
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Caturday Art

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers (all answered by Mommy this week) for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. If I had unlimited amounts of money, I would open a cat sanctuary.

2. Cats spark my creativity. I'm very fortunate that all the way back to Kindergarten I had a teacher who encouraged my writing, but if not for cats I'm sure I wouldn't have semi-professional writing gigs today. They're the only things I'm inspired to write about on a regular basis.

3. Not much keeps me up at night. I'm unusual in that even when I'm super stressed, I can still sleep very well. I think it's my temporary escape from whatever I'm having to deal with.

4. I only just recently learned Windows 10 (as I mentioned last week). Nowhere near the learning curve I thought it would be.


  1. Good answers and a totally beautiful Mudpie!

  2. Lovely Mudpie art! I put off updating to Windows 10, also, then found it not to be so difficult.

  3. Artified Mudpie would make a great jigsaw puzzle...LOL! Very cool image. Our office changed us all over to Windows 10 not too long ago; the improvements are good, and you'll get used to it soon.

  4. I love your art- I agree with Eastside cats that it would make a great puzzle. Thank you for these great fill-in answers. I hope you get to open a cat sanctuary someday. Have a nice weekend! XO

  5. Lovely artwork Mudpie!!! Thanks for sharing your Friendly Fill-in answers. We do the same with sleeping at night. If something is bothering us we just have a good nights sleep and worry about it the next day. Hope you're having a great start to your weekend.
    World of Animals

  6. Oh my dear goodness that is sure gorgeous Miss Mudpie!

  7. Lovely art!

    My mum sleeps a lot to escape too. I've taught her that napping is good for her :)

  8. I LOVE that artwork! It almost looks 3 dimensional!!!! I am like you, I can sleep no matter how stressed I am. Also, I always said if I won the lottery I would purchase acres upon acres and start my own rescue!

  9. Very pretty, Mudpie! The mom has yet to learn Windows 10. But she needs to buy a new laptop, so she will have to.

  10. Lovely artwork, sweet Mudpie and purrfect answers on the fill inns again too. Granny says that Windows 10 is better than Windows 8 and 8.1. In comparisson to them, 10 is a piece of cake...wanna have some btw ;) MOL😺 More Cool Pawkisses for now🐾😽💞

  11. Mudpie, you always look so gorgeous in both photos and art. I love how this art brings out your gorgeous colors in such a unique way. Beautiful! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I can relate to your answers so well. I'm not sure if there's anything that sparks my creativity more than cats. They're just so unique and beautiful! And I'm the exact same way when it comes to sleeping. I know people who say they don't sleep well, and who say they have to take sleep aids to get a good night's rest. I'm the total opposite. If my head hits a pillow, I'm out like a light. Sending all of our purrs and happy thoughts!
