
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Case of the Drowned Rat

Meows from Mudpie!

A couple months ago we had our Inspector Mudpie graphic created with the intentions of writing some short stories with me as the detective. Little did I know that I would end up on the case of a near tragedy in my very own home!

Everyone has seen this picture of me in happier times with my favorite toy. This animal print mousie was in the PurrPack box that I reviewed last year. It was my first review after moving into my forever home and we formed an instant bond. I've named her "Baby" and I've been known on more than one occasion to howl for her when I can't find her. I pick her up in my teeth and toss her in the air and we have so much fun together.

Sunday night when Mommy went to bed Baby and I were playing in the living room.

Monday morning we woke up to find her face down in my water bowl.

Photo recreation minus the water

Mommy dove in to save her before I hyperventilated. After wringing her out we had to find a place for her to dry *sob*. Hanging her outside wasn't an option because it was raining, plus I feared some klepto squirrel might take a shine to her! Mommy tried hanging her on the bathtub rack but in no time I had pulled her down.

Now she hangs all by herself inside the screen door where I can't get to her, and I'm howling and searching for her in the bathroom...

Mommy says that since I was the last one to be seen with the victim, I most likely bopped Baby into the water all by myself while playing, but I'm a better caretaker than that! I think a neighbor kitty broke in and it was attempted murder!

What do you think happened to my Baby???


  1. * Helpless giggles * Oh Mudpie you silly thing. Inspector Mom saved the day didn't she!

    You read too many of mum's mysteries!

    I need to tell you and Mum, on our visit to barns & Noble in San Francisco we saw two whole racks of chelves with cosy mysteries on them. I was SOO JEALOUS, its more fun to read a real book that a weBook mystery!!

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

  2. Mystery solved or was it? Thanks for your recent support of Black Cats Tell All. We just launched our new campaign yesterday and it's funded!

  3. I'm with you, Mudpie. Sometimes my toys end up in the waterbowl, too. Mom thinks I do it but I say "I dunno" did it!! You've probably seen him - he's a little gremlin that sneaks into the house, does naughty things and then I get the blame. Sounds like you have an "I dunno" gremlin of your own!!!!

  4. Thanks for the laugh this morning and we enjoyed all the pictures that went with it.

  5. We agree Mudpie!
    It was an introoder that did that awful thing to Baby ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  6. Well, I'm not a fan of rats, so I don't see the problem here, but sounds like a suspicious death, nevertheless.

  7. MOL! Zoey has been known to do things like that. Do you think she coulda snuck in and commit the crime?

  8. Surely you're not a suspect, Mudpie. You're far too adorable and innocent to commit even the slightest of crimes. I say this calls for an investigation!

  9. Oh no, we're glad mew managed to save your mousie, and mew do need to be really careful of those klepto squirrels, we had an issue last year with a klepto rabbit!! MOL


    Basil & Co xox

  10. I think your Mom was jealous of your affections toward this mousie so she drowned her. Humans are very jealous.

  11. I think Baby was dangling precariously near the water bowl and fell in, after you went to bed, Mudpie. :) (Thanks for the chuckle, this morning.)

  12. We had a few cat toys waterbowled a few years ago. We were never sure who the culprit was. Some of the toys were salvageable; others didn't make it.
    —Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  13. Oh Mudpie, we are glad your mom was able to salvage your favourite toy!

  14. I'm sure it was an intruder Mudpie. You would never do that to your favorite toy!

  15. Oh, this is purrplexing. I am sire it was an accident. I am glad it all ended well.

  16. Oh no! I bet some intruder came in and plopped it into your water bowl. Perhaps as a sign of something??? Stay on alert, Mudpie!

  17. mudpie.....sum one ( mizz rat ) dove off de high divin bored... afturr bee in told KNOT ta due sew.... til her had finished ALL her swimmin lessonz..... thanx full lee de lifez guard waz on doo tee ta bring her ta shore ~~~~~~~~~~ high paws two yur mom ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  18. I think you're right to suspect squirrels might take a shine to her if she went outside.. Forget neighbor cats breaking in, it was probably a squirrel! Cod knows they're a vindictive bunch, they must have noticed how happy you were and were jealous!

  19. Hmmmmmm, I think the live mousies were jealous of you not chasing them so they threw your toy into the water bowl. Keep an eye open.

    Sarah and Shadow

  20. Oh no! Assassination by drowning! Glad you were able to get to baby in time.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  21. It's an accident obviously, or you have a lookalike maybe ? Purrs

  22. Mudpie, you are far too careful with Baby to let that happen! My kitties' toys have needed rescue a time or must be the 'Not Me Ghost' that your mommy sees in Family Circus comics, as I think that is our suspect, too! Head bumps and hoping you have a happy, dry Baby for a long time!

  23. Mudpie, you are far too careful with Baby to let that happen! My kitties' toys have needed rescue a time or must be the 'Not Me Ghost' that your mommy sees in Family Circus comics, as I think that is our suspect, too! Head bumps and hoping you have a happy, dry Baby for a long time!

  24. I'm gonna say HHGutt must have been there. Only he would do something so dastardly.

  25. Baby must have gotten too close the edge. Yeah, that's it!

  26. I think squirrels must have snuck in and drown poor baby.

  27. Oh, Mudpie! No one is going to be able to pin it on you without witnesses or paw prints, don't worry. Our Christmas-colored mice have drowned several times and none of us have done time in the pokey for it yet.

  28. I think you make a very cute inspector, Mudpie. Long ago I had a subseries of Niptoons in which Cinco was Detective Cinco. Dave has been begging me to bring it back with Detective Dexter. Maybe sometime you should team up! Cats make the best detectives! I think that maybe your mousie tried to get in some play time without you. Like they say "while the cat is away, the mice will play." Mousies always get themselves in trouble when they don't wait for their kitties.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  29. There's a good book in that, Mudpie!!

  30. Lol - Poor Mudpie! Hope you solved the mystery and that Baby made a full recovery!
