Monday, August 5, 2019

Music Row Dogs and Nashville Cats: Country Stars and Their Pets #MewsicMovesMe

The theme of this week's Mewsic Moves Me blog hop is "songs about dogs (or any pets) in honor of the end of the Dog Days of summer." It reminded me of a book I've had for years now, published by CMT (Country Music Television) back in 1994, titled Music Row Dogs and Nashville Cats: Country Stars and Their Pets.

This is a book that will be enjoyable to all animal lovers, even if you aren't a country music fan. It's filled with stories and photos of country stars with their cherished pets, many of whom stepped forward to help fund a badly needed new animal shelter in Nashville back in the late '90s. Some of these stories made me laugh, of course some made me tear up, but most of all the book warmed my heart to see that so many celebrities with tons of money were advocates for shelter pets.

You won't be surprised that my favorite entry was about Conway, written by his children. He loved animals, and they wrote about the day he called 911 for his beloved dog Tojo, (They came too! His poor wife came home from shopping and thought something had happened to one of the kids.) and how he used the annual celebrity softball game he hosted to benefit the local Humane Society. I once read an article quoting a Twitty City gardener who said Conway wouldn't even allow a tree or bush to be trimmed if he knew there was an animal nest inside.

He was just as beautiful on the inside as he was on the outside.

Since the purpose of this blog hop is music, the first song that popped into my head to coincide with the theme was Hound Dog. Get ready to rock out on this one!

We hope you check out Music Row Dogs and Nashville Catsa book we readily give four paws up, and that you enjoyed our combination book review/music feature!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

We honor someone who would never allow a bush to be trimmed if the was a nest inside. And TBT has planted 4 trees that promise to be good nesting sites in a few years.

We like the idea of using our space to make space for other critters. Not that we love groundhogs all that much...

CAAC said...


Conway Twitty had a big ole heart, didn't he? That's such a sweet story. It's great having you on the dance floor this morning and enjoyed Twitty's 'Hound Dog'. Have a boogietastic week, my furriend!

DrillerAA said...

I have never heard Conway's take on Hound Dog. Thanks for bringing it to light.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Sometime the hound next door gets his barker on!

Patricia T said...

Conway Twitty sure had a big heart. The world needs more compassion, like his, for animals.

Eastside Cats said...

The animpals in our lives make us the richer for loving them!

Catscue Cat Mom said...

What a sweet man that Conway was, lovely story.

John Holton said...

Conway's version of "Hound Dog" is more Big Mama Thornton than Elvis. I like that! said...

Conway must have been a wonderful sweetie!

csuhpat1 said...

Very cool songs. Nice.

Cathy Keisha said...

Such an animal lover. CT did rnr well. From the title, I thought you were gonna include the song "Nashville Cats." TW used to see Michael Stipe all over Athens, GA, with his hound dog and TW first found out about PeTA through REM who used to have a booth at all their concerts for them. Of course, that was before all the junk we know now about PeTA.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Conway's take on "Hound Dog" was really good. We always like seeing celebrities who are animal lovers and seeing them with their family of pets. Thanks for the wonderful share. Have a great day.
World of Animals

XmasDolly said...

Whoa, every Elvis fan is going to hate me, but I think Conway's take on Hound Dog is fabulous. I've never heard it before. Thanks for the introduction. Have a great day & stay cool. Sure is a hot one today!

pilch92 said...

That looks like a great book. Conway sure was a kind man.

songbird's crazy world said...

I love his take on Hound Dog

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat said...

How men treat cats and dogs tells us a lot about the kind of men they are. I'm not surprised then to learn this about Conway Twitty!

The Menagerie Mom said...

I respect a celebrity a lot more when I find out they're an animal lover. I actually did not know that Conway was an animal lover, but it also doesn't surprise me. I find it amazing that Conway not only called 911 to save his dog, but also that the paramedics helped little ToJo. That's wonderful. Purrs!

Three Chatty Cats said...

I love learning about when stars are pet lovers.

bookworm said...

Awwww....someone with a gentle heart, it really makes my day to see this side of a great singer and family man. As for the song... always enjoy a peak into Conway's first career - rock!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Oooh! I'm intrigued by that book! I think I need to find a copy! :) The story about Conway is so sweet! I love stories like that. I also loved your song choice! Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!

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