
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

It's Time To Stop Working, Mommy!

Meows from Mudpie!

I get so frustrated with Mommy sometimes. Even when the laptop is put away for the night she always has the ipawd open for jotting down any thoughts that come to her. A couple weeks ago I just wanted to cuddle on her lap but she just kept tap-tap-tapping away.

So I laid my head up against the screen so she had to stop!

Then a funny thing happened...I ended up typing something! Mommy took a picture of the screen to save my very first typewritten words for posterity.

I'm not sure what I was trying to say. My spelling needs a little work. Good thing Mommy takes dictation for our blog posts!


  1. Yeah, I's glad I has my momma as an assistant too!

  2. Isn't "hrt" an abbreviation for the word heart? Trying to tell your mommy you love her?

  3. I think it's brilliant, Mudpie! If humans have a hard time figuring it out, that's their loss.

  4. We like that your mum saved your first typing for posterity :)
    Hope she played with you after that.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  5. That sounds ike a 'statement of intent' to me.

    Beware mom!!

  6. I have the same problem, Mudpie! I now just take myself off upstairs when she's in that busy mode!

    Purrs xx

  7. Maybe you're typing in a secret language, Mudpie!

  8. Your mom better watch out, Mudpie, our you'll be taking over the blog in no time! Thimble loves to type things on my computer. I finally started her very own Word document for her. When she comes over, and I just open it up and let her type away.

  9. I think she needs to get you your own iPad, Mudpie, 'cause you clearly have things you want to paw pen (write) about. That Apple place needs to come out with the 'PiePad' inspired by you, of course. Tee hee hee. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  10. After a statement like, "It's true!" we think that might have been a perfect reply! And your spelling is right on! Way to go, Mudpie!

  11. Nice work! We will have to try that in our house!

  12. Mudpie will be taking over in no time. Just have to download the cat spell check app to help out for the blogs. Thanks for the share. Tell mommy stop working so much.
    World of Animals

  13. A common saying around Eastside Cats: how are you spelling that? I have ordered speech translation software at the office, to help with my one-handed typing...I can't wait!

  14. Cute! I'm not sure whether Heather had any conscious intention of typing that social cats should be kept "by 6" 's, but she did once type something like "6bbbyy66ygb66y6yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..." (Laptop keyboard refuses to re-create the same effect...)

  15. You make perfect sense, MP! I think you should type all the posts cos I understood it.

  16. It looks like you're typing like some of Claire's pupils are writing at the beginning, without using vowels. Just insert one or two vowels here and there, and your spelling will be purrfect ! Purrs

  17. Ellie is our keyboard crosser. She's typed all kinds of stuff. But we think Mudpie is the perfect laptop!

  18. Mudpie, maybe that word was "forget about it?"

  19. MOL! I bet you stumped spellcheck with that one.
