Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Shopping with Mudpie

Meows from Mudpie! Today we're joining Bacon the Pig and Fozziemum for their fun blog hop called “Shopping Around the World" where we're asked to price items in our area in order to find out what different things cost in various parts of the world.

This month the theme is sammies, and since Mommy eats as little meat as possible and never met a black bean she didn't like, she decided to try the Pioneer Woman's Black Bean Burger recipe (with a few adaptations). Here's the ingredient list and what each item cost:

14.5 ounce can of black beans $0.99
1/2 cup of Panko breadcrumbs $1.00
1/2 cup of shredded cheese (3 packages/$5.00)
1 egg
1 teaspoon chili powder $1.00
Hamburger buns
Lettuce (we used Romaine hearts, package of 3 for $2.50)
Roma tomatoes $1.99/pound
Hummus (we used the new Heluva Good Roasted Red Pepper hummus, $1.99 with a $1 off coupon)

Drain and rinse the black beans, then mash them up with a fork. Add the breadcrumbs, egg, chili powder, and shredded cheese. Stir until everything is combined.

Heat olive oil in a skillet and form the bean mixture into patties. Cook about 5 minutes on each side, or until the burgers are heated through.

Spread hamburger buns with hummus, then place the patties on the buns. Top with lettuce and tomato, then pop on the lids!

Mommy says these burgers were amazing and she will definitely be making them again soon.

That was fun! Do you think I might have a future as a food blogger or should I stick to kitty stuff???


Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

I love TJ's and this feature. I always mean to join but never have time. Easy our dog blogger pal in France does it and it's fascinating seeing products from other countries.

easyweimaraner said...

Oh I bet youir mom is totally right... that burgers are super amazing!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Oh dear our Mum would only have eaten the salad!

Anonymous said...

That sounds delicious - at least to my mom! she wants to try it!

Jeanetta said...

Mudpie, I think you do have a future as a food blogger. :)

The Island Cats said...

The mom says this sounds very tasty and she may need to give this recipe a try!

Unknown said...

Mmm...that sounds good! I love black bean burgers but have never made them from scratch before.

The Menagerie Mom said...

Mmmm, that looks delicious. I never thought I'd be craving a black bean burger for breakfast. If you ask me, you would do well as a food blogger, too! Purrs!

Three Chatty Cats said...

That looks yummy! Black bean patties are great.

Random Felines said...

we aren't so sure about those, but mom said they sound pretty good to her

Anonymous said...

Yum! :)

Anonymous said...

Squeals! That looks so amazing! I even want to try it my friend. Thanks for participating in Shopping Around the World <3 XOXO - Bacon

Priscilla King said...

I couldn't eat them myself (wheat *and* cheese!) but my cats would love them.

(It *is* easier to share human food with the resident cats since we've lost lactose-intolerant Ivy.)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

The human says it looks delicious to her, but we kittehz would have had the basket full of chicken!

pilch92 said...

That sounds great- I love veggie burgers.

Marty the Manx said...

Ohhhhh I didn't think of making my own veggie burgers! I am saving this recipe! thanks!

edie said...

They sound awesome! Thanks for the recipe. I'll have to check out the other blogs for their ideas. 😃

Anonymous said...

Yum. Thanks for sharing.

Cathy Keisha said...

Food is right up your alley but next time I’d like to see some meat in there. MOL!

meowmeowmans said...

We love black bean burgers. We're gonna have to try these out, Mudpie and Mommy!

Anonymous said...

I come for the burger... :D It looks delicious <3 Double Pawkiss :) <3