
Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Prettiest Leaf #CaturdayArt

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers (all answered by Mommy this week) for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. Cuddling with Mudpie never fails to improve my bad mood.

2. I feel out of place in most social situations. Have you seen that cartoon online where the girl is in another room at a party socializing with the cat? That's me.

3. I would like to find a treasure chest filled with rare Conway memorabilia. That would be more priceless to me than a treasure chest filled with money.

4. If you ask me, pets keep the doctor away. There are all kinds of studies about the health benefits our cats and dogs provide and I firmly believe it to be true.


  1. My human knows so many cat people that there's a party, and a cat lives at the house, the cat winds up surrounded by a bunch of people!

  2. I also feel awkward in social situations. Reading everyone's fill ins I was surprised that most people had also put that.
    The art is lovely and suits your autumnal colouring.

  3. You have beautiful autumn colors, Mudpie. I, also, agree with #2.

  4. That is beautiful sweet Mudpie and we enjoyed your answers Mom!

  5. That picture is beautiful! I really enjoy cool fall weather and cats. I'm ready for October!

    Social situations are also awkward for me at times. You're definitely not alone (though those of us who are socially awkward probably prefer to be alone, hahaha).

  6. Now that are leaves that we would love to have in our garden, sweet Mudpie😺
    Your answers on the fill-inns are very recognizable, especially answer 1, 2 and 4😸😸Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday🐾😽💞

  7. I am not a crowd person at all, so I completely agree about the socially awkwardness. I cannot handle a lot of people, it drives me crazy. One person or two is all I can handle, it probably isn't helped by the fact that I have nearly total hearing loss in one ear. Miss Mudpie you are gorgeous and I bet you are a social maven! :)

  8. Beautiful autumn art!

    Mum is that girl in the cartoon too :)

  9. I love your art. Great answers to the fill-ins too. I am the same way at parties. XO

  10. That picture is pawsome Mudpie!!!
    Pawsome answers to the fill-ins too!
    Purrs,Georgia,Julie and JJ

  11. We love that autumn art with beautiful you, Mudpie. We feel ya with #2, but we usually are able to fake it pretty well. But we're exhausted afterwards. :)

  12. You make for the prettiest autumn image, Mudpie! Your furs are even the color of autumn every day. And I can relate to your fill-in #2 more than I can even describe. I remember visiting neighbors' or schoolmates' homes when I was a kid, and if there was a cat or dog there, I'd find it and spend most of my time with the furbaby. And you are so right about #4! Purrs!
