
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Guest Post: Movies Every Cat Lover Must Watch in 2018

The new year is finally upon us! Now that 2018 has arrived, it's time to start making new lists and setting fresh goals. If you're a cat lover, why not try watching some of the best movies about cats ever made? These outstanding films will not only entertain you and warm your heart, they'll also help you celebrate your love of your furry feline friends. Here are four of the best cat movies for cat lovers to watch in the year to come.

1. Kedi 

One of the best documentaries released for cat lovers is "Kedi," a film focused on the cats that roam the streets of Istanbul freely. The movie showcases how the cats of Istanbul are beloved by the people who live there but not domesticated, creating a sort of hybrid cat that's certainly wild but also very happy to interact with humans. This documentary is interesting because it explores the roles of cats in Turkish society, and it's also extremely cute, featuring thousands of adorable cats and kittens.

2. The Secret Life of Pets

Do you ever wonder what your furry friend gets into while you're away at work? Then watch "The Secret Life of Pets," a hit animated movie that was released in 2016 and explores the lives of several animals that have outlandish adventures once their owners leave home. This is a great movie to watch with kids, since it's geared toward a young audience. You can also watch it with the dog lovers in your life -- since there are lots of main canine characters as well. "The Secret Life of Pets" will make you laugh, make you cry and keep you on the edge of your seat, no matter how old you are.

3. A Street Cat Named Bob 

Fall in love with a beloved main character when you watch "A Street Cat Named Bob." This 2016 movie is based on a book and chronicles the story of a street musician who finds and befriends a stray cat. There's no question about it: "A Street Cat Named Bob" is heartwarming until the very end. It's a great movie to watch if you want to celebrate the

love that can exist between cat and human -- and to see just how powerful and restorative the relationship between pet and human can really be.

4. Angus, Thongs & Perfect Snogging 

"Angus, Thongs & Perfect Snogging" is a British coming-of-age movie about British teenagers who are looking to understand sex and relationships. The lead character of the movie, Georgia, is attempting to land her first boyfriend in high school -- and she goes through all her trial and tribulations with her cat, Angus, by her side. Georgia dresses Angus up in hilarious and outlandish outfits, and it's a fun movie to watch if you love to bring your cat along with you on your daily adventures or if you love to dress up your feline friend in fashionable outfits.

If you're in the mood to relax and take in some great entertainment in the new year, grab your cat and fire up your television. To make sure your cat is healthy and in great shape to snuggle on your couch, make sure she's treated with a regular flea treatment, such as Comfortis - chewable tablets that can ward off fleas. Get more info here on where to obtain these tablets and more.

What's your favorite cat movie?

This is a sponsored guest post by Lannie N. on behalf of Allivet. Allivet provides affordable pet supplies and pet medications, all of which can be purchased online.

This post contains affiliate links.


  1. My human has seen two of these - Bob's movie, and Kedi and thought they were both awesome!

  2. Momma's only seen Secret Life of Pets, but she read Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging years and years ago - it wuz pretty funny!

  3. A Street Cat Named Bob is an excellent movie!! I have been wanting to see the Secret Life of Pets - I will have to watch it sometime soon.

  4. Those look really good!

    I've seen Bob and of course I've read the books. We love him!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  5. I just got Kedi from Netflix and hope to see it this weekend. The Secret Life of Pets is a lot of fun to watch. I haven't heard of Angus, Thongs & perfect Snogging, but it sounds like fun too!

  6. I want to see Kedi, too. Sounds great.

  7. What a purrfect list! I love The Secret Life of Pets and watch it all the time. I can't believe I haven't seen A Street Cat Named Bob yet, but I plan to remedy that very soon. And I have been looking forward to Kedi for so long, and can't wait to watch it. Purrs!

  8. I've seen 'Kedi' twice at the theatre, but never caught Bob or Secret Life. They are on my list!

  9. I really liked 9 Lives despite Kevin Spacey's recent allegations against him.

  10. mudpie; we hurd Kedi was awesum !! hope ewe stay safe with de crazed weatherz headin
    yur way...happee new yeer two ewe; heerz ta happee nezz healtheez N grazz oh plentee

  11. Our mom loved The Secret Life of Pets. She has it on her Netflix list and we will get to watch it with her soon.

  12. I don't often sit through movies but I like the premise of "Kedi." Reminds me of the "Takoma Park Cats" in the city neighborhood where I went to college. They might or might not have one (or two) "homes," but as humans moved in and out of the neighborhood every few months, the cats chose their human companions from those available in their territory as *they* defined it. They were mostly a mix of Siamese and American Shorthair, very clever, streetwise, and likable cats.

    That was so much nicer than the Hyattsville alternative, just a few miles away, of including cats under a leash law just like dogs, keeping them all indoors--and allowing rats to reach the top of the food chain! Living in both T'Park and H'ville convinced me that even though some cats need to be indoors, neighborhoods still need free-range cats...

  13. Btw, on this particular day, I'd try to encourage *any* cat to come indoors! Fur keeps'em warm above about 30F (0C) if they're accustomed to it, but below that, lots of wild animals don't survive...

  14. We still haven't seen Kedi. We will make a New Year's resolution to do so!
