
Saturday, August 22, 2020

Caturday Art

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our answers (all answered by Mommy this week) for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. I feel like a mug of hot chocolate. Still too hot though.

2. I wish I could exchange the summer months for a longer fall.

3. It's time for me to do more interstate driving. Normal driving on the interstate doesn't bother me, merging into traffic from an on ramp does. The other day I had to take different roads than I usually do to run errands and I nearly had heart failure twice.

4. Never leaving the house is really tempting these days, except Halloween is finally making an appearance on store shelves!


  1. Such sweet art! And my momma luvs Halloween too!

  2. Beautiful work of art with one absolutely adorable Tortie girl!

  3. We think the flowers showcase your beauty purrfectly Mudpie.

  4. That's really pretty sweet Mudpie! Those were good answers too!

  5. Funny, I was out yesterday running errands, and I forgot that I haven't driven in a long time! So different from driving almost 2 hours every work day, but I don't mind highway driving; prefer it to surface street, when folks come at you from everywhere.

  6. Lovely art!

    We wish autumn was longer than summer too:)

  7. Mudpie you are stunning, as always

  8. Try Dunkins' frozen hot chocolate. TW loves the frozen Dunkaccino.

  9. Beautiful art. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I love the idea of exchanging summer days for fall days. XO

  10. Mudpie, this is such a sweet photo of you. We love your artwork!

  11. Oh! This is such beautiful, romantic-looking art, Mudpie!

  12. That's a beautiful border, sweet Mudpie and we liked all your answers too. It was to hot here too, but we finally have a little breather since yesterday😸Extra Pawkisses🐾😽💞

  13. Mudpie, that is a beautiful photo and the art is stunning. Mom just learned how to make frozen hot chocolate. Mom Melissa might want to try that. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  14. Oh, what a gorgeous masterpiece of you, Mudpie! And I completely relate to your fill-ins, Melissa. I'm also a huge homebody who wants to stay home as often as possible, but when Halloween hits the store shelves, I actually feel eager to go out and shop. That's the only time I actually enjoy shopping. That being said, can it just be autumn all year long? Purrs!
