Monday, August 6, 2018

Mewsic Moves Me: Why I'm Thankful For Elvis

Ten days from today, August 16th, will be the 41st anniversary of the day we lost Elvis. It's a freebie week in the Mewsic Moves Me blog hop meaning we can choose the theme, so we decided to remember the King of Rock 'n' Roll...with a twist that I'm sure won't surprise our regular readers.

I was 3 weeks from being born when Elvis died so I don't have any personal memories, but my mom remembers how the world seemed to stop at the news. I'm not a ginormous Elvis fan, although obviously he was incredibly talented. My favorite song and performance of his would have to be My Way from the Aloha from Hawaii concert.

Rather, my appreciation for Elvis surrounds the influence he had on Conway. (It's a music post, you knew I was going there, right?) When Conway was discharged from the Army in 1956 he heard an early Elvis record and decided to pursue music as a career instead of baseball. (What a loss to the music world that would have been!!!) Their style was very similar, and when It's Only Make Believe became such a smash hit for Conway in 1958, many people thought it was Elvis recording under an alias!

Now we have our very first "Battle of the Bands" (err...solo artist) feature! In 1974 There's a Honky Tonk Angel (Who'll Take Me Back In), written by Troy Seals and Denny Rice, became Conway's 10th #1 record. Elvis recorded a cover of the song which was released posthumously in 1979, peaking at #6. While Conway will always be #1 in everything with me, in this particular case because his version is "countrier," I must admit that I enjoy Elvis's version as well. I would love to hear which version you prefer! And I promise not to judge you if you say Elvis...much ;)

Lastly, I wanted to share a song Conway released in 1991, Who Did They Think He Was. It's a song with a powerful message about heroes and priorities with tributes to both Elvis and JFK. It's not strictly a country song so I think everyone will enjoy it. 

Which of these songs is your favorite?
Do you have any special Elvis memories?


Mary B said...

Love it! My niece is a huge Elvis fan. Has been ever since she was a baby. No kidding - if we were in a car, she would cry at the top of her lungs unless Elvis was playing. She's now in her 40s and still a big fan.

CAAC said...


DH and I were dating when Elvis died. I remember how shocked I was by the mews. It was really a sad time for many. I did not realize that Elvis had a strong influence on Conway.

I think I'll vote for Elvis as my favorite artist in your first BoTB. Are you joining the Stephen's BoTBers line-up?

You asked about special Elvis memories. I can't say that I have one but I loved watching his old movies when I was a kid. They didn't seem to run often on TV so when I found one I was a happy girl. :)

Thanks for hitting the dance floor with the 4M gang. Have a groovy week, my friend!

The Island Cats said...

Elvis changed the world of music forever. Thanks for sharing his music with us today.

DrillerAA said...

I was never a huge Elvis fan. By the time I started listening to music, Elvis was already into the "anything for a buck" movie tunes. Still, I think I like his sound over the Conway Twitty original in the battle. However, Conway asks the most important question of all in the final offering. Thanks for sharing.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

It was a tough choice, but I would have to go with Elvis, even though he didn't make as big an impact on my growing up as the Beatles. I didn't know Elvis influenced Conway, but definitely from the way Conway sings! I'll always be a big fan of classic country and Conway :) - Julie (I had to wrench this comment spot from Tom) x

Eastside Cats said...

My friends and I went to Graceland a few years ago, but I stayed at the gift shop bc I just couldn't walk around someone's old house (felt creepy!). My sister is such a huge Elvis fan, that she named her first-born Aaron (Elvis's middle name is Aron). Me...I'm a Beatles, The Who, Led Zeppelin fan...or, Bach and!

Bob Barber said...

I vote Conway Twitty for this song. Best!

World of Animals, Inc. said...

Thanks for the share. Elvis was really an amazing talent and will be remembered forever. The videos you shared of Elvis and Conway Twitty were really entertaining. They both have amazing voices. Have a great day.
World of Animals

Mickey's Musings said...

Between these two songs, we are going with Elvis.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

John Holton said...

Elvis did a gorgeous version of "Honky-Tonk Angel," but it doesn't get any better than Conway Twitty. There was an album a few years ago called "Rhythm, Country and Blues" where they paired a country singer with an R&B singer. Conway was on it with Sam Moore (of Sam & Dave) doing a cover of "A Rainy Night In Georgia." It's just beautiful, and Conway and Sam had a great time doing it. Not long after they recorded it, Conway died. Here's the address:

The Menagerie Mom said...

My grandma has talked about the day that Elvis passed away. That day seemed to hit the world very hard. Like you, I'm not a huge fan of Elvis, but there sure are some of his songs that I enjoy. Some of his Christmas covers play often at my house during the holiday season.

XmasDolly said...

My cousin Kim & an old friend of mine Debbie are two people that I've never known such love for any singer. I like many singers, but I don't go GAGA over them... I have to say I like the Elvis tune better, but only because I'm not a big country fan. I've never heard any of these songs so thanks for the introduction~! Have a rockin' week!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Yes, that would end up being his last time in the studio on May 3, 1993. We lost him on June 5. said...

i'd love to see you do your Elvis impersonation Mudpie!

pilch92 said...

I like all 3, this is a tough one, but I am leaning toward Elvis- sorry.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

My parents were huge Elvis fans so growing up in the late 60s and 70s I listened to him non-stop. Naturally, I became a fan too. Really love him. I was 11 when he died so I remember it clearly. I was very upset.

Cathy Keisha said...

Growing up TW only heard the easy-listening Elvis. She never heard his good stuff until she became a punk rocker. "Jailhouse Rock" is on her all-time Top 10.

bookworm said...

It's Elvis all the way for me. And I can remember exactly where I was when I heard he had died. I am not a huge Elvis fan, but I could listen to "Suspicious Minds" over and over again. And, I am partial to "Return to Sender" for some reason. My next door neighbor's son, who is about 30 now (moved several years ago) was a huge Elvis fan. Alana