
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Black & White Beauty #CaturdayArt

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers (all answered by Mommy this week) for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowingand Four-Legged Furballs!

1. I love it when it starts to get dark earlier in the evening. It means fall is coming sooner rather than later!

2. I know it’s time to pull out Mudpie's favorite blankies when she starts eyeing my lap. That hasn't happened yet, unfortunately.

3. Others come to me when they need a cat sitter. Not professionally, just for friends and neighbors. I just finished taking care of my next door neighbor's kitty while she away for a month! Mudpie is glad that job is over, and I must admit that I am too.

4. We should never take a single day for granted. We aren't guaranteed a thing in this life - all we have is the moment we're in. My Uncle Don used to say it was a good day when you woke up "on this side of the dirt." In the back of my mind I couldn't help thinking there's no certainty of going to bed tonight on this side though. Each moment is precious.


  1. Lovely art. The black and white shows off your big smile.

  2. Great answers and your art sure is pretty sweet Mudpie!

  3. Stunning artwork indeed, dear Mudpie.

  4. You’re always lovely, Mudpie, and Mommy gave great answers.

  5. Mudpie, you look adorable in this art! Don't want to think about anything but summertime right now...I'm in denial.

  6. Lovely art!

    Mum likes the nights drawing in too. She is not a fan of summer.

  7. You look beautiful in black and white, Mudpie ! Purrs

  8. We love the black and white drawing. It has a cool elegance about it.

  9. Beautiful artwork this week, Mudpie. It’s nice of you to let your mom watch the neighbors’ cats. It’s hard to find a good pet sitter and we bet your mom is good at it.

  10. Mudpie, your art looks so modern and chic! We just got new neighbors that moved in next door and they have three pussycats. Mom is hoping they call on her when they need a kitty sitter. Winks.

  11. Your graphic today allowed you to be a black cat in celebration of Black Cat Appreciation Day.

  12. Beautiful art Miss Mudpie. And thank you both for participating in the fill-ins great answers. I am glad we are getting closer to fall too :) I already started buying more fall and Halloween decorations. Have a nice weekend! XO

  13. You look great in black and white, Mudpie!

  14. TW gets depressed when it starts getting dark early. She remembers having to go back to school in Sept. With all the mass shootings, #4 is very appropriate. TW worries about Pop going into NYC daily.

  15. You're gorgeous, Mudpie, as always! I also just love your pose here. And fantastic fill-ins! I always relate so much to your answers. I don't meet many other people who actually like when it starts getting dark outside early in the evening. I love when the time changes in favor of autumn darkness. I also love when the weather leads the kitties to my lap! I worked as a pet-sitter all throughout high school and college, and now into my adulthood people often continue to ask me to do it. I've just recently had to start passing on a number of pet-sitting jobs. I love animals, and I tend to worry that saying no will let down not only the people but also the pets, but with a full-time job a house full of my own furbabies, and given the fact that some of the pet-sitting was adding an hour per day driving to and from, I finally had to stop. And, our answers to #4 were very similar. Time is a precious and sometimes scary thing to ponder. Purrs!
