
Friday, November 13, 2020

Feline Friday Flashback: Seasonal Snoopervisor

Meows from Mudpie!

If all goes according to plan, guess what we're doing this afternoon? Putting up our Christmas tree! (On Friday the 13th! In 2020, why not?)

Some of you may remember that in years past we've talked about how putting the tree up requires Mommy to move some furniture, most notably a heavy cabinet filled with records. Since she has to do it herself she obviously has to move everything out in order to lift it, then proceeds to grunt and groan while creeping it across the floor a couple feet at a time.

Once the cabinet reaches its final destination and Mommy sits down to rest, I love hopping into the (mostly) empty cabinet to hang out for awhile. 

Well, that part of my fun will be taken away this year because Mommy decided at the end of the holiday season last year that she wasn't going to put herself through that again and left the cabinet in its new forever home by the couch. I'm kind of bummed that I won't get to play inside again but don't want her to have a hernia on my account. 

On the bright side, I love where the cabinet is now because it's my favorite spot to sit and wait for my squeezie treats! Did I mention that the top of it remains nearly empty so I can jump up there whenever I want? I rule this house with an iron paw!

Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is:

Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (They may be silly or cute).


  1. My human is thinking about putting up our tree a little early this year too... but she hasn't totally committed to it yet.

  2. We always put the tree up for the boys, but as we went away for the last three Christmases it has stayed in it's box. We will be home this year thanks to Covid so will put it up again.
    I don't blame your mum to not move the cabinet again. It is not an easy job.
    At least you can get on top if not inside.

  3. How good of your mum to keep the top clear for you Mudpie :)
    I like that our humans spoil us :)
    Purrs, Julie

  4. I think you and Mommy have a very good idea, Mudpie! We can all use some extra Christmas spirit this year.

  5. No tree yet for us, Mudpie. Maybe after Thanksgiving the mom said.

  6. You sure look cute in that cabinet sweet Mudpie!

  7. Good girl, Mudpie; you've made a positive out of what could have been a negative.

  8. No doubt you rule the house with an iron paw. As it should be.

    Nothing wrong with keeping your tree up all year. Many do and decorate it for each season or holiday.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  9. We like the fun of the tree going up too Mudpie. We get to see all our Christmas Kitty friends decorating all around

  10. I thought about putting up the tree early. But it won't be today. I hope your mom is able to put it up!

  11. Those LPs are heavy especially compared to MP3 files ! And Mama is learning hatt, as she gets older, it is harder to lug things than it used to be. Our hum Mom used to shlep around 50 # bags of dog food, but now she prefers 15 # cat food bags.
