
Sunday, July 8, 2018

With Gratitude #SundaySelfies

Meows from Mudpie!

Thank you so much for all the sweet messages yesterday as we remembered Angels Tara and Truffles. I took really good care of Mommy and tried not to let her get too sad. I'm glad it's a day that only rolls around once a year.

We're joining our friends at The Cat On My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

Mommy's answers:

1. When it is hot, I get incredibly grumpy. Words cannot express how much I despise the heat.

2. I am looking forward to the Hallmark Keepsake Ornament Premiere this month. The very best part of July is Christmas in July events!

Mudpie's answers:

3. The theme song of my life would be My Way.

4. There is no such thing as loving a cat too much. We crave and deserve every amount of worship you can bestow on us!


  1. Hi Mudpie, looking good there, and taking in a breeze I guess, maybe. Something we here at the palace don't do, is heat, and boy is it hot around here too!
    Toodle pips and purrs for a great and cool Sunday (like yours)

  2. My human had no idea there was a Hallmark Keepsake Ornament Premiere (although it makes total sense!). So now she is all excited.

  3. Mudpie, I'm sorry your momma had a difficult day yesterday. Give her hugs from me.

    My auntie gets a Hallmark orny every year from the Frosted Friends series. She must have enough for a small tree by now. Which ornies does your momma collect? -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  4. I will keep an eye open for Hallmark's ornament! I loved visiting their HQ in Kansas City!

  5. Beautiful selfie. Have a great week.
    Sue B

  6. I’m sure you helped Mommy a lot, Mudpie. I collect two series in the Hallmark Keepsake ornaments. One, of course, is Mischievous Kittens. :)

  7. Great selfie, Mudpie! I'm sure you took great care of your mommy yesterday. And I love that your song is "My Way." :)

  8. Mudpie, your mommy is so lucky to have you helping her get through rough days like yesterday.

  9. Good job taking care of Mommy, Mudpie. And you did wonderful job with your selfie, too!

  10. That's a very sweet Selfie, Mudpie and you are a very thoughtful kitty too <3 Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday :) <3

  11. We love your selfie Mudpie.
    We missed stopping by yesterday. Glad you were able to comfort your mum as she remembered her babies.
    We liked the answers,especially yours. My Way is a purrfect song for cats!!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  12. Thank you both for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I feel the same way about the heat. And I completely agree with #4 :) XO

  13. Very nice selfie and great fill-ins!

    The Florida Furkids

  14. Well done supporting your mom, and great selfie ! Purrs

  15. boy oh boy am I ever with you on these! I agree with "My Way" (even for myself!) I LOATHE the heat...........I despise it!! I also agree that you can never love a cat too much! Mudpie, good job taking care of your Mama, I am certain she deeply appreciates are a sweet, good kitty! (((hugs)))

  16. Mudpie, it's very sweet of you take care of your mommy on such a sad day. I'm with her on #1 and with you on #4!

    Your selfie is lovely!

  17. Your mommy has been in our thoughts and prayers, Mudpie. We have no doubt that you took wonderful care of her yesterday (and every day, of course).

    You both always have such fantastic fill-ins. I always look forward to anything Christmas in July, too! At least that gives us one cool thing to look forward to during the heat of summer.

  18. Mudpie, you're always so good to your mom. She'll always remember Tara and Truffles, but she'll hold you close, too. - Tom x

  19. Mudpie, cats always get what they want, paws down.
