
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mudpie Interviews...Bun from J.M. Griffin's Jules & Bun Mystery Series

Meows from Mudpie!

Last week we presented a brand new cozy series, the Jules & Bun mystery series by J.M. Griffin. I was hoping to interview the adorable Bun at the same time as our review but his important detective work kept him hopping (HA! Get it???) and he wasn't able to get back to me in time. I'm excited for you to get to meet him today!

Welcome, Bun! Thank you so much for chatting with me today. Could you start by telling us a little about yourself and how you came to live with Jules?

I'm thrilled by your invitation, thank you. I'm a black and white Dutch rabbit. I don't speak Dutch, I'm just that breed of rabbit. Back a few years, I lived with a very mean woman. I called her Mental Margery. You see, because I can communicate by telepathy with humans, not all of them, but some, I would try to talk to Margery. At first she brushed off my attempts and then became obsessed with the idea that I was the spawn of Satan, because rabbits aren't supposed to talk. Which, mind you, is a purely human misconception. Jules hears me just fine and we have wonderful conversations. The animal rescue people saved me from Mental Margery after they received a call her abusiveness. I don't think I would have lasted much longer if I hadn't been brought to Fur Bridge Farm where Jules took care of me and brought me back to the splendid rabbit I once was.

What is a typical day like for you?

Jules feeds me the very best food throughout the day, we shop together, I join the other rabbits for exercise and then I get to relax. When Jules and I happen upon a dead person, that's when life gets interesting.

You and Jules share a very special relationship thanks to how you're able to communicate with each other. How did you discover these special powers? 

I think I was born with them since I've always communicated with humans, especially children, but don't tell anyone that, will you.

How do you feel about sharing Jules with her menagerie of rescue rabbits? 

The rabbits are my pals, but only I get to live in the house with my own room. That began when the rescuers brought me to Jules for care. She worried that I might die, so she kept close watch on me in the house. The first week or two that I was there, she slept on the sofa to be nearby should I need something. I never have to worry about sharing Jules, we have an unbreakable bond.

Do you ever manage to get into any mischief with them? 

I do like to encourage Walkabout Willy to escape the confines of the rabbit yard so he can go walkabout. Shh! Don't tell Jules, though. I'll be in real trouble then.

What will readers find in the debut of the brand new mystery series you star in, Left Fur Dead?

Malice, mischief, a sheriff who is always upset with us, and you'll even get a chance to see how well cared for us rabbits are. Oh, and you'll read about my superpowers, too. Jules can'y solve a mystery without my superpowers.

Can you give us any clues as to what's next for you and Jules? 

In Who's Dead Doc?, book two of the series, Jules and I become involved with Bun nappers, the murder of a cold blooded blackmailing woman, and hare raising situations.

Thanks again for inviting me to stop by for a chat.

Juliette “Jules” Bridge prides herself on the tender rehabilitation she provides for injured or abused rabbits on her New Hampshire rescue farm, but she has a very special relationship with one bunny in particular. Bun is a black-and-white rabbit who happens to have the ability to communicate through mental telepathy. Once she got over the shock, Jules found her furry friend had a lot to say.

One frigid March morning on their walk together, Bun spots a body. The police identify the frozen stiff as Arthur Freeman, aka Arty the Mime. Jules and Arty knew each other on the children's party circuit, where he’d perform magic tricks and she had an educational rabbit petting pen. With Bun egging her on, Jules decides it’s time they hop to it and put their heads together to discover who silenced the mime. But their investigation leads them down a rabbit hole of more suspects and lies, while a killer sets a trap for them.

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  1. Thanks, Mudpie (and Melissa). The book’s cover is just too cute!

  2. What a delight to hear from you, Bun! Great interview! We'll make sure Mom adds your book to her read list.

  3. What a really fun interview, Mudpie. The book cover is neat looking. This is something I will check out cause we are staying inside with the heat being too high. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  4. Mudpie and Bun, this interview has me wanting to read this fun book even more!

  5. Great interview! I love bunnies.

  6. That cover is awesome, and based on your interview of Bun, Mudpie, we're adding this book to our reading list. :)

  7. Great interview, Bun is very cute on the cover of the book!

  8. This looks delightful! I love bunnies and mysteries, so what a purrfect combo!

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