Monday, July 29, 2019

Lipstick On My Tortie #MewsicMovesMe

We weren't sure what to do for the freebie week in the Mewsic Moves Me blog hop until we noticed today is National Lipstick Day. I remember as a little girl my childhood cat Patch, a tabby, always had lipstick on his forehead from my mom kissing him. Poor little guy. I barely ever wear makeup myself, but on the occasion that I must, lipstick is it for me. She's probably too dark for it to show, but do you think Mudpie would mind if I planted a lipstick kiss on her?

Of course we're starting with Conway, a fun little song called Hey Little Lucy! (Don'tcha Put No Lipstick On) from his rock days in 1959...

Mark Collie was a rising country star in the early 90s. I always liked his voice.

Another big hit from the mid-'90s...

Lastly, a '50s classic...

So there you have it, a pair of picks from my two favorite music genres, country and '50s rock.

Anything catch your ear this week?


Patricia T said...

The first song I thought of was “Lipstick on Your Collar”. I don’t wear makeup, either. We can plant lots of smooches on our girls. :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Pretty cool, I didn't know there were so many lipstick songs!

songbird's crazy world said...

I love that Connie Francis song!

CAAC said...

Melissa and Mudpie,

I'm not a huge lipstick wearer, never have but I do remember the day quite well when my teachers would apply theirs just after lunch while sitting at the desk just before the bell finished its final ring. Great theme and choices. Thanks for joining the 4M gang on the dance floor, my furriends. Have a boogietastic week! ;)

csuhpat1 said...

Such a cool playlist. Thanks for sharing it.

Eastside Cats said...

Guess my tube of lip balm wouldn't evoke song lyrics...

John Holton said...

Mmmm... Connie Francis...

XmasDolly said...

Well, the only one I recognized was Connie Francis. She was one of my mom's favorite singers. Great job my friend. Conway Twitty is a favorite with my friend down in Texas. She just moved there last year and she's lived here all her life (I live about 45 minutes west of Chicago).

Cathy Keisha said...

TW has Connie Francis Greatest Hits with that on it. We like CT's Elvis impersonation. TW loves 50s rockabilly. She liked the '80s rockabilly revival too. You agree on something!

pilch92 said...

That is a great theme you came up with. Miss Mudpie is a cutie. I would kiss her :)

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

I hardly ever wear makeup (once ... twice a year?). But lipstick never happens. My lips are always so dry - no matter how much I take care of them - so the lipstick looks horrible. I've also never found a color that I like. Instead, I go with tinted gloss. I still have no clue about makeup. My Mom had some from when she got married to my father and that was it. I never learned.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

ps - Thought you might like to see the inspiration for Three Times a Tortie ... Of course, Bear does a better job ;)

The Menagerie Mom said...

It's no wonder there's lipstick on your cheek, Mudpie. You look so smoochable! And we're not one bit surprised that Conway is in this mix of magnificent music. Purrs!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Some swinging lipstick songs going around here, Mudpie, that we also like very much, especially the lipstick purromisesšŸ’—Pawkisses for a wonderful dayšŸ¾šŸ˜½šŸ’ž

Three Chatty Cats said...

I don't wear makeup either, but I bet I'd leave a mark on Sophie if I did! Probably best that I don't.

bookworm said...

I enjoyed the mix of rock and country (the only song I knew, though, was Connie Francis. Conway Twitty has such a huge library, as you well know, I love how you find a song of his for every occasion. Lipstick theme - something I rarely wear - it made me think of another song (perhaps) Sealed with a Kiss, sung by Bobby Vinton. You've put me in a 50's and early 60's mood! Alana