
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mudpie's Purrsonalized Petlandia Book

Meows from Mudpie!

Today I wanted to show you a book Mommy had made for me last Christmas. She had been wanting to get a Petlandia book for me for awhile, one of those books where your own pet's likeness and name is used to create a purrsonalized storybook adventure. These books were popular when she was a little girl, and it's totally pawsome that you can have one made for your pet now too.

When she saw they had a Grumpy Cat version she just knew that was the one she wanted, plus a tortie was actually one of the color/breed options! It turned out SO adorable, and it's something Mommy will cherish forever. Look at the detail, right down to my name on the suitcase and Instagram account! (Apparently they know I'm a tech savvy tortie!)

So why are we telling you about this now? Since Grumpy Cat has sadly gone to the Rainbow Bridge, Petlandia is retiring her book effective TODAY, July 31st, so you only have a little bit of time left to have one made for your pet.

If a Grumpy Cat-themed book isn't up your alley, Petlandia has a general version too, a purrfect gift for the pet lover in your life (or as a special treat for yourself!)

This is not a sponsored post, and we are not being compensated in any way for spreading the word about Petlandia. We bought our book and love how it turned out.


  1. OMC, that is really adorable! We will have to check that out. Thanks, Mudpie and Melissa, for the 411!

  2. That looks like such a cute book! That's sad they're retiring it.

  3. That is totally filled with Mudpie cute!

  4. We saw these books and they are adorable!

  5. This book is so cute! I love the way they depicted Mudpie. These books would be absolutely perfect for a child with a cat. It's awesome that you got a Grumpy Cat book before it was too late too.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  6. OH.MY.WORD.
    What a FANTABULOUS book, Mudpie! I'm off the the website NOW!

  7. The adorable Petlandia books have always intrigued me so much, and I just love love love yours, Mudpie! I love all of the color and details this story cute contains, especially your tortie colors, Mudpie. Purrs!

  8. That is so cool! I have never heard of the Petlandia books.

  9. Mudpie this is just so wonderful. What a great book. We loved that they had a tortie option for you. We love your Instapaw account picture in the book. Thanks for the share. Have a great one.
    World of Animals

  10. That is so cool! Wonder if we are too late? Hope not Mudpie!

  11. I've seen these before. I LOVE that Mudpie has one! How cute!
