Monday, August 26, 2019

Paws Off My Radio #MewsicMovesMe

When I was in my early to mid teens a portable radio was practically an extension of my arm. I carried it around with me obsessively. Much to my parents chagrin I would even have it on down low next to me when everyone was trying to watch TV. And Heaven forbid anyone disturb me when the American Country Countdown was on for 3 hours each Sunday night - I was glued to it.

Radio has always played an important part in American history. My mom has told me so many stories about when she was a little girl and her family would sit around the radio listening to the news during World War 2. She had 2 brothers overseas (who thankfully both came home safe) so these are very vivid memories for her.

Today most of our momentous news comes from TV and the internet, but I clearly remember the one piece of breaking news I got from radio so many years ago - the Saturday morning Conway's death was announced on my local country station. Believe it or not, I still have the portable radio I was listening to that day. I think I subconsciously held onto it for that very reason.

Since this is a freebie week in the Mewsic Moves Me blog hop, we chose songs with the word "radio" in the title after reading that this past Tuesday, August 20, was National Radio Day. To start, this is one of my all-time favorite songs...

Do you have a special memory radio-related memory?
Tell us about it!


XmasDolly said...

Wow, this is very special girlfriend! Songs with radio-related memory! I have one... I use to put the radio way up high when I was much younger & sing in the kitchen at home to get my chores done. When I was in the frontroom vacuuming the radio went higher I'd get a (brush - my microphone), and I'd have at it. What about you??? hahaha Great tunes here my friend!!! The first one is my favorite!!! HUGS & HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!

Lone Star Cats said...

Pawsome song choices as always!

Momma remembers she used to listen to the radio on the way to swim practice. The one news thing she remembers hearing on the radio was Princess Diana's death when the family was on a road trip - so sad.

Mickey's Musings said...

With all the many devices today mum still listens to the radio.
Mum remembers hearing about the death of Elvis on the radio.
Purrs,Georgia,Julie and JJ

Brian's Home Blog said...

Very cool tunes sweet Mudpie! The Dad remembers listening to the radio all night long when he was young. Dang, that was a long time ago!

Patricia T said...

It was a transistor radio, for me, Melissa. :) Thanks for the memories.

Catscue Cat Mom said...

I love Don Williams! Mudpie, you are cute as ever today!

songbird's crazy world said...

Oh, yes, the radio. The sole source of my music pleasure for a very long time. An avid listener, I had my favorite DJ's: Bruce Morrow, Dan Ingram, Harry Harrison (all of hte famed WABC in NYC), and later, Scott Shannon. I still listen to Scott every morning.

One sad radio memory that stands out. I am a Harry Chapin fan. On July 16, 1981 Chapin was scheduled to do a free concert in Eisenhower Park, East Meadow, Long Island, NY.A group of us had gotten to the park very early. We spread a blanket on the lawn and turned on the radio. And there was a Harry Chapin song! And then another... And then the smooth voice of a DJ telling us that Chapin had died in a car crash on the Long Island Expressway, en route o the concert.

CAAC said...


Unfortunately, in my early years, I didn't get a chance to listen to the radio very much unless I was in the car. Where I grew up in a valley of southern WV reception was horrible. I love listening somewhat to the radio while in the car while I take a little Cathy nap. Traveling makes me sleep often, so hearing mewsic play or even hearing talk radio is nice.

Thanks for enjoying your country mewsic mix with the 4M dance crew. Enjoy what's left of August and have a boogietasic holiday weekend!

The Florida Furkids said...

Mom had a transistor radio when she was a kid way back in the dark ages.

The Florida Furkids

John Holton said...

I haven't done a "theme" thing in a while. I really should. This was very well done.

I've been into radio since I was seven, even before The Beatles. My aunt gave me a radio around then, and another aunt showed me where WLS in Chicago was. They used to have a Saturday Night Barn Dance that was really popular once upon a time, then rock 'n' roll pushed it off to another station...

csuhpat1 said...

Great classic songs. Thanks for sharing them.

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

One of the best memories for me was when a "love" dedicated a song to me over the radio. Do you remember people doing that?

Great pieces you have here.

pilch92 said...

Nice choices and theme. I used to enjoy listening to Casey Casum's weekly countdown when I was a teen.

Mary B said...

I was a little worried when I saw your setlist. No Conway?? Well, at least Don Williams got a showing, so you're partially redeemed :)

Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! Don Williams! Pop really liked him back in his rodeo days before TW set him straight. TW remembers having a transistor radio under the covers with her to listen to the countdown with Cousin Brucie. Then she gave up on the radio until the late 70s when her friend was a radio DJ. She didn't miss a single minute of her show. She listened through dinner, on the bus home from work, etc. until her friend's station switched formats and she lost her job.

Kinga K. said...

Everybody likes music,kitty too :)

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat said...

I realized the importance of radio when I got my first car. It only had an AM radio - and not a very good one at that. It didn't have AC either - but it was the radio situation that I hated the most.

The Menagerie Mom said...

Oh my goodness, what you said here brings back so many memories of listening to the music countdowns on the radio when I was a kid. And these songs bring back some childhood memories, too. I haven't heard some of these in something like forever.

Three Chatty Cats said...

What a fun theme! I used to listen to the radio when I was younger.

bookworm said...

I grew up with a series of transistor radios and I would sneak my radio into bed with me and listen to it, smothered by my pillow. I "watched" baseball on my radio, too. Radios bring back many fond memories of my childhood. Nowadays, except for satellite in the car, I don't listen to radio at all. Alana

Stacy Uncorked said...

Ooooh! I love your radio theme! And I think that's very cool you held onto the radio you used to listen to growing up, too - I'm sentimental like that. :) Great song choices! Thanks for the dance! :)