Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What Will Mudpie's DNA Reveal?

Earlier this fall our friends over at the Pets Overload blog introduced us to a company called Basepaws which has created a DNA testing kit for cats. The end of the post revealed that Basepaws was looking for cats with specific health issues, and when I saw that asthma was one of them I reached out to find out how we could get Mudpie's DNA tested. All I needed to provide was appropriate documentation confirming the diagnosis from my vet and a kit was sent our way.

How It Works

Your cat’s health is shaped by 3 main factors: nutrition, environment and genetics. While as cat owners we have some control over the first 2, a cat's ancestry determines their genetics, and just like with us humans there's not a thing we can do to change it.

Almost every cell in your cat’s body contains your cat’s unique genetic code. Testing these genetics can give you important information about their breed, ancestry, physical & personality traits, health, and potential hereditary diseases. Knowledge is power, so how amazing would it be to have the ability to plan ahead or even prevent health issues that may arise later in life?

In spite of this scientists haven't spent much time on feline genetics, which is where Basepaws comes in by building a feline DNA database. While more than 99% of your cat’s genetic sequence will be similar to every other cat, it’s the small differences that make your cat unique. Some sections of DNA contain genes that have already been studied and are linked to specific diseases or physical traits. Other sections contain genes that are unknown, and having the ability to study these genes will help to bring new discoveries in cat health.

What You'll Learn About Your Cat

The initial report you'll receive will tell you how related your cat is to select cat breeds and wildcats. They will also be able to identify if your cat has abnormalities in a few important genes. Within the next year, Basepaws will be able to tell you more comprehensively about their breed and genetic predispositions for diseases. Their personality and physical traits will also be covered in the reports. Predictive algorithms will help you identify the diets and products that are most appropriate for your cat's genetic make-up.

About the Basepaws CatKit

Each kit costs $95 and includes detailed instructions and hair-collection adhesive strips. Once your cat has been tested they will be added to the Basepaws database and receive a lifetime of benefits. Within a couple months you will receive a detailed report by email, and wiith ongoing research as more data comes in, you will continue to receive reports – and you only pay once!

Mudpie Gets Tested

I was a bit apprehensive about sticking the adhesives on Mudpie's back even though I was assured that it wouldn't hurt. I waited until one night when she was at her most relaxed on the bed to apply them, then pet her for a couple minutes over the strips before pulling the tape off. As promised it didn't appear to hurt at all, she just seemed a bit surprised by the noise, then proceeded to wash the spot thoroughly as she knew something had been there that didn't belong! 

Armed with Mudpie's hair sample I activated the kit online and mailed the adhesive strips back to Basepaws. Now comes the hard part - waiting for my little girl's first report! I can't wait to see what it reveals about her over the coming months and years (besides that fact that she's total purrfection, which I already know). We'll be sure to let you know what we find out every step of the way! 

If learning about your cat's genetics interests you as much as I does me I hope you'll consider purchasing a Basepaws CatKit. The more participants in the study, the more information Basepaws will be able to gather and the more breakthroughs in cat science they will be able to make, creating a better world for cats (and their humans).

To learn more about Basepaws visit them online, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

What would you hope to learn about your cat through their genetic profile?

Disclaimer: We received a free Basepaws CatKit in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are our own and we never recommend a product we don’t fully believe in.


Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Wow, this sounds awesome! I'm looking forward to the results too.

Anonymous said...

I really want to do one for me like ancestry and the. Get the kitties done too

Mickey's Musings said...

What a cool thing!
We are curious too, for your results.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

The Menagerie Mom said...

I am so incredibly intrigued by this! I don'r blame you one bit for being eager to know what Mudpie's results reveal. I would be tempted to do this for all of my furbabies, to know as much about them as possible. I think I would be especially curious what Eddy's DNA indicates, as there is still a lot of mystery around how she first ended up with her head tilt and facial nerve paralysis as a kitten. Perhaps her DNA could give some answers. Thank you for sharing this with us!

Patricia T said...

Interesting. I hope Mudpie’s results are all good.

Eastside Cats said...

We are all going to be on pins and needles, waiting for Mudpie's results! I would definitely get this done for Angel, since we lost her twin brother.

Priscilla King said...

It'd be wonderful if I could afford to do this for every cat that comes along, to find out which ones really need to be sterilized as soon as they're weaned. I think the world needs more healthy and intelligent cats, more than it needs the sort of rat-raddled mess HSUS policies produced in an otherwise nice neighborhood where I used to live...but I've been banging on for years about sterilizing the ones with the more dysfunctional DNA, like the Manx some neighbors persist in allowing to breed even though (or because) most of the kittens their cats produce die young.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

This is really interesting. Especially for those of us who know absolutely nothing about our kitties before we adopted them. I'm thinking of Bear mainly ... since I found him on the street. I know Ellie was fostered as a kitten before being adopted out the first time ... but Bear is a real mystery. I just might not be able to resist ... though $95 is a little steep. We can't wait to find out more about Mudpie!

The Swiss Cats said...

That sounds very interesting ! We're looking forward to the results. Purrs

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! TW would love to learn all about me but doesn’t have the dough-re-mi for the test. I guess I shall remain a mystery. Wonder if you’ll find our you’re related to Socks.

The Island Cats said...

How interesting! We can't wait to hear about Mudpie's results.

pilch92 said...

That is cool! I can't wait to hear the results .

meowmeowmans said...

That's so cool! We're looking forward to learn Mudpie's results, too!

Three Chatty Cats said...

How interesting! Can't wait to see Mudpie's results.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

This sounds really intriguing!

I'd love to know about Athena's DNA as I'm sure she has some Bengal in her. And of course I can't wait to hear about Mudpie's results!

I recently got my own DNA tested and I got mostly Italian/Greek which doesn't surprise me at all.

Unknown said...

Hey, I just ordered one of these for Paisley a couple of days ago. I wish I could do both cats, but the budget only allows for one. It will be fascinating to see the results, for her and for Mudpie! :)

Jane said...

For genetic testing after birth, this is finished utilizing blood test or by taking swab from within the cheek.New Life Genetics DNA testing online