
Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Week We'll Never Forget #SundaySelfie

Meows from Mudpie!

Mommy and I are lying low this weekend, recuperating after a week we'll never, ever forget.

On Thursday we told you all about being named a Finalist for the BlogPaws Nose to Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards in the Best Blog Post category.

Then that morning Mommy got an email that we'd also received a Certificate of Excellence from the Cat Writers' Assocation with the opportunity to win a coveted Muse Medallion! This award wasn't for a particular blog post like the BlogPaws honor, but for our entire blog as a whole! We were one of three recipients in the Blog/Any Other Topic alongside Pooh Hodges and Sparkle Cat featuring Summer!!!

Needless to say, we've both been walking on air all week long. Writing about cats and pursing a career path because of her passion for cats has always been Mommy's dream, so this whole week seems to good to be true. And I'm the lucky kitty who gets to be her muse.

We want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for taking time out of your busy lives each day to visit with us. We cherish our little blogging community so very much!!!

We're joining our friends at The Cat on My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop.


  1. Concatulations Melissa and Mudpie for another great honor. Keep up the good work. Thanks for hopping again this week. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. Congratulations! You do a great job blogging and always enjoy your posts!A well deserved honor!

  3. A huge congratulations to you, Mudpie and Melissa! You both deserve these honors so, so much. Oh, and of course, your selfie is downright adorable, Mudpie!

  4. Congratulations to Melissa and Mudpie.

  5. Congratulations again on both of your nominations - so well deserved!

  6. I'm so happy for you—may your good fortune continue on and on!

  7. CONGRATULATIONS! Fingers crossed that you win.

  8. Congratulations again! That's a great selfie, too, Mudpie.

  9. That is great week! Congratulations! You have an amazing blog and truly deserve to be rewarded. Cute selfie Miss Mudpie.

  10. So thrilled for you both! You do have a wonderful blog and deserve the nominations!

  11. Yay, Melissa and Mudpie!

  12. What can we say, but a wonderful week for you both! CONGRATULATIONS, a deserved nomination AND Certificate of Excellence... Have you come down to earth yet? purrs ERin

  13. Congrats! We love your blog :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  14. Congratulations. Wonderful news! Sounds like some more great news might be looming ahead.

  15. Congratulations to you Melissa and to Mudpie too! We are happy you are walking on air and that your dreams are coming true :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  16. Hurrah for Lady Melissa an you Mudpie!!!!
    All well deserved awards an nommynayshunss!!!
    Yur toe-tally deeservin!!!!
    Woo Hoo!!! Mee iss blissed out fur you both :)
    ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx
    Pee S.: Yur Selfie iss beeuteefull all so Mudpie.....

  17. Well ConCats Mudpie, we're so happy fur you and your mommy.

    Luv ya'


  18. You had a fantastic week! Congratulations on your nominations! They are very well deserved for your pawesome blog.

  19. What a pawsome week ! Concatulations Mudpie (and mom Melissa) ! Purrs

  20. Concats Mudpie and mom.

    Emma and Buster

  21. Woohoo! Congratulations and very well-deserved!

  22. Concats on being a finalist, and also for your Certificate of Excellence. Your selfie is sweet.

  23. Wow, that's some great week, Melissa and Mudpie! Congratulations again, sweet pals ... you are so deserving of all this recognition.

    Oh, and nice selfie, Mudpie! :)

  24. Congratulations on all of your achievements. That is pawesome!

  25. Congratulations!
    We (and our human) thank you for visiting us and your warm kind words on the sudden passing of our 19-year-old Tanya.
    Purrs, headbutts and hugs.

  26. Congratulations to you! And what a lovely selfie today!

    Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

  27. HUGE CONCATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now...go and play the lottery ;)

  28. So happy for you and your mommy, Mudpie :) Congratulations! Pawkisses :) <3

  29. ALL well-deserved!!! I think I congratulated you and mommy on FB, Mudpie, but many congrats again!!
