintsofHeart. The back of the card contains detailed info on the box's contents, but the "Cat lady for life" artwork on the front will definitely be framed and hung on my bedroom wall! Cute extras include a CatLadyBox pen and tattoos.
The MEOW CatLadyBox shirt has got to be the softest t-shirt I have ever worn. The winning design for this shirt was selected over more than 50 entries from designers all over the world. It's stylish, fun, and fits like a glove.
I am completely in love with the adorable handmade ceramic cat pendant necklace by Southern Gracie. It's so delicate and classy looking, and I'm crazy about the pretty lime green color.
And how fun is the Wild Rose catnip lip balm? Can you think of a better way to get loads of kitty kisses? I was tempted to put it on the day I adopted Mudpie, but I was afraid I might end up freaking people out if I suddenly had cats crawling all over me LOL.
Subscriptions cost $34.99 a month, but you can get an even better deal if you prepay for 3 or 6 months. Also available is the Crazy CatLadyBox, which includes a couple surprises for your kitty!
My current subscription has one more month on it, but when the time comes to renew I will definitely be upping my subscription to the Crazy CatLadyBox. Truffles never cared much for "stuff", but Mudpie is definitely a "material girl"!
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to hit "refresh" on the FedEx tracking website to see where my August box currently is!
Disclosure: I'm not being compensated in any way for this review. I am a proud CatLadyBox subscriber!
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Sleepy #SundaySelfie
Meows from Mudpie!
This week's theme for The Lazy Pit Bull's 52 Snapshots of Life photo challenge is Sleepy, so I decided to merge my blog hops and do a Sleepy Sunday Selfie!

We also wanted to congratulate a couple winners...Sheila K. won our Black Magic Tickle Pickle giveaway, and Daniel S. won the Tote Tails tote bag. We hope you enjoy your goodies!
This week's theme for The Lazy Pit Bull's 52 Snapshots of Life photo challenge is Sleepy, so I decided to merge my blog hops and do a Sleepy Sunday Selfie!

We also wanted to congratulate a couple winners...Sheila K. won our Black Magic Tickle Pickle giveaway, and Daniel S. won the Tote Tails tote bag. We hope you enjoy your goodies!
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Caturday Pop Art
Meows from Mudpie!
Today for my Caturday Art project we used Photofunia's Pop Art template. I think it came out really cool.
(Marilyn Monroe, eat your heart out MOL!!!)
Check out more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!
Friday, August 28, 2015
Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day ~ In the Blink of an Eye
And all I could ask God is "WHY?"
An angel on earth who deserved so much more
Our time was too short - your loss cut to the core
I have to believe we'll be together again
Even though I don't know the where or the when
Until then my heart aches for you night and day
Artwork: Zee & Zoey's Cat Chronicles
This special day was created by Deborah Barnes – author, award winning blogger, and cat advocate in tribute to her cat, Mr. Jazz, who she had to say goodbye to on August 28, 2013. She shared the journey of letting him go in her most recent book, “Purr Prints of the Heart: A Cat’s Tale of Life, Death, and Beyond,” a warm and heartfelt book that is written in the wise and comforting voice of Mr. Jazz himself as he shares his life and death journey to offer guidance and understanding through a cat’s perspective as to why sometimes letting a pet go can be the greatest gift you give them.
A special event page for Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day has been created on Facebook so that people can share blog post links, pictures, poems, favorite memories, etc. Please click here for the link.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Truffles Interviews: Mr. Grey from Code Grey by Clea Simon (w/Review & Giveaway)
Hey everybody, it's Angel Truffles! Surprise!!!
Isn't Mudpie doing a great job? I'm so happy knowing that I left Mommy and our blog in such capable paws.
Mudpie invited me back today to conduct a very special interview with Mr. Grey, the kitty spirit in Clea Simon's Dulcie Schwartz feline mystery series. We figured that I would be the best cat for the job since Mr. Grey and I have so much in common: we both had to leave our humans behind in the physical sense, but will remain by their sides forever.
I hope you enjoy the interview.
Angel Truffles: Welcome Mr. Grey, thank you so much for chatting with me today. Could you start by telling us a little about your time on earth and how you came to live with Dulcie?
Mr. Grey: First, let me start by telling you that Truffles is settling in nicely here. We’ve made room on a sunny windowsill for her, where she can nap and also look out for you!
I came into Dulcie’s life by design, although she didn’t see it that way. She thinks she and her old roommate Suze adopted me, but I arranged for her to find me, wet and hungry. The wet part was the most difficult, but I needed to make sure she took me in - despite the dorm rules against having a cat! I was quite happy to be a housecat after that. Strangely, I didn’t find the need to talk while I was in that life. Dulce understood me well enough, the way I’d brush against her or purr and knead the pillow beside her.
Now that you're a ghost kitty, you are still able to communicate with Dulcie. How does that work?
I’m not entirely sure, Truffles. I suspect it is because I am no longer constrained by my physical body. That was a great body – with my long grey fur and even longer whiskers, I not only felt very aware of my surroundings, I knew I could make Dulcie happy just by curling up next to her. But now that I’m not confined into a corporeal form, the thoughts that I always had just … come out. And she’s a smart girl, so she has learned to listen to me!
Have you found that this has helped you both to cope with your physical separation?
Most definitely! I know Dulcie misses me a lot, but I want her to know I’m always looking after her. We all are, you know, though I don’t think I can tell you any more of our secrets.
Did you play any part in kitten Esme's arrival into Dulcie's life, and did a new kitty help her grieving process?
I did! Esmé is such a strong-willed young creature that I knew she needed a good home with someone who would respect her, and I knew that Dulcie needed a good feline companion. While Esmé is not my actual offspring, I like to think she’s my spiritual child … though I think of Dulcie as my real kitten.
Please tell us about the latest mystery that you, Dulcie and Esme get involved in.
In “Code Grey,” the new Dulcie Schwartz feline mystery, Dulcie is all alone on campus over the spring vacation, trying desperately to finish her thesis. But when a poor former scholar is found injured and then accused of stealing a rare book – a horrible crime for a scholar! – she knows she has to put her own work aside and help out. Clea calls this mystery her “love letter to books,” and there’s lots in there about rare books, their repair and care. But of course there’s also room for us felines … including a grey shadow who always seems to be around...
Anything you can tell us about your upcoming adventures?
Why, yes! I know Clea is hard at work at my next adventure. It doesn’t have a name yet, but you can be sure “Grey” – for me, Mr Grey – will be in the title. And I am pleased to let you know that one of my colleagues, Blackie – a black as midnight street cat – has his own line launching soon. His first adventure, “The Ninth Life,” will be out in March 2016 (a bit earlier in the UK), and we’re all very excited about it. “The Ninth Life” is a bit darker and maybe scarier than my books. But you can rest assured that if there’s a cat in it, he’ll be okay - and he’ll do what he has to take care of his people, too!
From the publisher: Did a down on his luck former student steal a priceless book? Grad student and cat lover Dulcie Schwartz thinks not – and she sets out to prove it
It’s spring break, and Dulcie Schwartz has stayed behind in almost-deserted Cambridge, Massachusetts to concentrate on her thesis. But when a former student turned vagrant, Jeremy Mumbles, is found injured, with a valuable missing book clutched in his arms, Dulcie can’t seem to let it go. What was he doing with the book? And why has it turned up after all these years?
With Jeremy now the prime suspect for a series of break-ins in the area, Dulcie is determined to clear the unfortunate former scholar’s name. But when she finds a connection between the book he was carrying and her own research into an anonymous Gothic author, the search for clues takes on a new intensity – and a new menace.
Dulcie has stayed in Cambridge during spring break to work on her thesis about an anonymous Gothic author. A former student who has fallen on hard times ends up being accused in a series of break-ins during a time of upheaval on campus: a major excavation is taking place to fix a water main break. While trying to prove his innocence she ends up uncovering a link between her research and the book he was found in possession of.
I particularly enjoyed the Gothic excerpts, the story behind the silver cat printer's mark, and especially Dulcie's relationships with her beloved Mr. Grey and current feline Esme. This is the first book I've read in the series but feel that it works well as a stand-alone...just make sure to put on your thinking cap before you start reading!
Author Links:
On Facebook:
My blog:
On Twitter: or @Clea_Simon
On Goodreads:
Purchase Links:
B&N Book Depository
About the author: Clea Simon is the author of 18 mysteries in the Theda Krakow, DulcieSchwartz, and Pru Marlowe pet noir series. The latter two are ongoingand include her most recent books, Code Grey (Severn House) and Kittens Can Kill (Poisoned Pen Press). A former journalist and nonfiction author, she lives in Somerville, Mass., with her husband, the writer Jon Garelick, and their cat Musetta. She can be reached at
Author Links:
On Facebook:
My blog:
On Twitter: or @Clea_Simon
On Goodreads:
Purchase Links:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Nip Nanner Frenzy
Meows from Mudpie!
These pictures were taken just a couple hours after I moved into my forever home...can you tell that I was instantly smitten with my nip nanner? I play with it and my Tipsy Nip toys every single day.
Mommy has already promised me a Yeowww! pumpkin for Halloween and candy cane for Christmas!!!
These pictures were taken just a couple hours after I moved into my forever home...can you tell that I was instantly smitten with my nip nanner? I play with it and my Tipsy Nip toys every single day.
Mommy has already promised me a Yeowww! pumpkin for Halloween and candy cane for Christmas!!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 Review: KONG Active Cat Play Mat
For over a year now one of Mommy's favorite things to do on the first of the month is peruse the email from to find just the right item for Truffles, and now me, to review.
On July 1st Mommy excitedly picked out the KONG Active Cat Play Mat for Truffles.
It arrived the day after Truffles left so suddenly for the Bridge.
Mommy set the play mat aside, and the day I moved in, it was one of the first things she pulled out for me.
The mat is made with soft plush on one side and rugged sisal on the other side, and it's just purr-fect for lounging, playing, and scratching. The crinkle sound it makes when you step on it is especially fun!
I *love* playing with toys, but when Mommy laid the mat out on the rug, I didn't get on it. So she decided to try putting it on my kitty lounger...and it's become my favorite place to take a catnap! (Check out my toy stash under the lounger...Mommy says every girl stores stuff under her bed!)
It makes me really sad that Truffles never got to use the mat that Mommy picked out for her, but it made this kitty feel very loved to move into her forever home and find something special waiting there "just for me"!
We received one free play mat in exchange for our fair and honest review as part of the Blogger Outreach Program. All opinions are our own.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Faithfully Yours Book Trailer Premiere
Faithfully Yours: The Amazing Bond Between Us and the Animals We Love is scheduled to hit shelves on October 1st, and today we're so excited to be participating in the Book Trailer Premiere Party!
With inspiring stories of devotion, protection, healing, compassion, and faith, Faithfully Yoursexplores why we love animals so much.
You will meet:
You will meet:
• A schnauzer that rescued his owner after a devastating lighting strike.
• A 40-foot whale that shocked her rescuers when she helped to save a baby whale trapped in a fishing net.
• A miniature horse that guides a blind teacher.
• A cat that comforts stressed-out college students.
As well as people who love animals in extraordinary ways:
• The dog trainer who transformed an unwanted shelter dog into a Broadway star.
• The man who became a voice for the humane treatment of farm animals.
• The woman who gave up everything to help street dogs and, in turn, learned lessons of trust and love.
• A 40-foot whale that shocked her rescuers when she helped to save a baby whale trapped in a fishing net.
• A miniature horse that guides a blind teacher.
• A cat that comforts stressed-out college students.
As well as people who love animals in extraordinary ways:
• The dog trainer who transformed an unwanted shelter dog into a Broadway star.
• The man who became a voice for the humane treatment of farm animals.
• The woman who gave up everything to help street dogs and, in turn, learned lessons of trust and love.
Faithfully Yours will warm your heart and enhance your appreciation of God’s wonderful creation. For anyone who’s ever loved, and known the love of,a special animal.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Mischievous Mudpie #SundaySelfie
Meows from Mudpie!
Mommy says my little face is so cute she can barely stand it. Teehee!
Don't I look like I'm up to something in my Sunday Selfie today? I'm most likely getting ready to put my crazypants back on for the next running of the Mudpie 500.
Hey, Mommy's a huge NASCAR fan, right?
Mommy says my little face is so cute she can barely stand it. Teehee!
Don't I look like I'm up to something in my Sunday Selfie today? I'm most likely getting ready to put my crazypants back on for the next running of the Mudpie 500.
Hey, Mommy's a huge NASCAR fan, right?
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Caturday Art & Sepia Saturday
Meows from Mudpie!
Today for my Caturday Art project I'm going vintage by applying the Sepia effect to the Petfinder picture that made Mommy fall in love with me.
She says I look like I belong in The Wizard of Oz! What do you think?
Today for my Caturday Art project I'm going vintage by applying the Sepia effect to the Petfinder picture that made Mommy fall in love with me.
She says I look like I belong in The Wizard of Oz! What do you think?
Visit more artsy kitties in Athena's Caturday Art blog hop. I'm also joining Ruckus the Eskie for Sepia Saturday this weekend.
Friday, August 21, 2015
$25,000 Up for Grabs in Tractor Supply Animal Rescue Contest
Raise your hand—or paw—if your favorite animal rescue needs some help. Rural lifestyle retailer Tractor Supply Co. is looking to “rescue” 10 deserving animal shelters, including a $10,000 grand prize.
As part of Tractor Supply’s annual Pet Appreciation Week, held Sept. 16-20 this year, Tractor Supply is awarding a total of $25,000 in grants to qualifying animal non-profits through its “Rescue Your Rescue” social media contest.
To get started, Tractor Supply is asking customers to nominate their favorite shelter by submitting a photo and brief statement of why the shelter is deserving. Nominations are open from Friday, Aug. 21 through Sunday, Aug. 30, and all details on how to enter will be found at
Tractor Supply will narrow down the nominations to 10 finalists, and the public will vote from Saturday, Sept. 5 through Sunday, Sept. 13 at to determine the final standings. The Rescue Your Rescue grand prize is a $10,000 grant. Second place is $5,000; third place: $3,500; fourth place: $2,000; fifth place: $1,500; sixth place: $1,000; seventh place: $800; eight place: $650; ninth place: $350; and tenth place: $200.
“This is the third year Tractor Supply has hosted the Rescue Your Rescue contest for Pet Appreciation Week, and the stories of hard work and compassion never cease to amaze us,” said Kevin Bryant, director of national marketing at Tractor Supply. “This contest is a great way for us to give back to the animal rescues that give their time, energy and often, own money, day in and day out, to save animals in need and find them forever homes.”
Last year, Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue of Shoals, W.V. won the $10,000 grand prize. Tinia Creamer, president of the winning rescue, said the contest afforded her organization the ability to upgrade transportation for horses in need. Remaining funds saved an emaciated Tennessee Walking Horse, which was rehabilitated, renamed Schmidty, after Tractor Supply’s founder C.E. Schmidt, and adopted into a loving home.
“We were able to put the money to good use right away,” said Creamer. “It’s still so amazing to me that we won.”
Tractor Supply’s Pet Appreciation Week, or PAW, is an event to celebrate pets and introduce families to the joy of owning animals. As part of the main event on Saturday, Sept. 19, every Tractor Supply store will feature pet adoptions, demonstrations on pet nutrition, discounts on pet food and supplies, free giveaways, and valuable in-store prize drawings.
All Pet Appreciation Week events are open to the public—and leashed, friendly pets—and will take place at local Tractor Supply stores. Find a local store and more information on Pet Appreciation Week and caring for pets at
National Bring Your Cat to the Vet Day #Cat2VetDay
Meows from Mudpie!
Did you know that tomorrow, August 22nd, is National Bring Your Cat to the Vet Day? With my adoption paperwork Mommy received a coupon for a free wellness visit so I've been hearing her using the V-E-T word quite a bit.
You know what's weird? I'm not nervous! I enjoy car rides, I love meeting new people, and I hear Dr. John is really nice. And I know he'll love me...I mean seriouslies, who wouldn't?
The crazypants thing is that Mommy is the one who's a nervous wreck! She says that from past experience there's no such thing as a "routine" vet visit for her. Her previous cats were older and something was always "popping up" during check-ups, and even though Truffles was young and healthy, what was going on inside her little body only a heart specialist would have been able to detect. And who would think to take a 4 year old cat to a cardiologist?
I found the following infographic and video that shows the importance of routine vet visits for kitties (and doggies too!) Now I just need advice on how to convince Mommy to stop being such a Nervous Nellie!
Do your humans worry all the time and fear the outcome of vet visits?
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Tote Tails Review & Giveaway
I'm a huge fan of customized pet items. Every Christmas my tree is packed with ornaments featuring the names and pictures of my cats through the years. Since losing Truffles just two short years after Tara, I've been on the lookout for special ways to honor my two precious little girls, who will forever be linked to each other in my heart.
When the opportunity to review a custom tote bag from Tote Tails arrived, I knew that I had found what I'd been looking for. I uploaded pictures of Tara and Truffles (premade silhouettes of popular dog and cat breeds are also available), and within just a couple days I received a mock up in my email with the options to make any changes that I would like. The placement of paw prints and wording is completely up to you too.
When my tote bag arrived in the mail I just starting crying. The silhouettes are the purr-fect likeness of my angels. It's something I will treasure forever and it makes me so proud to have already had people ask me about it when I've used it to run errands.
These custom totes are a truly unique & wonderful gift idea or way to treat yourself to something special. The price is outrageously low, the designs are classy and fun, and the tote itself is extremely well made and durable.
And...10% of every product purchased on goes directly to benefit the SPCA, Humane Society and other animal welfare organizations. Nothing makes me happier than supporting small businesses that help animals.
Product Features:
* A unique hand-painted silhouette likeness of your pet.
* High quality 12 oz. heavy canvas tote bag material.
* 14" X 15" X 4" dimensions mean you can fit all of the goodies from your farmer's market trip into one bag.
* 21" straps allow for a comfortable carry and easy access to contents inside the tote bag.
* A carrying capacity that easily exceeds 25 lb's.
Today would have been Truffles' 2nd Gotcha Day. In honor of this I'm so excited to offer our readers a very special giveaway: a customized tote bag of your very own! (US entries only please.)
If you don't end up being the lucky winner, please consider purchasing a tote of your beloved pet(s). Mudpie is already asking that I design one just for her!
If you don't end up being the lucky winner, please consider purchasing a tote of your beloved pet(s). Mudpie is already asking that I design one just for her!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Full disclosure: I received a customized tote from Tote Tails in exchange for my fair and honest review. Receiving free product did not influence my opinion about it; all opinions expressed on this site are my own. I only feature products I have used or would use or that I feel are of interest to readers.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
On a Mission to PetSmart for Natural Balance #PetSmartStory
This post is sponsored by PetSmart®, and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word the word about the launch of Natural Balance® products at PetSmart, but Mochas, Mysteries and Meows only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. PetSmart is not responsible for the content of this article.
The day I adopted Mudpie, one of the first things I asked was what she liked to eat. My question was met with a smile followed by, "she's very picky."
Uh oh. Just what every new pet parent wants to hear, right?
Over the next few days I about tore my hair out trying to find something she would like. I finally hit the jackpot with one choice, only to have it give her horrible diarrhea the next day.
Back to the drawing board. Out of desperation I contacted the shelter to find out what on earth they were feeding her. This time I got specific brands and flavors straight from the lady that took care of her, and the verdict is: Miss Mudpie is a junk food junkie.
I figure I have no choice but to let her eat the food she likes and is used to while trying to try to find a healthier alternative to gradually integrate into her diet.
That's why I was incredibly happy to hear the news that Natural Balance® pet products are now available at PetSmart®. Over the last 10 years, Natural Balance has been a staple in my home. Tara loved their salmon pate; Truffles *adored* the Ultra Premium dry food. With a large line of products made with premium quality ingredients which include a variety of dry and canned food, stews and treats, I am on a mission to discover what Mudpie will choose as her favorite!
I was so excited to visit my local PetSmart and be greeted by so many choices on their shelves...
* Wild Pursuit™ features high protein, grain-free nutrition from diverse and balanced sources, and is developed to meet the fundamental needs of cats by closely resembling the diet they would have eaten in the wild.
* L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets® is designed with a limited number of protein and carbohydrate sources for cats with sensitivities to common ingredients.
* Original Ultra® Whole Body Health nourishes your cat's complete well-being by taking an entire body approach. Truffles and I blogged about this line of food back in October and she continued to eat it on a regular basis.
Through PetSmart, Natural Balance will be able to reach so many more households giving pet parents access to the wholesome offerings their pets deserve. As someone who typically shops there an average of 3 times per month, the addition of Natural Balance to their unparalleled selection of quality pet products will be a huge convenience for me.
Now the only question that remains is...what will Mudpie choose?
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
August Rescued Spotlight: Tuffy
Meows from Mudpie!
Over the last several months Mommy and Truffles have been telling you about Rescued: The Stories of 12 Cats, Through Their Eyes, an anthology of rescue cat stories compiled by Janiss Garza, who writes the Sparkle Cat blog. Each author featured in the book has nominated a cat rescue and was assigned a month to promote the book, with a third of the profits from that month going to their rescue.
August's spotlight is Tuffy, the muse for a series of cozy mysteries and star of his very own Facebook page. Mommy conducted our interview with Tuffy, but starting next month I'll be taking over! (Now I need to get Mommy to read all of the pawsome Rescued stories to me!)
Melissa: Welcome Tuffy! Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me today! Could you start by introducing us to yourself and telling us what made your story such a good fit for the Rescued anthology?
Tuffy: Hi Melissa! And thanks so much for inviting me on. I was so sad to hear about Truffles. Please know we’re all thinking of you.
Hello readers! I’m Tuffy, a Maine coon cat. (Aren’t I handsome?) I live in Connecticut but have dreams of moving somewhere without snow. I was a stray who was hanging around the backyard of the empty house my humans eventually moved into. I really liked them right fro the start, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to move in completely and give up my freedom. These humans don’t like for cats to go outside, so it was a big decision for me! But, like all things in life, the universe has a way of helping you figure things out. A series of unfortunate events led me straight into the house eventually, and there I’ve been since 2008. You can read all about it in Rescued. It’s not been so bad, though. I always have my favorite kind of food, and along with having my own story in Rescued, I’m the cat muse for the Pawsitively Organic Mysteries about gourmet pet food. My alter ego, Nutty, is the original animal character in the books. It’s a pretty cool gig, even though I’m a bit reclusive and don’t go to signings. I have a stamp with my paw, though, that the human uses in lieu of my signature.
A key part of your story is your relationship with a cat named Lion. Please tell us about him and how he helped you.
Lion was the coolest cat on the block. My block, anyway. He was a gorgeous, long-haired buff guy who ruled the neighborhood. We hung out together for a long time—he was my partner in crime. Lion was feral, and he knew his way around the “mean streets.” He showed me the best places to hide from predators, the coolest trees to climb, the warmest porches to live under. He actually found my humans’ house first and checked it out, then had me come over when he gave his blessing. Unfortunately, when I went inside to live, Lion didn’t want to come. He’d been feral for too long, and even though he loved the humans and sometimes came over for a pet, he had no desire to be a house cat. But it was okay—he lived on his own terms. Lion will always be my best friend.
You have quite a fan base now as the star of your very own cozy mystery series! Give us the dish about your pawesome books!!!
I’m so glad you like the books! As I mentioned, my alter ego is Nutty. He’s a Maine coon (of course) and we share many of the same personality traits. In the book, Nutty is the genesis for the main character’s foray into the gourmet pet food business. Stan Connor, a corporate PR executive forced into very early retirement, rescued him and found out he had irritable bowel disease. She ended up making all his food, and then when she lost her job and moved to Frog Ledge, discovered that other cats and dogs were crazy for her concoctions too. And a business was born! We are currently working on the fifth book in the series, as-yet-unnamed. Murder Most Finicky, the fourth book, will be out in late December of this year. You can check out my fan page on Facebook, as well as Liz’s author page here:
The rescue you've chosen to receive your proceeds from the book this month is Friends of Feral Cheshire Cats. What important work do they do for homeless cats?
Friends of Feral Cheshire Cats (
is an organization near and dear to my own heart, since they take care of cats like Lion who aren’t lucky enough to have their own full-time humans. Kerry Bartoletti and the other ladies who run the group are dedicated and fabulous. Their main purpose is to administer a TNR (trap-neuter-return) program for cats in their area, by helping people humanely trap and vet feral cats. They also run a foster program for any friendly cats or kittens they come across in feral colonies or elsewhere. We love them!
What's life like for you today?
My life is pretty pawesome today, I must say. I have a certain image to keep up so I have to retain some level of indifference, but let’s be honest—I made a good choice. I have a nice house to live in with my own sunroom, a beautiful yard to observe from my many perches, birds to watch, cat and dog friends to play with, and humans who feed and hug me. Again, I can’t always admit how much I like the hugs, but I do! Shh, don’t tell….
And of course, it’s pretty darn cool to be a book star and to have my own story! I would say I’m a blessed kitty.
What would you like humans to learn from your story and what do you want your lasting legacy to be?
I would love it if more humans stopped to notice all the cats in need, especially the ferals. There are probably some in your neighborhood, and they could use food and water and some shelter. The rescuers and feeders simply can’t be in that many places at once, and it keeps them up at night to think of poor innocent cats out there with nothing to eat. So if you see a colony, or know of one, make a pledge to feed them. If you can’t do that, make a donation (money or food) to a rescue who does. Any small gesture is appreciated. C’mon, do it for Lion! Thanks, Tuffy
Photos courtesy of Liz Mugavero
Tuffy: Hi Melissa! And thanks so much for inviting me on. I was so sad to hear about Truffles. Please know we’re all thinking of you.
Hello readers! I’m Tuffy, a Maine coon cat. (Aren’t I handsome?) I live in Connecticut but have dreams of moving somewhere without snow. I was a stray who was hanging around the backyard of the empty house my humans eventually moved into. I really liked them right fro the start, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to move in completely and give up my freedom. These humans don’t like for cats to go outside, so it was a big decision for me! But, like all things in life, the universe has a way of helping you figure things out. A series of unfortunate events led me straight into the house eventually, and there I’ve been since 2008. You can read all about it in Rescued. It’s not been so bad, though. I always have my favorite kind of food, and along with having my own story in Rescued, I’m the cat muse for the Pawsitively Organic Mysteries about gourmet pet food. My alter ego, Nutty, is the original animal character in the books. It’s a pretty cool gig, even though I’m a bit reclusive and don’t go to signings. I have a stamp with my paw, though, that the human uses in lieu of my signature.
A key part of your story is your relationship with a cat named Lion. Please tell us about him and how he helped you.
Lion was the coolest cat on the block. My block, anyway. He was a gorgeous, long-haired buff guy who ruled the neighborhood. We hung out together for a long time—he was my partner in crime. Lion was feral, and he knew his way around the “mean streets.” He showed me the best places to hide from predators, the coolest trees to climb, the warmest porches to live under. He actually found my humans’ house first and checked it out, then had me come over when he gave his blessing. Unfortunately, when I went inside to live, Lion didn’t want to come. He’d been feral for too long, and even though he loved the humans and sometimes came over for a pet, he had no desire to be a house cat. But it was okay—he lived on his own terms. Lion will always be my best friend.
You have quite a fan base now as the star of your very own cozy mystery series! Give us the dish about your pawesome books!!!
I’m so glad you like the books! As I mentioned, my alter ego is Nutty. He’s a Maine coon (of course) and we share many of the same personality traits. In the book, Nutty is the genesis for the main character’s foray into the gourmet pet food business. Stan Connor, a corporate PR executive forced into very early retirement, rescued him and found out he had irritable bowel disease. She ended up making all his food, and then when she lost her job and moved to Frog Ledge, discovered that other cats and dogs were crazy for her concoctions too. And a business was born! We are currently working on the fifth book in the series, as-yet-unnamed. Murder Most Finicky, the fourth book, will be out in late December of this year. You can check out my fan page on Facebook, as well as Liz’s author page here:
The rescue you've chosen to receive your proceeds from the book this month is Friends of Feral Cheshire Cats. What important work do they do for homeless cats?
Friends of Feral Cheshire Cats (
is an organization near and dear to my own heart, since they take care of cats like Lion who aren’t lucky enough to have their own full-time humans. Kerry Bartoletti and the other ladies who run the group are dedicated and fabulous. Their main purpose is to administer a TNR (trap-neuter-return) program for cats in their area, by helping people humanely trap and vet feral cats. They also run a foster program for any friendly cats or kittens they come across in feral colonies or elsewhere. We love them!
What's life like for you today?
My life is pretty pawesome today, I must say. I have a certain image to keep up so I have to retain some level of indifference, but let’s be honest—I made a good choice. I have a nice house to live in with my own sunroom, a beautiful yard to observe from my many perches, birds to watch, cat and dog friends to play with, and humans who feed and hug me. Again, I can’t always admit how much I like the hugs, but I do! Shh, don’t tell….
And of course, it’s pretty darn cool to be a book star and to have my own story! I would say I’m a blessed kitty.
What would you like humans to learn from your story and what do you want your lasting legacy to be?
I would love it if more humans stopped to notice all the cats in need, especially the ferals. There are probably some in your neighborhood, and they could use food and water and some shelter. The rescuers and feeders simply can’t be in that many places at once, and it keeps them up at night to think of poor innocent cats out there with nothing to eat. So if you see a colony, or know of one, make a pledge to feed them. If you can’t do that, make a donation (money or food) to a rescue who does. Any small gesture is appreciated. C’mon, do it for Lion! Thanks, Tuffy
Photos courtesy of Liz Mugavero
Monday, August 17, 2015
Black Magic Tickle Pickle Giveaway
Meows from Mudpie!
Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day! Did you know that at many black cat adoption events, torties are considered honorary black cats? So I'm proud to stand with the lovely house panther to help spread the message that black cats are pawsome!
When I arrived at my forever home last weekend, one of the first toys I gravitated towards were our Tipsy Nip Tickle Pickles. They are made locally here in Vermont and do so much for kitties in need.
Throughout the month of August, Tipsy Nip will donate 25% of all website retail sales ( of their Black Magic Tickle Pickle to help raise awareness and funds for Black Cat Rescue (BCR). This newest Tickle Pickle is stuffed with a delicious blend of organic catnip and licorice root. Not only will it taste good to your cat, licorice root can be used to help kitties with allergies and digestive issues. Licorice root can also squash respiratory issues like colds because it soothes the mucus membranes.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: We have not been compensated in any way for this post. We're blogging about Tipsy Nip because we love the product!
Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day! Did you know that at many black cat adoption events, torties are considered honorary black cats? So I'm proud to stand with the lovely house panther to help spread the message that black cats are pawsome!
When I arrived at my forever home last weekend, one of the first toys I gravitated towards were our Tipsy Nip Tickle Pickles. They are made locally here in Vermont and do so much for kitties in need.
You can place your order here.
Mommy bought me a Black Magic Tickle Pickle, and I asked her if we could buy a second one to offer as my very first giveaway...of course she said yes! (Who could say no to me???)
This giveaway is open to our readers worldwide so good luck everyone!
This giveaway is open to our readers worldwide so good luck everyone!
Disclaimer: We have not been compensated in any way for this post. We're blogging about Tipsy Nip because we love the product!
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Mudpie's First #SundaySelfie
Meows from Mudpie!
Boy, has it ever been a whirlwind week for this little kitty! One week ago today I met my new Mommy and was brought to my forever home. My welcome into the cat blogosphere has been amazing and I can't wait to get to know all of you better!
We have some exciting giveaways coming up this very first will be tomorrow for Black Cat Appreciation Day, and we'll have a special giveaway Thursday on what would have been Truffles' 2nd Gotcha Day.
I hope you'll enjoy following along on my exciting adventures...and here's my very first Sunday Selfie too!
Boy, has it ever been a whirlwind week for this little kitty! One week ago today I met my new Mommy and was brought to my forever home. My welcome into the cat blogosphere has been amazing and I can't wait to get to know all of you better!
We have some exciting giveaways coming up this very first will be tomorrow for Black Cat Appreciation Day, and we'll have a special giveaway Thursday on what would have been Truffles' 2nd Gotcha Day.
I hope you'll enjoy following along on my exciting adventures...and here's my very first Sunday Selfie too!
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Our 4th Blogoversary & All Ears for Bootsie Auction
Meows from Mudpie!
I'm jumping into this whole blogging thing with all four paws today to wish Mommy a happy four year blogoversary! WOW! Mommy's been blogging for FOUR WHOLE YEARS...that's longer than I've been alive!
For our first Caturday Art project together we used to create a cute little cat collage of the 3 torties who have been a part of the last four years...Tara, Truffles...and ME!
We also wanted to tell you about a fund-raising event that we're participating in for a poor, abandoned, and hurting kitty named Bootsie.
I'm jumping into this whole blogging thing with all four paws today to wish Mommy a happy four year blogoversary! WOW! Mommy's been blogging for FOUR WHOLE YEARS...that's longer than I've been alive!
For our first Caturday Art project together we used to create a cute little cat collage of the 3 torties who have been a part of the last four years...Tara, Truffles...and ME!
Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!
We also wanted to tell you about a fund-raising event that we're participating in for a poor, abandoned, and hurting kitty named Bootsie.
This is from Bootsie’s YouCaring page:
"Bootsie was abandoned in Greenville, SC a couple of weeks ago when his owners packed up and pulled away in a U-Haul. There was poor Bootsie, sitting in his driveway for weeks until some new people moved in. Then Bootsie guessed they were not coming back for him.
Bootsie’s owners never treated him for ear mites he got way back in September of last year. A hematoma and horrible scar tissue has rendered him with a lot of constant pain and scratching. The canal which is bent normally, is so thin and convoluted that no medicine can get in to help bring him some relief. Can you even imagine?
Vets I have taken him to said the ear drum may rupture, which would be excruciatingly painful, but there is nothing more they can do for him. Then I researched a surgery called a TECA (total ear canal ablation). The ear canal and ear drum are removed. Upstate vets is the only one I have found that can do it at a cost of $1,800 to $2,000 dollars.
Every time I see him he is desperately rubbing his ear on the street and he shakes his head and paws his ear all day long without cease. I cannot stand to watch it and am putting in a steroid, but I know it is not getting down to do anything to help this poor fellow. His ear is always full of infection.”
Bootsie’s owners never treated him for ear mites he got way back in September of last year. A hematoma and horrible scar tissue has rendered him with a lot of constant pain and scratching. The canal which is bent normally, is so thin and convoluted that no medicine can get in to help bring him some relief. Can you even imagine?
Vets I have taken him to said the ear drum may rupture, which would be excruciatingly painful, but there is nothing more they can do for him. Then I researched a surgery called a TECA (total ear canal ablation). The ear canal and ear drum are removed. Upstate vets is the only one I have found that can do it at a cost of $1,800 to $2,000 dollars.
Every time I see him he is desperately rubbing his ear on the street and he shakes his head and paws his ear all day long without cease. I cannot stand to watch it and am putting in a steroid, but I know it is not getting down to do anything to help this poor fellow. His ear is always full of infection.”
An All Ears for Bootsie Auction has been created by our wonderful friends at Dash Kitten. There are some wonderful items available to bid on, from jewelry to books to clothing and much more.
Christmas is coming up and we would love to point out the items that we've submitted for auction:
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