
Saturday, February 8, 2020

Pretty in Purrple #CaturdayArt

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers (all answered by Mommy this week) for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. I wish I could tell my teenage self to slow down and appreciate each moment. Back then and even to a lesser degree now, I'm always looking ahead to something instead of living in the moment.

2. I think the most romantic movie is Gone with the Wind. Romance movies are not my thing and I can't say I've seen a single modern-day "classic," but GWTW is an all-time classic.

3. My teen years was the last time I drove a stick shift. I've mentioned before that my dad wanted me to learn to drive on a manual transmission and it completely ruined the experience for me. I could not get the hang of it so I put off getting my license for years, and I've never touched anything besides an automatic since.

4. Cruelty to animals happens too often.


  1. Purple is one of my human's favorite colors, so she loves these!

  2. You are pretty in every colour, Mudpie.
    I have never driven anything but a stick shift(or manual as we call it).
    The first car I had was an old Wolseley with the stick shift on the steering column. I was forever missing my gear on it and was glad when I was able to change to a car with a normal sick shift.

  3. Mudpie, you are pretty in purr-ple. Good fill-ins from Mommy.

  4. I likes the purple, and those sweet hearts framing your beautiful self are very nice Mudpie. I love fill-in number one, living in the moment is a much happier way to live - I find I get unhappy if I'm always looking ahead instead of focusing on now.

  5. Who IS that purple princess? We wondered...why, it's none other than magnificent Mudpie! Hey you looking' GOOOD, Gurrrl...

    Love, Little Red Peaching Hood and Wolf-Paprika

  6. Really pretty in purple sweet Mudpie and we enjoyed those fill in answers!

  7. I love your art. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I agree with #4. I wish I could drive a stick shift. Have a nice weekend. XO

  8. You’re very pretty in purple, Mudpie. And one of the mom’s favorite movies is GWTW. She also thinks Casablanca is a romantic movie too.

  9. My first car was a stick shift; I loved that car! But, since then and like you...automatic only!

  10. Hmmm, that reminds TW she STILL hasn't put the purple dye in her hair. TW doesn't drive but the one lesson her friends gave her, was a stick. I can imagine her friend's expression as TW took corners around the parking lot on two wheels and hear her scream "MY CAR!!!!" HAH! TW thought it was fun but never pursued it further and her friend never offered again.

  11. Love the purple around you, Mudpie and your fill in answers are great too😸Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday🐾😽💞

  12. Mudpie, purple is this here human's favorite color, and you make it even better! And I completely relate to your answer to fill-in #1. I was always looking ahead to the next step in life when I was a kid, and I often still do the same even now as an adult. I guess that saying regarding stopping to smell the roses holds true meaning. I also thoroughly agree that cruelty to animals happens far too often, and it shouldn't happen at all. Purrs and warm wishes!
