
Saturday, May 22, 2021

Caturday Art

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. Lately, I've been feeling completely overwhelmed.

2. I find American history fascinating. Just about any moment in our history is better than how things are going now.

3. If I had known Mudpie would love squeezies so much, I would have started buying them for her sooner. She's so picky I don't bother picking up new things at the store for her when I see them, and I wonder how much else is out there she might be missing out on!

4. I can't help but bite my nails when I'm nervous. It's a terrible habit I wish I could break.


  1. Beautiful art rendering ... just a hint of color makes it so dramatic!

    Sadly, we must admit to being just like you on #4 and thus our hands are dreadful looking, and have been especially destroyed during the past year ... ugh.

  2. Your art is just beautiful. We like American History too. Well to be honest we like all History.

  3. Beautiful Mudpie art. I think a lot of us agree with #1. Unsettled times.

  4. Ooooooo!
    Very striking effect with that picture Mudpie!
    It's a good thing your mum has you around when she is feeling overwhelmed.
    Mum says cats are great stressbusters :)
    Purrs, Julie

  5. A terrific image of Mudpie!
    Having always been a nailbiter, I was surprised to find that my nail grew during lockdown. However, recently, being called back into the office, I've found WHY I didn't bite my nails...I wasn't driving! Cars make me nervous; who knew?

  6. That is some great artwork, Mudpie. So dramatic!

  7. Beautiful art Miss Mudpie. Thank you to your mom for participating in the fill-ins. My Rosie is a squeezie addict too. :) Why change when you know you love something. I bite my nails too. XO

  8. You are just so gorgeous Miss Mudpie! We love history as well, and we just wish more people paid attention to it, as our current times need those lessons most of all!

  9. Your art is fabulous sweet Mudpie and those were good fill in answers too.

  10. Very dramatic and fabulous picture! Our mom agrees with the feeling overwhelmed. It's one of the reasons we don't get to blog as much as we'd like. We see your VSquillion, Truffles, over there on the side bar. Hi Truffles! Our Squillion, Darkle, got to blog today. Also, about those Squeezies - we hope you keep getting lots. We liked your limerick fun on that post and we think we might do at least a weekly limerick. Gotta plan a schedule cuz of the overwhelmed issue though.
    Midnight & Cocoa
    Mini & Fluff
    Tyler & Marty
    Beeb, Beanie & Bella

  11. Lovely art!

    My mum feels very overwhelmed too and she bites the skin around her nails when very anxious.

  12. I know what you mean-- I have been feeling overwhelmed too recently! Luckily time with teh cats always helps!

  13. Good art! The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Trust me, you wouldn't have liked the '60s either.

  14. That is furry beautiful, delicate and refined artwork, Mudpie.

  15. Melissa I bet you would NEVER think that we have as much in common as we do. I have been feeling COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED too, mostly because of Levi.....he is such a hard dog......he can be as sweet as sugar, then he turns into demon dog lol. We love him but he's not easy! Also, I bite the daylights out of my's been a problem for me my entire life!! Oh and I think your photo is simply gorgeous!! (((hugs)))

  16. Hello, gorgeous Mudpie! Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! Feeling overwhelmed is really, well, overwhelming. Sending you lots of purrs! And wishing you lots of squeezies, Mudpie!
