
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

#LoveYourPetEveryDay Because Every Moment Matters

There's nothing more pure and unconditional than the love of a pet. I can come home from work in a foul mood, exhausted, looking like something the cat dragged in (pardon the pun), but when Mudpie meets me at the door that all just fades away. We've spent the whole day apart and she couldn't be happier that I'm home because I'm her Mommy; I'm her world.

Think about that for a minute: *You* are your pets' world. I don't know about you, but I often wonder if I'm worthy of that incredible honor. This past Saturday, February 20th, was National Love Your Pet Day, but at our house we don't need a special day set aside for that. It's celebrated in every single moment that we spend together.

This post is sponsored by Chicken Soup for The Soul Pet Food and the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer Network. I am being compensated for helping create awareness around the Brand and new product launch, but Mochas, Mysteries and Meows only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Chicken Soup for The Soul is not responsible for the content of this article.

We don't start each day with breakfast; we start with playtime. Mudpie's favorite thing in the world is playing with her that's what we do. Those 15 to 20 minutes every morning spent with my little girl before I leave for work are so, so important to me. It's "our time" together that I look forward to and it remains with me as I go about my day. Those special moments are like chicken soup for my soul.

After I get home from work she's ready to play again, but during the evening she's typically ready for a little quiet time together. That's when we curl up on the couch to either watch TV or read a book (a delicious mystery or the latest tome from Chicken Soup for the Soul®, of course!). That's our special "cuddle time" together and she usually falls asleep quite quickly.

Of course, next to playing and napping the most important daily activity for most cats is eating! Chicken Soup for the Soul® has created a line of super-premium, grain free pet food with real meat as the first ingredient, probiotics and prebiotic fiber for healthy digestion, and Omega-6 & Omega-3 fatty acids for healthy skin & coat. Both the dry and wet food products are holistic in nature, limited ingredient diets that are suitable for all life stages. Mealtime is one of those special moments when we all connect with our pets. That’s why Chicken Soup for the Soul says that, “food is more than just nutrition, it’s also about comfort, love and appreciation.” Find the nearest pet store that carries their food by visiting the store locator and typing in your location.

Chicken Soup for the Soul is a family owned and operated business that gives back, too. A portion of all proceeds from the sale of their pet food goes to the Humpty Dumpty Institution to help support organizations that feed and care for animals in shelters. The royalties from their new book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Very Good, Very Bad Cat (there's a dog version too!) will go to the American Humane Association. Their packages feature shelter pets from a local shelter and ones that have recently found their forever homes (stories about these pets can be found on the back of the packages). They are also the official dog food sponsor for the American Humane Association's Hero Dog Awards, as well as a sponsor of the Therapy Dog category!

One of the greatest lessons I learned in losing Truffles so young is to make time for those you love. How many times did she want to play or cuddle and because I was busy I asked her to wait. I thought we had all the time in the world. Now I'd give anything to have that time back with her. I won't make that same mistake with Mudpie. Whether you're parenting a pet or a child, the greatest way to show your love is to give them the gift of time. Set aside the distractions and be present.

Every moment matters. Every day is precious.

Show your pet how much you love and every day.

Do you have a hero pet in your life?

Chicken Soup for the Soul® is giving pet owners the opportunity to show how their pets are heroes and have a chance to appear on Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Hidden Heroes on the CBS Saturday morning lineup. Write your story or submit your video to the Pet Hero webpage.

Connect with Chicken Soup for the Soul Pets:


How do you show your pet how much you love them?


  1. I sure do hear ya! The sudden loss of Truffles was a shock indeed which I can only imagine but I know your Mudpie is probably having the time of her life in her new home. As for me, Having just finished the kitties Rainbow Bridge slideshow and now working on the woofies, I too realize more acutely lately we don't have all the time in the world to love our pets! I gather Peaches & Paprika to me much more dearly and consciously lately. They feel it and are much more loving. I love the way that four white feet greet me at my door when coming home (which is Peaches) who gives me short staccato glad meows and a 10 minute grand welcome. And the way Paprika sits on my lap almost meditatively when I work on computer things. I won't go on and on but I do hear you! Love them today!!!

  2. Bentley is my hero and my soul dog. I love all of the animals that I've shared my life with, but he is truly different from all of them. I have also learned that time doesn't wait until we are ready so when he wants to play or needs my attention, I give it to him. Every minute is precious.

  3. I love your picture and text about your cat understands. It got me all teary. Thank you for a well written and thought out post.

  4. I love your picture and text about your cat understands. It got me all teary. Thank you for a well written and thought out post.

  5. Beautiful Mudpie!! I am nothing without my own babies.

  6. Such a great well-written post! I feel the same about my Athena. Luckily I work from home so I'm with her all the time but I am always busy. But when she wants to play (about 2 or 3 times a day) I'm ready to drop everything for her. She comes first for me and we only play around 10 to 15 mins each time.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  7. My mom always tells me I'm her hero! I love your coffee cup! :)

  8. Beautiful post, Melissa!

  9. Back in 2009 I retired early, took a cut in retirement, at the time I debated and wondered if I did the right thing. But it gave me 4 years of being home with Abby, those 4 years would have been cute into 2 if I had stayed until my "correct" time to retire. I don't regret that decision now. I'm so glad I had those years with her.

  10. This was such a great and well-written post. Gave Mom lots of food for thought as well. Thanks. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. What a beautiful post, Melissa. I know you miss Truffles, but you'll always have your wonderful memories with her. And now you have your sweet Mudpie, and it sounds like you two make such lovely memories every day.

    Although I was blessed enough to spend 21 years with her, it still hit me extremely hard when I lost my sweet Rosie, and wish I'd had more time with her. Now, I have my three young kitties and my pup, and I always try to cherish every moment with them. My days always start with them, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I always wake up with at least one kitty next to me, and that's usually the beginning of a group cuddle session. And I always strive to give each of my furbabies individual, one-on-one attention every single day. I try to base that time with each of them on their favorite things, whether it be playing with their favorite toy, getting treats, or snuggling.


  12. Dn’t flater yourself Human. We cats are independent and we can do just find without them. Now let me finish my food in my nice warm condo so I can jump into my nice comfy bed.

  13. Such a sweet post. I guess all pets have this ability to understand their owners huh? Aren't we blessed...

  14. We lost our 6 month old Sabrina the day after Christmas. She adopted me in the parking lot at work in August. She came into our lives and took over! It took awhile for our 4yr old Tortie, Punkin, to get use to her but she misses her as much as we do. What I wouldn't give to have her "help me with the laundry" again.

  15. We are so blessed to have adopted Artie. He always cuddles and guards my wife when she has a migraine.

  16. Excellent post. I try to give all my cats lots of love, but with so many, it is hard to give everyone all the attention they crave.

  17. What a beautiful post. The mom is going to play with us right now. :)

  18. We have to admit that we want breakfast first THEN play. We need the energy...

  19. Love the graphics with Mudpie... especially, "My cat understands." Spunky Bear was my hero... I still miss him. Still Katie Too is a furry brave girl too. Hard to type without her laying on my hand. She just can't get enough of laying in my lap.
    Purrz, Katie Kat

  20. I feel the same about Mister Cat! Time spent with him is never wasted time.
    By the way, I'm running a pet blogger survey on my blog. If you could stop by and answer the survey it would be great. Thanks!

    Rosa @ Cat Lady Confidential

  21. Such a sweet post! I love Mudpie, she is a great companion for you. I love that she wants to play every morning. :) I do my best to make every moment special too.
    -Purrs from your friends at
