Friday, February 16, 2018

What I Learned From Mudpie's Wisdom Message

We hope you enjoyed part one of our two part series on animal wisdom messages yesterday and that you're as eager to hear what Mudpie had to tell me as I was!

The first thing you'll notice - because it's the first thing I noticed - is that Mudpie is referred to as "he" throughout the message. When I let Wendy know that Mudpie is a little girl, she told me that throughout their conversation Mudpie's energy was all male, and that it actually happens a lot with animal communication! Since she is working in energy the actual sex of the animal is not what's important, it's more the energy of how they present themselves to her and the message they are giving. In Mudpie's case, it may have happened because she's such a boisterous little tomboy, or she may be telling me that I  need to embrace my masculine side more with the wisdom she presented!

Intuitive Conversation with Wendy 

As I connect with Mudpie he is ready to talk! He hardly could wait. As I make my telepathic connection with him he literally crawls into my lap, up my chest, and gazes at me eye-to-eye. His face is about 2 inches from mine. 

He expresses to me with seriousness--there is no time to waste--you and Melissa must listen to me with full attention. Minds cannot wander. If they do my wisdom will not be understood to its fullest. Melissa may miss out. 

As you can see he tells me that he has things to share that are important for you to hear. They are things that you must listen to. It is very important for him to be understood. 

What I love about Mudpie is his personality. He is direct, strong, willed, personable, and literally adorable in regards to his serious side. He is right on point with his delivery. 

It is important for him for you to recognize his high level of intelligence. His pride is strong and he asks that you celebrate this a lot. 

Mudpie is ready to speak to you directly. 

Intuitive Wisdom Message from Mudpie to Melissa 

You must pay attention—Now and always. My words are important. 

I am a fair and strong feline, as you know. I can see the emotions of those around me. I am a caretaker of your soul and heart. I am here to guide you with my wisdom. 

I want you to know that I love my family and I appreciate all that you have provided me. You are an angel for everything you allow me to perceive and develop. Being with you is a feline dream. 

Since I come from stock of high intelligence you can consider me as a guru, guide, sage or even Zen Master. When you do it will become easy for you to hear my words and desires—not only for myself but for you as well. 

My soul promise to you is to always have your heart in mind and to keep reminding you of the incredible gifts that you share and give to the animal kingdom. 

Since I am keeper of your heart I would like to suggest that you slow down a little. Here is what I see happening. You have many things going on in your mind that keep you from feeling centered in your soul, namely your heart soul. 

It is almost as if there are two of you. One that is thinking, thinking, thinking, and the other part is calm, serene, and grounded. 

The one that is thinking all the time is the one that gets you away from your true purpose in life. It takes away from the part of you who is calm, serene, and grounded. Keep this in mind as you progress with developing our combined breathing. And remember even though many great things happen in your mind it will become even better with my suggestion. 

My job is to help you bring you together with mindfulness. Pay attention to when your mind chaos is speeding ahead. 

My suggestion is to seek me out and invite me to be with you. Look into my eyes and breathe along with me. For now, mindfulness is about being in the present with me. 

Once you learn this simple breathing technique with me you will then be able to re-create this without my direct presence. But for now I am here and willing to help. 

Please do not force this and allow your breathing to gently come into tempo with mine. 

I must stress how important this is for you. Once you learn to be more in the present time with your life--your creations and success will increase to even more amazingness. 

That is a great description for you. AMAZING! Keep this in mind as you do our work and your work. 

There are many things, people, events, and discoveries for you. Stay present and focused on listening to your heart…the rest will follow. When your mind wanders and you begin to lose the connection to yourself…remember our breathing. 

Thank you for your desire to talk today. I have wanted to share my words for a while now. Thank you for allowing me to teach you as this is the promise you made to me a long time ago…even before I was born. 

Your Soul Feline, Mudpie


My Thoughts

From the very first paragraph my heart stopped because this is exactly the way Mudpie crawls up onto my lap and gets in my face like she has something very important to tell me. Wendy nailed her personality to a "t" - my sweet girl is incredibly strong-willed, and of course we all know how adorable she is! Knowing that she feels the emotions of those around her touches my heart, because as I've gone through the stresses of caring for my parents, she has been the one taking care of me. There's nothing better than Mudpie therapy! She tells me to slow down in her message, and that's the feeling I get from her every single day when all she wants to do is cuddle when we're finally home together. She's so right in saying that I think too much, and that my mind is always in total chaos, speeding from one thing to another. From start to finish, Mudpie's wisdom message is nothing but spot-on and has given me so much to think about. 

I was delighted when Wendy told me that she absolutely adored chatting with Mudpie - that she was direct, clear, and concise, extremely interesting and intelligent. She loved her so much that she wishes she had had the chance to communicate with her sooner so she could be included in her upcoming book!

Well, she might have the chance to chat with her again because now Wendy is offering Intuitive Animal Love Messages where we can find out our pets' special words of love for us! For the month of February and in celebration of love and our pets she's offering this new service for $35 (regular price $97). If you would like an Animal Wisdom or Love Message from your beloved companion please click here to send Wendy an email.

What do you think your pet(s) would like to communicate to you?


Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Holy cat, Mudpie ... as beautiful and wise as your words are, the pictures of you take my breath away!

Summer at said...

Mudpie came across to the communicator just like a tortie - direct and to the point, and with some attitude! That was really cool.

Mickey's Musings said...

What a great interview with the communicator.
Mudpie has quite a strong purrsonality and feels free to express it :)
Definitely Tortitude.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

The Menagerie Mom said...

Mudpie, you are so strong and wise, and that is clear here. It was so wonderful to get to hear what you have to say, and I think all of us humans should you listen to wise kitties like you more often.

Unknown said...

Mudpie, you are so wise! I think we should all slow down and listen to our cats instead of thinking and doing all the time.

Patricia T said...

Very interesting, Mudpie and Melissa!

Cathy Keisha said...

Somehow I don't think my peeps would like hearing me talk.

Eastside Cats said...

Fascinating! Thanks for sharing this!

Noodle Cat said...

Mudpie you are one wise kitty!
Have a wonderful weekend...

Noodle and crew

pilch92 said...

That is amazing. Miss Mudpie is so sweet. XO

The Swiss Cats said...

Mudpie, you have a strong purrsonnality, and you're so sweet at the same time. Very interesting conversation ! Purrs