
Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Look of Love #CaturdayArt

Meows from Mudpie!

Mommy says this is one of the prettiest pieces of art I've ever created. I think she's right!

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. ALF is funny. I was obsessed with ALF as a kid. The very first DVDs I ever bought were the box sets of all 4 seasons, which I've watched straight through many times, including over the past few months. They've provided some much needed laughs during a really depressing time.

2. I've written a fan letter to many country stars when I was a teenager. Believe it or not, I never wrote to Conway. I never could've put in a letter what he meant to me and always will.

3. Testing a cat's blood sugar and giving insulin shots is easier than it looks. Not that I ever want to have to do it again, but I gave Tara insulin shots twice daily for two years and never had an issue even though I can't stand needles. My poor mom could never watch when I did it though. Maybe it didn't bother me because with fur you can't actually see the needle going in.

4. Blogging is harder than it looks. It's a big commitment but also a labor of love, especially for us pet bloggers who use our blogs to chronicles our lives with our beloved fur babies. 


  1. Lovely art, Mudpie.
    I am the same with #3. I used to work for a vet years ago and gave hundreds, possibly thousands of injections, but if a needle is for me I break out into a cold sweat and am close to panic.

  2. What a beautiful piece of artwork. Of course, it helps that the subject is just gorgeous!

  3. That is definitely beautiful artwork!!
    Great Fill-ins! We can't believe your Mom never wrote a fan letter to Conway!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Those were good answers and really dreamy art sweet Mudpie!

  5. Oh Mudpie that is simply stunning we love your Caturday artwork!!!

  6. Beautiful art. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I love ALf too. My hubby never saw it, I should get the dvds. I am glad you were able to help Angel Tara at home. For our furbabies, we can learn how to do anything. XO

  7. That is beautiful, Mudpie! You are a work of art!

  8. That is pretty art, MP. TW always liked Alf too. She said she feels like the Ockmonics (sp?) when they watch the neighbors out the window.

  9. We agree with your Mom. It IS one of the purrtiest pieces of art you've created - and you have created many, many purrty pieces of art, Mudpie.

  10. What a beautiful masterpiece you always are, Mudpie! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! You put it so well when you referred to blogging as a "labor of love". It can indeed be time-consuming, but it's so rewarding. This blogging community of cat lovers is such a wonderful place to be. Purrs!
