
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Smart Kitty #SundaySelfie

(Make room for me in there, sweet girl...)

We're joining our friends at The Cat on My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop!


  1. My human is happy she is busy with the detailed work of laying out the latest volume of Rescued - the tracking, adjusting text, etc. She gets buried in it and completely forgets about the election! Sometimes she even forgets to look at Facebook, so she REALLY has no idea what is happening, MOL!

    Me, I've got a box to hide in. I'll be blogging about what was IN the box during the week!

  2. Mom says she would love to crawl in there with you, but she has to vote. She thinks she'll leave the TV off, though. Tell your mom to add a blanket and some treats to your bag. Thanks for hopping, darling Mudpie! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. I agree, Mudpie. I need a bigger bag though. I don't fit in any of Bear's hiding spots either. I guess I'll just have to suck it up for a few more days. But I can't WAIT until the circus is over.

  4. I'm lucky as I have a hedge to hide in if things get too much, but peep is like Summer's mom, and has head stuck all day and night in work, sick relatives, and editing the blog. Over here we have the UK EU exit thing AND the US elections to try to ignore. Thankful as we don't have TV so it doesn't affect us that way. Have a Happy Sunday purrs ERin

  5. Love your bad selfie. I'm hiding from the news too and will be glad when it's over.

  6. Good idea Mudpie. Good place to hide. Won't be long now until the election is over. Yay.

  7. We don't blame you Mudpie!
    Nice selfie too.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  8. Can I join you in there, too, Mudpie? Pretty please?!?

  9. Good idea, Mudpie!

  10. Purrfect plan, Mudpie :) Pawkisses for an Easy Sunday :) <3

  11. Smart kitty, Mudpie. We'd like to hide out until the election is over, too. Well, after we vote, of course. But still...

  12. From what I hear about the elections, the bag is the best place to be.

  13. Good idea Mudpie... howsome ever we am voting for the only kitty officially running - Limberbutt McCubbins

  14. You've got the right idea, Mudpie!

    You'd think we'd be away from all that here in England but no, it's all over the news. Trump this. Clinton that. Mum tries to avoid it if she can, but then it pops up online. She hates politics.

    Purrs xx

  15. Sounds like a good idea Mudpie,xx Speedy

  16. Lookin mitey fine there Mudpie!! LadyMum sayss shee wantss to join you??
    **nose kissesss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  17. You're a smarty. Room in there for me?

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  18. That's an excellent idea! Is there room in that bag for more! We're Canadian and we still want to hide!

  19. We're going to need a bigger bag. 😉
